The representative of Aiyouteng Pictures said: "Well, we don't know about this. Director Jiang set the price himself. If you have no objection, just sign it first! If you have anything to say, you can go to the set with us later. Interview with Director Jiang!”

Liu Cixin's cheeks felt slightly hot. Although she felt that the other party's bid was too high, the money was a bit hot to hold.

But it’s really hard to refuse this price, three million, in 2006!

Although he can only get one million now, it is enough to make a huge change in his life.

The leaders and editors of the publishing house on the side had even more envious eyes.

Liu Cixin only hesitated for a moment before signing her name on the contract and pressing her fingerprints.

The representative of Aiyouteng Pictures accepted the contract and continued: "Mr. Liu, Director Jiang is currently filming in Qingcheng Mountain, please come with us!"

"Well, I'm still going to the hotel as a salute!"

"It's okay, let's drive over there, get it first and salute before we leave!"

After that, he led Liu Cixin downstairs.

Seeing a Mercedes-Benz S600 coming, Liu Cixin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, "Your company is too grand!"

"It's all Director Jiang's order!"

The two business representatives did not explain much. They first sent Liu Cixin to pick up the gift, and then drove to the Qingcheng Mountain Scenic Area.

The straight-line distance between the two places is only five or sixty miles, and the journey is still very close. At noon, we arrived at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

Entering the set, Liu Cixin was like "Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden", everything she saw was very strange.

I was even more shocked when I saw Jiang Heng, he looked so young.

Thinking about other people's achievements, I am over 40 years old, but it seems that I have not achieved much yet, so I can't help but feel a little "devastated".

"Hello, Mr. Liu, I read "The Three-Body Problem" written by you in "Science Fiction World" and thought it was really great. It is a great work that can surpass the existing science fiction literature in the West... …!”

When Liu Cixin heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little frightened, "Director Jiang, you are too polite, I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it!"

Jiang Heng asked how the rest of the story went, and Liu Cixin said that the first part was finished, and the follow-up was still being conceived, and he would write it as soon as possible after returning.

Jiang Heng said, "Don't be in a hurry. Write slowly. Don't let today's cooperation affect your creation."

Liu Cixin's face turned red. He was really distracted.

The car he rode on the way here was a Mercedes-Benz S600. Ordinarily, he would never have the chance to ride in that car.

But at this moment, I feel like I have the ability to drive a Mercedes-Benz S600.

Of course, it’s just a thought. How can I be willing to buy such an expensive car.

Furthermore, being poor for a long time and suddenly getting rich is a recipe for disaster.

He doesn't want to resign yet, nor does he want to reveal his wealth. As for the car, he plans to go back and buy a Santana, so he can drive it.

"Well, I know that Director Jiang bought the copyright of this book because he thought it was well written and that the quality and quantity of subsequent content will be maintained."

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, smiled and said, "That's good!"

In fact, the content of the last two parts of "The Three-Body Problem" is basically the same. After all, when it is adapted into a film and television, the content will definitely be different.

The reason why he waited until now instead of writing "The Three-Body Problem" in advance was because he felt that Liu Cixin in his previous life was too much at a loss.

Of course, even if he wants to raise the price, it can't be too outrageous.

It was impossible to get a copyright of tens of millions in 2006. Even three million would be very high.

Liu Cixin was very satisfied. She even felt that Jiang Heng was such a kind person and so generous.

At the same time, I thought to myself that Director Jiang must be used to it because the amount of funds he has dealt with is too large.

A movie has a global box office of one billion U.S. dollars, and the investment in making a new film reaches 300 million U.S. dollars, or something like three to five million U.S. dollars. To ordinary people, it is a huge sum of money, but to him it is just a small amount of money.

Thinking of this, Liu Cixin suddenly felt that since Director Jiang was not short of money, he might be able to sell other works to him.

This opportunity was not to be missed. He didn't feel that he had many opportunities to contact Jiang Heng.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Cixin expressed his thoughts.

Jiang Heng smiled and asked him what other science fiction works he would be doing now.

Liu Cixin casually mentioned a few that he thought were good, including "Rural Teacher", "Micro Era", "Full Band Blocking and Interference", "The Wandering Earth"...

Jiang Heng smiled, "If you become famous one day, you may feel that you are selling your copyright at a low price right now!"

Liu Cixin was stunned for a moment. He was an excellent science fiction writer, not a shrewd businessman.

I feel so dizzy today that I don't think so much.

Jiang Heng said: "Since you said it, then I will buy another one, "The Wandering Earth", for 800,000!"

Liu Cixin felt even more guilty, "You haven't even read the original work!"

Jiang Heng smiled: "But the title of this book sounds very graphic. Earth, starry sky, wandering, are you going to fly out of the solar system?"

Liu Cixin nodded and briefly told the story of the book.

After hearing this, Jiang Heng said to the assistant on the side: "Prepare the contract, and the money will be transferred after you sign it!"

Liu Cixin felt relaxed and happy when she heard this, and suddenly realized that the life of a rich person was so pleasant, eight hundred thousand. When Director Jiang said this, he didn't even blink.

However, although Jiang Heng's words were grand, it was difficult for his subordinates to implement them.

On Qingcheng Mountain, where can I get the copyright contract and print it out? I can only take Liu Cixin down the mountain.

Jiang Heng was busy taking pictures, so Liu Ci was deeply moved by just giving him a gift.

Da Liu didn't mention it when he came down the mountain, but he said Wu Jing was coming and said with a puzzled look on his face: "Who is this person? Can Director Jiang see him off?"

"A writer, a very good science fiction writer!"

"Are you going to shoot a science fiction movie next time?" Wu Jing wondered.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly. There are both advantages and disadvantages to shooting classic science fiction blockbusters in advance.

The advantage is that the more time in advance, the stronger the audience's sense of shock.

For example, "Jurassic Park" in 1993 had a global box office of 912 million US dollars, but if it was released 30 years later, the plot and special effects would not be very attractive to the audience.

The disadvantage is that the domestic market is not prosperous enough, and the box office performance is definitely not as high as it will be more than ten years later. Fortunately, it can be compensated from the overseas market.

So it is not impossible to shoot "The Three-Body Problem" and "The Wandering Earth" at this time.

Especially at this moment, Wu Jing is beside him. Jiang Heng thinks of his performance in "The Wandering Earth" and is really looking forward to it.

"Next one, come and play the leading role!"

Wu Jing was stunned. He couldn't believe his ears. Happiness came too suddenly.

Even though he has played Sun Wukong three times, because of the good makeup, some audiences don't even know that he played it.

He really wants to "show his face" in Jiang Heng's blockbuster in the literal sense!

"Really, Director Jiang? I'll play the male lead in the next one? A science fiction movie?"

"Well, that's the deal for now, if nothing unexpected happens!"

"There will definitely be no accidents!" Wu Jing said with a smile, "When you make a movie, it must be smooth sailing, without any setbacks!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile, "Don't talk about that, just make a good movie, it will benefit you!"

However, Liu Cixin and others went down Qingcheng Mountain and came to Dujiangyan City, where they found a printing shop and signed two more contracts.

Liu Cixin first wrote the name of the work to be sold - "The Wandering Earth", then signed his name and pressed his handprint.

In less than half an hour, 800,000 yuan was deposited into the account, which made Liu Cixin burst into tears.

In his heart, he said, "He is really a good man!"

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