Jiang Heng said and looked at Jing Tan, "Didn't you say you wanted to share your stills from "Zhu Xian"?"

"Oh, I just went to refresh the article reading volume, forget it!" Da Tiantian had an annoyed expression on her face, and she didn't look very smart.

Jiang Heng was speechless when he heard this and didn't even mention it when he ate and drank with everyone.

A day later, the Internet spread incident continued to spread, and the article written by Jing Tian had been read more than one million times, attracting more than 50,000 replies.

The number of his own blog fans quickly exceeded 30,000.

Other articles by Liu Yifei, Tang Yan, Yang Mi and others have been read by hundreds of thousands.

Even Zhao Liying, who is not very popular at the moment, has more than 100,000 views on her blog posts.

This April, Jiang Heng became the hottest "traffic" on the Chinese Internet, and many people jumped out to enjoy the popularity.

For example, some of Xiangjiang's outdated artists have opened blogs one after another, dug out the photos they took with Jiang Heng, and wrote a short essay, which can attract a lot of attention.

Many artists he has worked with in the Mainland have also opened blogs to post photos, making Jiang Heng a "smash hit" on the Chinese Internet.

Regarding this kind of thing, Jiang Heng has three points to respond.

The first is not to respond, and there is really no need to respond. Furthermore, Chinese people have been practicing "reading comprehension" since they were young. Who knows what meanings they will interpret that even they did not expect!

The second is to ask Jing Tan, Liu Yifei and others to quickly post something else, whether it is beautiful photos of themselves or stills from filming, in order to divert the public's attention.

The third is to order someone to register a company called "Aiyou Technology" and recruit a group of top computer students to prepare to develop "Weibo" products.

The effect soon appeared, and Jing Tan felt that he had "got into trouble". He hurriedly followed Jiang Heng's instructions and posted many stills from the filming of "Zhu Xian" on his blog, as well as many beautiful photos of his own life.

Because he was at the center of the Internet communication incident, the newly published article was once again placed at the top of the homepage of the blog, quickly attracting a large number of netizens to watch. Not only did Jing Tan gain a lot of fans, but also the popularity of the movie "Zhu Xian" was also fired. Woke up.

In addition, Tang Yan, who plays Lu Xueqi, also released a lot of stills and beautiful life photos, which attracted more and more attention from netizens.

In Xiangjiang, Zhang Jiazhen, who was thinking about how to publicize "Red Cliff", was very angry when he saw this.

Because according to the common practice of film promotion, intensive promotion is carried out one month before the screening, and warm-up promotion is carried out two months before the screening.

"Zhu Xian" won't be released for another three months, and now you're so impatient to start something, what do you mean?

"I guess he wants to challenge us!" Wu Yusen frowned slightly, with a worried expression on his face.

Zhang Jiazhen was shocked when he heard this, "No way?"

Wu Yusen said: "It's hard to tell. After all, the draft we issued last year always included "Zhu Xian"!"

Zhang Jiazhen smiled bitterly upon hearing this. Last year's "porcelain-style" marketing was just to subtly influence the audience and make them feel that the audio-visual effects of "Red Cliff" are on the same level as Jiang Heng's blockbusters.

As for competing in the same period, I dare not even think about it.

The failure of "Wind Talkers" at the box office is already bad. Now Wu Yusen is in desperate need of a movie that is successful at the box office. How can he dare to compete with Jiang Heng!

Even if "Zhu Xian" does not do well at the box office, Jiang Heng will not be affected.

If "Red Cliff" suffers at the box office, it's hard to say what Wu Yusen's follow-up film plans will be.

Thinking of this, Wu Yusen said directly: "Let me give him a call!"

Zhang Jiazhen nodded. Although it was unlikely that Jiang Heng would release "Zhu Xian" ahead of schedule, he still had to be careful.

"It's okay to call and ask, but if that doesn't work, I'll go there in person. They're all from Xiangjiang, so he shouldn't go too far!"

Wu Yusen nodded and dialed Jiang Heng's phone number, but the assistant answered the call and said that Jiang Heng would make a movie again and would report to Director Jiang later.

Wu Yusen naturally understood. After hanging up the phone, he waited for about twenty minutes before Jiang Heng called back.

"Director Wu, did you call?"

"Yes, Director Jiang, I heard that you invested 300 million US dollars to make a 3D mythical blockbuster. It's amazing, it's amazing. It can be called the pride of our Hong Kong film industry!"

Jiang Heng chuckled, "It's nothing, I just want to try out new technologies, and it can be regarded as a new path for the Chinese film industry!"

The two chatted about business for a while, and then Wu Yusen asked, "Zhu Xian" has no plans to release it in advance, right?

Jiang Heng laughed and said no, what happened online two days ago was just an accident.

Wu Yusen said: "Director Jiang is so gorgeous. I see that the girls who posted the article are all very young and beautiful!"

Jiang Heng said: "Nothing to talk about, it's just a work relationship!"

Wu Yusen said to himself, it’s weird if I believe you!

Of course, the words must be said according to Jiang Heng's tone, and he repeated the working relationship.

After a few more compliments, I hung up the phone.

"It won't be released in advance?" Zhang Jiazhen asked.

Wu Yusen said: "No!"

Then he sneered, "I guess those girls are jealous!"

Zhang Jiazhen let out a long sigh, "Good guys, they were so jealous that they scared us all!"

Wu Yusen was unhappy after hearing this. It was too disrespectful to him as a great director to say this!

After thinking for a while, I said, "Let Lin Chiling and the others do some publicity on the blog!"

Zhang Jiazhen said: "It's okay, blogs are very popular recently, many celebrities have opened accounts, let them take the opportunity to promote "Red Cliff"!"

It sounds easy to say, but it is a bit troublesome to do it.

Because the actors of Red Cliff come from different companies, although there is usually an agreement to participate in the film promotion when signing the contract, it seems difficult for the crew to deal with it if the actors refuse to cooperate.

When "Curse of the Golden Flower" was being filmed, Zhou Runfa refused to participate in the film promotion, which made Zhang Weiping very angry.

Fortunately, Wu Yusen is a big star, and the actors are quite cooperative. They basically opened blogs to help promote Red Cliff, but the popularity is still much lower than that of "Zhu Xian".

Lin Chiling, the most talked-about, has only 50,000 views on her blog about Red Cliff.

On the one hand, this popularity has passed a bit, and on the other hand, the content of the article is not as attractive as those written by Jing Tian, ​​Zhao Liying and others.

Jiang Heng's team is a big director and an actress, the man is young and handsome, and the woman is youthful and beautiful.

On Wu Yusen's side, well, Lin Chiling just mentioned Director Wu a few times politely, and hasn't posted Wu Yusen's photo yet, so it's good to have this popularity.

Zhang Jiazhen was slightly dissatisfied, but he couldn't force it.

In the blink of an eye, it was May, and the crew of "Red Cliff" began to promote it. More than ten days later, the crew of "Zhu Xian" also began to promote it.

As a result, the popularity of "Zhu Xian" directly overshadowed "Red Cliff", and a number of media outlets were hyping up Jiang Heng's scandals.

Some newspapers wrote about who was the heroine between Jing Tian and Tang Yan, and some people tried to discover the secrets of more than a dozen actresses who published articles titled "Director Jiang in My Eyes".

A group of female stars are young and beautiful, and there are too many things worth writing about.

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