Yangquan, Niangziguan Power Station.

Liu Cixin looked at the scandal about Jiang Heng on the old computer screen with great pleasure.

Speaking of which, there have been too many such news recently. Sometimes it is said that Jiang Heng and Liu Yifei are good friends, and sometimes it is said that Jiang Heng and Tang Yan have an affair, which seems to be true.

It's not like he believed this, he was just passing the time out of boredom.

Among all domestic directors, he has a favorable impression of Jiang Heng.

Because "The Matrix" and "Inception", although these two works have nothing to do with space, they are science fiction after all!

And his biggest hobby is "science fiction literature"!

As a genre of literature, science fiction has been around for nearly 200 years since "Frankenstein" in 1818, and there are countless classic works.

But in China, except for Liang Qichao and Lu Xun who introduced science fiction works in the early 20th century, there are very few original Chinese science fiction works. In the 1980s, science fiction works were even regarded as a kind of "spiritual pollution."

Liu Cixin likes "science fiction literature", which is very naive and abnormal in the eyes of her bosses and colleagues.

In the industrial sector where he works, the leaders can tolerate you making mistakes at work, but being naive is not tolerated.

Especially since he is over 40 years old, he still likes science fiction and puts a lot of energy into it, which will give people a very bad impression and think that he is not a normal person.

Therefore, Liu Cixin's creation has always been in a "semi-underground" state, working during the day and writing at night.

If you are too busy and have to work overtime, you won’t be able to write at night.

But sometimes at work, there are not so many things to be busy with. Liu Cixin sometimes creates creative ideas, and sometimes goes to the Internet to read random reports to pass the time.

Regarding entertainment news, he likes to watch Jiang Heng the most, because Jiang Heng has made "science fiction movies", although he has never involved "interstellar" type stories.

Maybe Director Jiang doesn't have a good script? Liu Cixin sometimes thinks that way.

He also thought about writing a science fiction script and submitting it to Ayote Pictures, but he was never satisfied with it after writing it.

He is better at depicting an unknown world, but cannot write a fast-paced commercial film script neatly.

Recently, I wrote a relatively satisfactory novel called "The Three-Body Problem", which was published in "Science Fiction World" magazine.

He didn't know if he would be picked up by the film and television industry, but when he thought about it, he didn't know how to turn it into a film and television. It would be great if he could chat with Director Jiang.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is just a thought.

He is just an ordinary person who looks "ordinary". He fishes when he is at work, buys groceries and cooks after work, picks up and drops off his daughter, and thinks about supporting his family.

Life is not easy. "Science Fiction World" magazine offers a manuscript fee of 150 words per thousand words.

It looked okay, but not that much, and it didn't improve his life much.

What supports him to continue writing is actually his love for science fiction themes.

"Aren't you leaving yet, Da Liu?"

The colleague across from me asked, "It's not actually time to get off work yet."

But under normal circumstances, we will leave for a while.

Da Liu glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, "I'll wait for a while, you go first!"

Not mentioning his colleague's departure, Liu waited for about five minutes and got up to pack his things.

Suddenly I heard the sound of my cell phone, I picked it up and saw that it was the editor-in-chief of "Science Fiction World" magazine.

Da Liu was stunned and couldn't guess why the editor was calling at this time, but something was definitely going on.

"Hey, Teacher Li... Going to Chengdu? Aiyouteng Pictures? Okay, okay, I'll ask for leave from the leader!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cixin still looked as if she was dreaming.

It turns out that the editor-in-chief of "Science Fiction World" said that two people claiming to be from Aiyouteng Pictures came to the door today, saying that they wanted to buy the copyright of "The Three-Body Problem" and wanted to ask the magazine to help contact the author.

It would be best if we could invite the author to come over, because director Jiang Heng is currently filming exterior scenes in the province.

The leaders of "Science Fiction World" magazine heard this and were extremely surprised.

It is true that the "science fiction" genre is too niche and not understood and supported by the public.

If the news that Jiang Heng purchased "The Three-Body Problem" published in "Science Fiction World" magazine was reported and adapted it into a film and television version, it would definitely boost the confidence of science fiction authors!

The sales of magazines will also increase significantly.

The leader of the magazine immediately ordered the editor to contact Liu Cixin and asked him to take a leave of absence and come to Chengdu. It would also be a good thing for him to have an interview with Director Jiang Heng.

Liu Cixin felt the same way. She thought of a reason and called her boss to ask for leave. She then went home and told her wife about it, who was also overjoyed.

"Director Jiang Heng started his career in science fiction. Is he really going to adapt your book into a movie?"

Da Liu thought for a while, "It's hard to say, it's a bit difficult!"

"You go, don't say that, in case you don't buy it again!"

Da Liu nodded. He really didn’t think the film and television value of the book "The Three-Body Problem" was very great. Otherwise, in the original history, the copyright of "The Three-Body Problem" would not have been sold for a mere 100,000 yuan in 2009. Sold.

And for a long time, I felt that I had gained 100,000 yuan in vain.

Compared with the huge economic value created by the IP of "Three-Body", Liu is really miserable.

In 2015, "The Three-Body Problem" won the Best Feature Story Award at the 73rd Hugo Awards. The film and television rights that were bought out suddenly became popular, and capital rushed to invest in all projects related to the Three-Body Problem.

The couple who bought the copyright sold the film and television rights of "The Three-Body Problem" to You Zhu for 120 million yuan.

In 8 years, the copyright fee increased a thousand times. You can imagine how Liu Cixin felt later.

The next day, Liu Cixin packed his bags and took a bus to Taiyuan, and then took a plane from Taiyuan to Chengdu.

It was midnight when he arrived at the hotel. After a night's rest, he came to the Science Fiction World Publishing House on the third day.

The leaders of the publishing house and his editor-in-charge first chatted with Liu Cixin and congratulated him on his work being favored by Jiang Heng. Perhaps it won't be long before he can see his work on the big screen.

Liu Cixin was still a little terrified, saying that he didn't dare to think so at all, and he didn't know how to adapt it!

The editor-in-charge said: "You don't have to belittle yourself. Director Jiang favored it, so he naturally has his own ideas. I just didn't expect that he would have time to read "Science Fiction World"! "

Jiang Heng naturally didn't have time to read "Science Fiction World". He just remembered when "The Three-Body Problem" was published in which magazine.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, people from iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures came over and bought the film and television rights of the "Three-Body" novel series for three million yuan under the witness of "Science Fiction World" magazine.

Liu Cixin has only completed the first part of the work at this time, and it will be serialized in the magazine as scheduled. The subsequent content is still under conception.

Three million is the overall price of the series of works. According to the contract, the first part is one million, and the subsequent content, whether one or two parts, is a total of two million yuan.

Both "Science Fiction World" magazine and Liu Cixin were shocked by this price. This is definitely a sky-high price.

Liu even felt that "Three-Body" was not worth so much money, and tactfully said to the representative of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent, "Director Jiang, do you want to support science fiction literature? Are you buying horse bones with a lot of money?"

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