Du Huan was stunned. He understood the development of the online game "Zhu Xian", but what was the point of another real-time battle game?

Is it imitating DOTA?

In addition, developing two games at the same time is not a test, but a full-scale entry into the game industry.

Is it really appropriate at the time when iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures are about to go public?

It's just that Jiang Heng always has his way when it comes to company decisions, and Du Huan always follows orders.

Subconsciously, he agreed, and then said: "Now that iQiyi, Youku and Tencent are about to go public, will they invest heavily in developing games...?"

Jiang Heng said: "I will personally invest in setting up a game company, which is not under iQiyi, Youku and Tencent. As for you, you can help me spend money to recruit people in the game industry, and I will handle the follow-up matters myself!"

Du Huan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then wondered, is the game industry so important?

Although this industry is indeed quite profitable, Chen Tianqiao became China's richest man in a few years by acting as an agent for "Legend" and listing the company.

"Westward Journey Online II" launched by NetEase seems to be very profitable, but other domestic originals... Well, I heard that "Zhengtu", which was just launched in April, seems to be very popular.

Du Huan thought about it for a while and decided not to say much. Let's wait and see.

What he didn't know was that the game industry is not just profitable in China, it is too profitable.

In 2021, Penguin's total revenue in the domestic and foreign game markets was 174.3 billion.

Wangyi, which ranked second that year, had a game revenue of 74.5 billion.

With hundreds of billions of revenue, how many aircraft carriers can be built, how many houses can be built, and how many cars can be built!

What's more amazing is that the game company's income is stable and the cash flow continues to surge.

By then, even if Jiang Heng ignores the "risk" and invests 1 billion or 800 million US dollars to create a special effects blockbuster, he is just rich and willful.

One day, he suddenly wanted to "build a car", and there was also a huge cash flow to support it, and there was capital.

Du Huan didn't know the "ambition" in Jiang Heng's heart, and took the task and left in a hurry.

After returning to the company, he thought about how to do things. After all, he had never been involved in the game industry and didn't know much about it.

After smoking a few cigarettes, he called several of his confidants to the office.

"Mr. Du!"

"Mr. Du!"

"Is there good news about the listing?"

Several people entered the office, all with happy faces.

In 2005, the Shanghai Stock Exchange fell to 998 points, and the market was in mourning.

But in 2006, the stock market was far ahead, and the rise made people doubt life.

The executives of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Pictures were even more itchy, because the IPO listing time had been scheduled to 2007.

They hoped that the stock market would continue to rise, and they were afraid that the market would fall, and they were in ups and downs every day.

Du Huan pressed the cigarette into the ashtray, "It's not that. Director Jiang wants to set up a game company, and he needs to recruit people from major domestic game companies with high salaries. Anyone who is familiar with people in game companies or has any ideas can speak up!"

Everyone looked at each other in surprise, game company?

What happened to Director Jiang this year? A few months ago, he just ordered people to set up "Aiyou Technology" and got a bunch of people to tinker with something.

Why is he making a game now?

Of course, some people reacted quickly and thought that it was an online game of "Zhu Xian". They sighed: "In fact, Director Jiang should have found someone to develop it two years ago. When the film was released, the game was launched and it instantly became the number one in the domestic game circle."

Du Huan glanced at this person and thought: "What nonsense are you talking about now!"

Another said: "I have a classmate who works at Wangyi. He seems to be a game planner and participated in the development of "Westward Journey Online"!"

Du Huan said: "Do they have any non-compete agreement?"

The man smiled awkwardly, "I haven't talked about this. I'll ask later!"

Du Huan nodded, "Okay, ask. Director Jiang must be highly paid!"

Several people nodded one after another, without any doubt about this.

Du Huan added: "Director Jiang wants to do something big this time. He wants to develop two large games at the same time, so he needs a lot of people. It's not something you can do by recommending one or two classmates. I need a special headhunter."

Several people looked at each other and said the names of several headhunting companies.

Someone said: "Mr. Du, in fact, as long as the news is released, the headhunting companies will come to the door automatically. After all, they are always well-informed."

Du Huan heard that it was really true. After all, they make a living by doing this.

He didn't mention it. Maybe there are headhunting companies paying attention to the movements of these confidants under his command, and they are thinking about introducing them to the local boss one day!

"Okay, then spread the word and say that Director Jiang wants to recruit a large number of game talents with preferential treatment!"

Sure enough, on the second day, two headhunting companies called him, one was a queen voice and the other was a loli voice. Hearing this, he felt numb in his heart and really suspected that these people were also studying him.

Du Huan did not hesitate, nor did he make a decision, but chose to meet both companies, and the location was naturally the iYouTeng Building that had just moved in.

In the magnificent office, Du Huan met the vice president of "Optimal Consulting Company", a short-haired woman in her early thirties wearing a professional suit, who exuded a capable spirit.

First, she introduced herself and talked about the strength of their company. Of course, the price must be expensive.

"Mr. Du, we are expensive for a reason. The people we found for you must be real industry elites. When your company launches the "Zhu Xian" online game in two or three years, you will make back all the money!"

Du Huan also thought so, but he couldn't make a decision so quickly.

Anyway, Jiang Heng didn't give him a specific time limit, nor did he say whether he should recruit people himself or hire a headhunter. As long as the goal is achieved, the process is not a problem.

Just like the Buddha gave three hoops to Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva gave the tight hoop to Wukong and used the other two himself, and the Buddha didn't say anything.

"Well, I'll think about it and call you later!"

"How about this, how about having dinner together in the evening? Many girls in our company like the movies produced by iQiyi, Youku and Tencent. They will definitely be very happy to meet the CEOs of iQiyi, Youku and Tencent and listen to the stories behind the scenes!"

When Du Huan heard this, he instantly thought of a scene. He was talking in the box, and a group of young and beautiful girls were sitting around him, listening to his stories seriously... This picture is good to think about!

"Well, let's talk about it after work!"

Du Huan didn't refuse. The female vice president smiled and got up and left.

Not long after, another headhunting company came to visit.

This time there were two people, a male boss and a female assistant, and they said similar things.

Du Huan was not in a hurry, and chatted for a while before sending the two away.

When it was almost time to get off work, the female vice president really called and invited him sincerely.

Du Huan pretended to decline, reluctantly refused, but finally went.

The next day, a cooperation agreement was signed and no one mentioned it.

In the following period, several well-known domestic game companies had their R\u0026D backbone members resign one after another.

The most exaggerated one was Wangyi Company, which actually left a small team.

But Ding Lei was furious, and sent someone to inquire, only to find out that these people had gone to a newly established online game company.

The boss was Jiang Heng!

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