China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 257 Global Box Office Performance

Jiang Heng saw her leaning over slightly, and couldn't help but tap her forehead gently, "Your little head is full of beautiful ideas. "Zhu Xian" just became popular, and you're already thinking about the next one?"

Jing Tian rubbed his forehead with his hand and said with a bitter face: "It hurts! If there is no, then there is no, why hit me! I like to play against my brother, hehe!"

Jiang Heng just smiled and didn't comment.

Da Tiantian rolled her eyes and asked how "Zhu Xian" performed overseas?

Jiang Heng said: "It's okay. It performed well in Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other places. It's also okay in North America!"

Jing Tian saw that he was reluctant and worried: "Is the box office performance in North America not good?"

"It's okay, it should be no problem to exceed 200 million!"

"Ah, that's much less than "Pacific Rim 2"?

Jiang Heng nodded, "Pacific Rim 2" had a North American box office of 410 million US dollars, and "Zhu Xian"'s North American performance should be about half less.

But the results are not compared in this way, because the two are of different types

The Pacific Rim series, The Matrix series, and the Oscar-winning Inception are very popular with European and American audiences from the perspective of subject matter and genre.

But mythology and fairy tales are different, with a very strong national color.

For example, some special effects scenes in Indian mythology movies are also very grand and shocking, but mainland audiences just don't feel anything when they see them.

As for Jiang Heng's mythology blockbusters and fairy tale blockbusters, they can achieve relatively good box office results in the European and American markets. First, he is an international director with a great reputation.

Second, special effects blockbusters with superb visual effects are still a rarity these days, and the audience has a strong desire to consume.

In the past life after 2020, how many audiences disliked 3D movies and hated watching so-called blockbusters? They were really tired of watching them!

But at this time, European and American audiences were also stunned when watching the special effects scenes of "Zhu Xian".

It's just that it's a little difficult to understand the underlying logic of the whole film.

As for other factors that led to the average box office, there was a heavyweight blockbuster released a week before "Zhu Xian" in the North American summer season, which was "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", which earned $135 million in the first three days of the weekend and $423 million in the North American market.

The film grossed $1.066 billion worldwide, which can be regarded as the pinnacle of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series.

"Zhu Xian" was released a week later than it, and the box office was definitely affected, especially in Europe and the United States.

However, the performance of "Zhu Xian" in the Japanese, Korean and Southeast Asian markets is not inferior.

Especially in the Japanese market, the box office performance of "Zhu Xian" actually surpassed "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", which is very surprising.

Analyzing the reasons, it is estimated that the plot of Bi Yao blocking the sword and dying, and Zhang Xiaofan betraying Qingyun, is more in line with the appetite of Japanese audiences.

After all, the people of this country have always liked tragedy and have a tradition of "the lower class overthrowing the upper class".

So some Japanese audiences discussed online after watching "Zhu Xian" that they felt that the movie was not exciting enough, and Zhang Xiaofan should have killed people in Qingyunmen, which is also quite strange.

In South Korea, with the popularity of "Zhu Xian", Jiang Heng and Jing Tian's fame continued to soar, becoming a "national idol".

As for the Southeast Asian countries, they are just watching the fun.

The only weird thing is Vietnam. A local film company actually called iQiyi and Tencent Pictures to express its desire to buy the film and television adaptation rights of "Zhu Xian" and remake a Vietnamese version of "Zhu Xian".

After the news came, Jiang Heng instantly thought of the shocking looks of the Vietnamese versions of "My Fair Princess" and "The Empress of China", and rejected it on the spot!

Based on the box office performance of major film markets around the world, the global box office of "Zhu Xian" is estimated to be around 700 million US dollars.

Although it cannot break through 1 billion like "Pacific Rim 2", it is still a lot of money, at least Jiang Heng is satisfied.

After a brief explanation, Da Tiantian understood, "So, Europe and America prefer movies like Pacific Rim, so let me be the heroine in another one?"

Jiang Heng raised his head, and Da Tiantian quickly protected her forehead with both hands, "Don't hit my little head, it will be stupid if you hit me again!"

"Okay, but you don't have to think about the Pacific Rim series!"

"Why?" Da Tiantian said frustratedly.

"No reason, understand?"

"Okay, if you don't want to act, then don't act. I'll find someone to write a script and make a movie around the Atlantic Ocean...!"

"Someone has filmed it!"

"Then, around the Indian Ocean...!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Good idea, I support you!"


Da Tiantian's eyes lit up, with a little stupidity in her clear eyes.

"What the hell, go play somewhere else!"

"Oh, okay, I won't pay attention to you!"

After saying that, Da Tiantian walked away holding the notebook signed by Jiang Heng.

In the blink of an eye, it was July 28, and "CJ7" directed by Stephen Chow was released.

The screening volume of "Zhu Xian" was squeezed, and the single-day box office fell again.

"CJ7" only closed at 19 million on the first day of its release, with a Douban score of 7.0, and its reputation can only be said to be fair.

The reason is, of course, that many fans are deeply disappointed.

It's like Cheng Long and Jet Li are obviously good actors, but they almost never act in serious dramas, because the audience just wants to see them "fight".

The same principle applies to Stephen Chow. The audience just wants to see Stephen Chow's funny performance, but the result is a warm and touching scene.

Coupled with the "alien" elements, some viewers thought it was a science fiction film with good visual effects!

I didn’t want to know until I saw it that there was just an extra alien dog and there was no big alien scene.

Disappointed viewers went to Douban, Tianya Forum and other places to vent their dissatisfaction by posting negative reviews.

That is to say, Zhou Xingxing holds too much weight in the hearts of mainland audiences. The current film market is better than the same period in history, which is why the box office performance of "Yangtze River No. 7" seems to be okay.

On the set of "Havoc in Heaven", in Jiang Heng's lounge, Zhou Xingxing exclaimed: "Actually, I just want to realize my dream!"

"I know!"

Jiang Heng knew about Zhou Xingxing and his father, so there was no need to explain.

"Thank you!"

Zhou Xingxing paused and suddenly said: "From now on, there will be no actor Zhou Xingxing anymore!"

Although he had known all this, Jiang Heng was still a little shocked when he heard it with his own ears.

"Do you really want to quit and stop acting?"

Zhou Xingxing nodded, "I won't act anymore. How can I act at my age and my hair is so gray? People have to learn to stop in moderation and end with dignity. Otherwise, everyone will be embarrassed!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but extend his right thumb and praised: "That's right, the world is awake!"

Thinking about it again, Brother Cheng Long is so old, he is still filming action movies, and he is ridiculed in all kinds of ways. It is really unseemly.

As a result, it gave the audience the illusion that Brother Cheng Long was not very good.

But in fact, he is really a superstar with many fans around the world.

Zhou Xingxing said: "I can't talk about it. I just feel that people should be self-aware. However, even if you don't act as an actor, you can still be a director. I want to make a film about "Journey to the West"!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Okay, do you need investment?"

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