In June, the crew of "Havoc in Heaven" returned to Beijing and continued filming at the China Film Digital Base.

During this period, Jiang Heng attended the completion ceremony of the iYouTeng Building, and some industry leaders and friends in the circle attended.

Executives of iYouTeng Films, Good Time Special Effects, Bona Films, and Red Films under Jiang Heng attended.

Looking at the modern and fashionable iYouTeng Building with exquisite decoration, a group of executives were excited.

First, the building is indeed modern enough, and the property is also Class A standard.

Second, the transportation location is really good. It is located 300 meters south of the east gate of Shuimu University and belongs to the core area of ​​Zhongguancun office building business circle.

Imagine moving here to work in the future, then buying a house, and their children going to school nearby, everyone is very happy.

And some friends in the circle are completely envious and look up to him.

Feng Xiaogang used to think that he and Jiang Heng belonged to the same "famous director" ranks. Although Jiang Heng is a big boss, he also knows that the other party has a lot of money.

But the money was not in front of him, so he was not so impressed.

Now, a building more than ten stories high in the core area of ​​Zhongguancun is in front of him. The visual impact is different.

"Director Jiang is really good. He built a building without making any noise!"

Jiang Wen said: "He has been shooting commercial blockbusters in recent years. He makes a lot of money from each one. Not to mention one building, he can build several more!"

"With this ability, he can build several residential communities!"

Zhang Guoli looked at the building and muttered.

He left home and divorced, and went to Beijing with Deng Jie.

The two had no place to live in those years. In order to save money, they ate instant noodles until their faces turned blue.

He even lowered his status and took on any job. He was on call for extras, extras, dubbing, and stage management.

By the time of "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo", the couple finally made it through, bought a house, and brought their son over.

Perhaps because of the hardship in the past few years, Lao Zhang is more obsessed with houses. He has bought many houses in the past two years and also has two shops. He feels that he is doing well in the circle.

But compared with this one, there is a big difference, there is no comparison at all!

Perhaps, there should be no idea of ​​comparison, Lao Zhang secretly warned himself.

At the banquet, Zhang Guoli couldn't help but ask Jiang Heng if he had any idea of ​​building a house. If he built commercial houses for sale in the future, he would definitely buy two.

Han Sanping smiled and said nothing. He knew that the land that the development company under Jiang Heng's name had bought at the beginning of the year was probably to build a residential community, or to provide "welfare housing" for employees.

In fact, he also thought about building welfare housing for employees of China Film, but the expenses were too high and it was really difficult to promote it. It was okay to think about it, and he really envied Jiang Heng.

The money earned is yours, you can spend it however you want!

"Well, we will indeed build residential buildings, but they are welfare houses sold to employees at a low price. If Mr. Guoli is willing to come, I will sell you a few at a low price!" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

Zhang Guoli was very surprised when he heard this, "Employee welfare houses? Director Jiang is really generous! I am moved by what he said!"

Of course, this is just talk.

He is now famous, has his own company and serves as the chairman, so how could he go to Jiang Heng's iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures.

It's like people who are used to being bosses, most of them will not go to work.

After the ceremony, Jiang Heng returned to the crew to continue filming, and the several companies under his name will not start to move in until July.

iQiyi, Youku and Tencent's CEO Du Huan even asked someone to calculate an auspicious day, and on that day, several companies moved in together.

As the summer vacation approaches, several blockbusters that are about to be released have begun to be promoted intensively.

What makes the audience extremely excited is that there are three blockbusters released this summer, namely Wu Yusen's "Red Cliff", Jiang Heng's "Zhu Xian", and Zhou Xingxing's "CJ7".

There is also a "Kung Fu Panda", which is said to be a blockbuster.

However, because it is an animated film, the media somewhat despised it and did not count it as a blockbuster, but it is expected by many parents.

What shocked the media even more was that three of the four most interesting films this summer were produced by iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures.

Among them, "Zhu Xian" was produced by iQiyi, Youku, China Film and Star Han Canlan, "CJ7" was produced by iQiyi and Star Emblem, and "Kung Fu Panda" was produced by iQiyi and Shanghai Animation Film Studio. And most of the investment in the three films was from iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures.

Especially for "Kung Fu Panda", because of the huge investment, Shanghai Animation Film Studio only contributed a little symbolically and took up the name of the producer.

What they mainly do is to produce animated films according to Jiang Heng's script and style.

Because these four films were known as the "strongest in history" in the 2006 mainland summer season, the Film Bureau was very happy and certainly could not let them squeeze together to "fight".

In terms of release date, Red Cliff is scheduled for July 7, Zhu Xian is scheduled for July 14, CJ7 is scheduled for July 28, and Kung Fu Panda is scheduled for August 11.

It can be said that except for the slightly close release dates of Red Cliff and Zhu Xian, the other three films have a two-week gap, and the box office impact between them is not significant.

Red Cliff is one week away from Zhu Xian, which definitely has an impact on each other, but Wu Yusen and Zhang Jiazhen think it is not a big problem.

The reason is naturally the recognition of the investors.

After the film was edited, a small screening was held. After watching it, the representatives of the investors gave a high evaluation of the film, thinking it was the pinnacle of Chinese costume war films.

Because the production cost is quite high and the visual effects are good, I don't think it will lose to "Zhu Xian".

Some people even say that "Zhu Xian" is a long novel after all, and it is not like "Journey to the West" that chooses an independent chapter story. Jiang Heng may follow the footsteps of "Shu Shan Zhuan" and fail at the box office.

Wu Yusen was in a good mood after hearing this. Although he was suspected of belittling his old friend Xu Ke, it was Jiang Heng who put too much pressure on him!

Among all the directors in Huayu at this moment, Jiang Heng ranked first steadily. Wu Yusen felt that he was ahead of Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang and others.

But if "Zhu Xian" failed and "Red Cliff" succeeded, he might also be named "the first Chinese director"!

He didn't want to make more money, but it would be easier to get investment and shoot the movies he wanted to shoot after his fame.

In the blink of an eye, at the end of June, the crew began to hold premieres in major ticket-suppressing cities across the country.

For example, the premiere in Chengdu was held at Wuhou Temple, which added a strong "Three Kingdoms" flavor to the film.

The premiere in Beijing only showed an hour of film content, and most of it was war scenes.

In order to keep the content of the film confidential, strict security checks were carried out on site, and mobile phones, cameras, and photographic equipment were definitely not allowed to be brought in.

In the preview in Shanghai, because there were many modern lines in the film, the audience frequently "laughed".

In the face of interviews with media reporters, Wu Yusen said that it was all deliberately created "laughing effect".

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