"Mr. Wang, what do you think of Xu Ke? The animated film "Xiao Qian" he supervised was borrowed from the Japanese classic animation "Spirited Away"!" Liu Weiqiang suddenly suggested.

Wang Zhonglei was stunned when he heard this. Xu Ke used to be very strong and could be regarded as a representative figure among Xiangjiang directors.

However, due to the box office failure of "The Legend of Shushan", it has been quiet in recent years.

During this period, there was a movie called "Seven Swords", but the market response was still not good, and it became increasingly difficult to film it.

In the original history, it would take 10 years for "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire" to turn over the old monster Xu.

And this movie was produced by Huayi Company.

Perhaps it was something that had its own destiny, but Wang Zhonglei was really interested in this proposal.

He knew that "Spirited Away" was the pinnacle of Japanese animated films, but he didn't know what this film had to do with the Hong Kong animation "Xiao Qian".

He couldn't help but ask: "Is there such a thing?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weiqiang hurriedly explained: "It's true, because the art team of "Xiaoqian" includes Endo Tetsuya, Komatsuhara Yoshi, Nakamura Takashi and others, who all participated in Miyazaki Hayao's famous "My Neighbor Totoro" And the creation of "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind", this can be seen in the painting style of "Xiao Qian"."

Wang Zhonglei nodded slightly when he heard this.

Of course he wouldn't look at the painting style or anything like that.

But it is easy to find out who is involved in the team behind the scenes of a film, so I would not bluff him.

Immediately said: "Let's put it this way, Old Monster Xu is quite experienced in animated movies!"

"That's natural. Lao Xu is reliable most of the time...!"

Liu Weiqiang strongly recommends it. How can I put it? After all, they are all directors from Hong Kong who go north to seek a living, so they will naturally stick together.

Some of them are good at making films, while others think that mainland investors don’t know how to do it, so they recruit their friends to work together to defraud their bosses of their money.

For example, it advertises how strong the cast is, but in fact it just hires a bunch of Hong Kong stars to make cameos and makes a random movie out of it.

The result is naturally that the investors suffered a huge loss and the creative team made a lot of money.

However, this kind of thing is just about deceiving an ignorant coal boss, and trying to deceive the Wang brothers is hopeless.

Liu Weiqiang didn't have that intention. He just saw his old friend being abandoned by "capital" and wanted to help him fight for opportunities.

However, despite the decline of the Wang brothers in their later years, they were also influential figures in the Chinese film industry in their early years. Once their momentum wore off, they decided that making animated films was not a good idea.

At this moment, everyone knows the investment cost and shooting cycle of "Kung Fu Panda". Generally speaking, the investment is huge, the cycle is long, and the box office prospects are hard to say.

Although Wang Zhonglei is arrogant, he also knows that no one can make a lot of money by making an animated movie.

If anyone dares to slap their chest and tell him that they can make a profitable animated movie like "Kung Fu Panda", he will spit in their face.

After thinking about it, I still think that live-action movies are more reliable, at least he won't be fooled.

"What is Lao Xu busy with now?"

"I'm writing a script!" Liu Weiqiang said ambiguously.

Wang Zhonglei smiled, writing scripts means he has nothing to do!

"Tell him to come to Huayi when he has time, and I'll have a chat with him!"

Liu Weiqiang was stunned for a moment, nodded quickly and said yes, thinking secretly: "Old Xu, Old Xu, I helped you get the opportunity. Whether you can seize it or not depends entirely on you!"

At the same time, his favorable impression of Wang Zhonglei increased greatly. Among all the bosses of the internal entertainment industry, apart from Jiang Heng, who was extraordinary, the Wang brothers were somewhat courageous.

But he said that after receiving the notice, Mr. Xu rushed to Beijing to talk to Wang Zhonglei in detail without mentioning it.

Jiang Heng also welcomed a guest, Ding Lei, the boss of Wangyi.

The purpose of coming to see Jiang Heng is very simple. He wants to develop the "Zhu Xian" online game.

Ding Lei is a very practical and capable person. At the age of 29, Wang Yi was listed on the market, and at the age of 32, he became the richest man in China.

But Jiang Heng doesn't like it. He doesn't like most of the bosses of Internet companies in China and doesn't have much contact with them.

How can I put it, maybe because this industry is so complicated, I always feel that people in Internet companies have a very tiring life.

Of course, the world is so big, and it’s not just the Internet industry that’s tired!

So Jiang Heng was very direct and clearly told Ding Lei that the game adaptation rights of "Zhu Xian" would not be sold!

Ding Lei was stunned, not expecting Jiang Heng's answer to be so direct.

In fact, he had already thought about this idea when "Zhu Xian" was first published, but he heard that some colleagues were rejected when they tried to buy the copyright.

The kind that was straightforward and didn’t even negotiate the price.

Assuming that Jiang Heng had his own ideas, Ding Lei didn't think about it.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, the movie version of "Zhu Xian" was released, and the so-called online game was not yet available, so Ding Lei became a little anxious.

If it wasn't for a normal relationship, he really wanted to grab Jiang Heng by the collar and ask, "Don't you know how profitable games are? Why don't you use such a good subject for nothing?"

That's why I took the liberty to come and propose purchasing the rights to adapt the game.

After being rejected, Ding Lei said: "Director Jiang, are you planning to develop it yourself? It has been so many years since the novel was published, but the online game of the same name has not yet been launched. It must be that Director Jiang lacks a suitable development team, right? I have an idea. Let's register together. How about joint development with a game company?”

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Before, I was really busy with movies and neglected game development, but next time, I will focus on promoting it."

When Ding Lei heard this, he said nothing more.

At this point, Jiang Heng is no longer a potential partner, but a future opponent!

After a few polite words, he left without mentioning anything. Jiang Heng, on the other hand, fell into deep thought.

It was because game companies and Internet companies made too much money.

He was still a "little brother" a few years ago, but he turned into a big boss in just a few years, sweeping the entertainment industry with the identity of "capital".

At that time, can he still be immune? Can he still not be affected by capital?


At this moment, there are few blockbusters, and no one competes with him for the schedule.

When several blockbusters gather in the Spring Festival, it will not be the current situation.

The solution is also easy to say, and he can also set up an Internet company and become a capital boss himself.

The good news is that it is 2006 now, there is still time, and the funds are relatively sufficient.

However, Jiang Heng's biggest reliance is the "super microcomputer". With the help of this weapon, Jiang Heng is confident that the development cycle of large-scale games can be compressed to about one year.

It's not that it can't be faster, but it's mainly too outrageous if the time is shorter.

After some thought, Jiang Heng called Du Huan and asked him to come to the set.

But he was shocked and thought something had happened!

After scratching the phone and asking around, he was relieved to learn that Ding Lei had been there.

In fact, he mentioned the game two years ago, but seeing that Jiang Heng's expression was not very enthusiastic at the time, he did not mention it again.

After all, he did not understand it very well, but just heard that games were more profitable.

He drove hurriedly to the set of "Havoc in Heaven" and only approached Jiang Heng when he saw him free.

"Director Jiang, you are looking for me?"

"Well, it's like this, I am going to set up a game company and make two large games, one is "Zhu Xian" and the other is a real-time battle game. I need a lot of people, spend money to recruit them!"

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