China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 256 Jing Tian becomes famous

In the entertainment industry of the previous life, there was a saying: A Dou who can’t be helped, Jing Tian who can’t be made popular.

The reason for this is that when Da Tiantian first debuted, her resources were so good that she worked with many big-name actors such as Cheng Long, Zhou Runfa, Zhen Zidan, etc., and she could also go to Hollywood to play soy sauce.

It’s just that the reviews of the films she participated in were relatively average, so she never became popular.

It was not until many years later that she won countless fans by washing her face on live broadcast, and became popular with a web drama "Si Teng", which can be regarded as the impermanence of the world.

However, in Jiang Heng’s view, Jing Tian waited for so many years to become popular, which was actually a major mistake in development planning. He mistakenly thought that he would become popular after starring in a blockbuster and becoming famous.

However, he didn’t know that it was not enough to have only fame, but also to have goodwill and popularity.

And this depends largely on whether the role is "likable".

For example, Zhou Runfa, how many years did he enjoy the dividends of "Little Brother Ma"?

Several actresses who are "85 flowers" like Jing Tian also became popular by playing some popular roles.

But when Jing Tian chose the script in her previous life, she didn't seem to consider whether the role was "likable". She just went for "big production" and "big stars". If the quality of the film was a little worse, it was natural that it would not be popular.

But this time, it was different!

She played Bi Yao, Bi Yao loved by countless "Zhu Xian fans". A role that seemed like a supporting actress from the plot and appearance at first, but became the heroine.

In addition, "Zhu Xian" was a big hit, and Da Tiantian's performance in her true colors was really good, which led to her complete popularity.

Overnight, more than a dozen investors called to discuss cooperation. The script themes spanned multiple genres, but the heroines were all young, bright, daring to love and hate, and daring to sacrifice themselves for the male protagonist.

Major international brands also extended olive branches and invited Jing Tian to endorse.

The little girl was confused. Her first reaction was to call Jiang Heng and ask what to do.

"You should ask your agency, your agent about this!" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

"Oh, that's right, I always go to your side, and I thought I was from iQiyi, Youku and Tencent!" Da Tiantian said confusedly.

Jiang Heng laughed when he heard this.

Jing Tian said, "Really, I've always thought so!"

"I believe it!"

"Then tell me, what should I do now? Give me some advice, give me some advice!"

Listening to the brisk voice on the phone, Jiang Heng seemed to be able to imagine the scene of Da Tiantian jumping up and down, and laughed, "Isn't this a bit unfair and unreasonable?"

"Oh, what's the matter, why don't you buy my agency? In this way, both the company and I will be yours, what do you think?"

"Well, it's a good idea!"

"Yeah, hehe! ”

Jiang Heng said: "I think you should not take too many roles, spend more time learning acting, not every director is as good at acting as I am. You should also be careful when it comes to endorsements, especially those European and American brands."

"I know, I will definitely not take too many, I still have to go to class and skip classes! I will bring the script to you, you can help me choose carefully!"

"I know!"

"Haha, happy!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Heng couldn't help laughing. It must be said that Da Tiantian is not only good-looking, but also very cute!

In fact, with the hot release of "Zhu Xian", Jiang Heng also became popular and his fame is rising.

Originally, he gave people the impression of a high-ranking director. Yang Jian in "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" is also a "tall, rich and handsome" type.

Suddenly, he became a dull and dull Zhang Xiaofan, which refreshed the audience and fans liked him more and more.

On the set of "Havoc in Heaven", Jiang Heng is still filming the film.

During the break, the photographer came over, "Director Jiang, why hasn't Miss Jing Tian come here recently!"

Jiang Heng looked up and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with a surprised face.

"Well, my daughter likes her role as Bi Yao very much, and asked me for an autograph!"

"Got it!"

After the photographer left, several makeup artists from the makeup team came over stealthily.

"Just tell me if you have something to say!"

"Um, Director Jiang, Miss Jing Tian hasn't been here recently!"

"Well, do you want an autograph?"

"Yes, I like her role as Bi Yao so much, I feel sorry for her, she is so nice and generous, always buying milk tea for the whole group!"

"Got it!"

"Thank you Director Jiang, thank you Director Jiang!"

Not long after, the skinny Yuen Wah came over.

"You are not the same?"

Yuen Wah chuckled, "No, no, I am mainly concerned about your lifelong event, Director Jiang...!"

"Get lost!"


Yuen Wah left with a smile, but said that for several days, the crew members always expressed their desire to meet Jing Tian with various reasons, and there were so many people that Jiang Heng couldn't ignore them!

After a little thought, he called Da Tiantian.

"Where is it?"

"My agent brought me to meet the investor to discuss a script. She said that she could invite Chow Yun-fat and Xie Tingfeng to play with me. It sounds so boring!"

"Oh, nothing. When you are done, come to my crew. There are so many people here who want to see you!"

"Okay, I'll be there right away!"

Jing Tian got up and went to find her agent, whispering that Director Jiang Heng had something important to talk to her about.

The agent's face changed when he heard this, and he hurriedly said, "Then go quickly, go quickly, don't worry about this, don't worry, they are begging us now, I will talk about this!"

Then the agent explained to the investor, who also had a very reasonable expression, "It's okay, go, go, we are not in a hurry, not in a hurry!"

Jing Tian apologized and left with his assistant and driver.

Soon they drove to the set of "Havoc in Heaven", Jing Tian strode over, and the cast and crew were distracted wherever he passed.

Jiang Heng had to call a halt, after all, he was the one who called the person.


After calling a halt, the crew members swarmed around, and they didn't know where they found the scripts, and asked Jing Tian to sign them.

Fortunately, this was not the first time the young lady had dealt with this matter, and she smiled appropriately and signed one with a few strokes.

Finally, she jumped up to Jiang Heng and said with a smile, "You don't want my autograph?"

Jiang Heng smiled, took out a notebook and handed it over, "Here, please sign for me, Miss Jing Tian, ​​I like your role as Bi Yao so much!"

Da Tiantian was tender and blushed when she heard the words. She took the notebook and wrote: I wish Brother Jiang Heng good health, a smooth career, and make a fortune every day! Then she wrote her own name.

Jiang Heng took a look and saw that her handwriting was pretty good.

"Have you practiced?"

"Yeah!" Da Tiantian nodded, a little shy.

"Not bad, not bad!"

"Then, brother, can you sign for me? I like your role as Zhang Xiaofan so much!"

After saying that, she took out a brand new notebook from her bag and handed it over with both hands.

Jiang Heng took it, wrote some words of blessing, and signed her own name.

After Da Tiantian took it, she read it carefully before putting it in her bag.

"I suddenly feel so happy!" The girl said inexplicably.

Jiang Heng said: "You've only just started?"

"Yeah, when can we make a romantic movie that's a little more reunited?"

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