China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 263 Who is he trying to “sniper”?

Ding Lei was really angry. He wanted to get along with Jiang Heng in a friendly way, so he went to discuss the game adaptation rights of "Zhu Xian" in person.

In the end, Jiang Heng told him directly that he would not sell it.

It would be fine if he did not sell it. I can understand that he wanted to develop it himself.

But you actually arranged a headhunting company to poach people everywhere, and poach my people?

This is intolerable!

It's a pity that the two of them don't have much intersection in the industry at present. Ding Lei feels that he can't do anything if he wants to engage in a business war. He will hold back his anger for the time being.

As for Jiang Heng, he was busy until the beginning of October, and "Havoc in Heaven" was not finished.

This is definitely the longest filming time since he started working, and the post-production should also be the longest.

After subcontracting a group of special effects shots, Jiang Heng did not take a break as everyone thought, but hurriedly set up another crew and started filming again very smoothly.

This time, his peers in the industry were stunned.

What's the situation, are they rushing to meet the schedule?

But it's already October. Jiang Heng won't make a movie in about a month like the previous Hong Kong movies, and rush it to be released during the Lunar New Year holiday, right?

At Huayi Company, Wang Zhonglei looked gloomy, looking at Chen Guofu, Xu Ke, and Liu Weiqiang opposite.

"What does he mean by this?"

"I think, nine out of ten times, he is going to snipe a certain movie!" Xu Ke suddenly said.

"Who is he going to snipe?" Wang Zhonglei asked.

Xu Ke smiled, thinking, of course he is going to snipe you, is he going to snipe me!

Of course, you can't say that, you must be more tactful.

"He should regard Journey to the West, Fengshen, and domestic mythology as his own exclusive materials. If others shoot it, he must be unhappy! This man looks generous, but he is actually very narrow-minded!"

Xu Ke analyzed that when he asked Jiang Heng for investment and was rejected, it was a joke in the circle, and Old Xu always remembered it!

Wang Zhonglei was getting more and more crazy, "Does that mean he wants to snipe me, snipe "Investiture of the Gods"?"

Although he is always pointing fingers at Jiangshan, he is afraid to face Jiang Heng.

Not only him, which domestic investor or director would not be confused if they encountered such a thing!

Not even real-life special effects blockbusters, even animations like "Kung Fu Panda" can have a box office of more than 200 million in the mainland, and the global total box office can exceed 700 million.

If they are really released on the same day, how can they fight?

Jiang Heng lost the domestic market, and there are still overseas box office, and the rest of the people can only rely on the domestic market. Wang Zhonglei really can't accept this "bad news".

Chen Guofu said: "Maybe, things are not as bad as we think!"

"But he started shooting in such a hurry, either for the New Year or next summer. In my opinion, it is most likely for "Investiture of the Gods"!" Liu Weiqiang analyzed.

As the director of "Investiture of the Gods", Liu Weiqiang was both nervous and excited. It would be a pleasure to compete with Jiang Heng in the same schedule.

After all, it was not his money that was lost.

Wang Zhonglei could not listen to this and said hurriedly: "No, I have to find out clearly, otherwise I can't sleep well!"

Hearing him say this, the other people also left the office.

Chen Guofu and Liu Weiqiang were fine, but Xu Ke was a little dumbfounded.

The reason why he appeared here was that he wanted to shoot a martial arts blockbuster with special effects as a selling point. He had a very good chat with Wang Zhonglei during his time in Beijing, and the script had been finalized and the actors had been selected.

He didn't want to encounter this matter. If Wang Zhonglei was only affected for a short time, it would be fine. If he gave up starting a new film because "Investiture of the Gods" might be "sniped" by Jiang Heng, he would be dumbfounded.

Chen Guofu saw Xu Ke's worries and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't think too much. It's yours. It will be your turn sooner or later!"

Xu Ke smiled bitterly: "I've been waiting for several years!"

Chen Guofu thought, who made you so willful when you filmed "The Legend of Zu Mountain"? You agreed to invest 40 million yuan, but you were so excited that you overspent all the way and spent 80 million to finish it.

Overspending is fine, the key is the box office failure.

Investors have been cheated by you, who dares to invest in your movie?

But he just said: "You will wait!"

China Film Digital Base, the crew of "Havoc in Heaven" seems to be back, but there are many different faces, that is, girls, many girls.

In order to grab the schedule and to be able to film a special effects blockbuster next summer, Jiang Heng's "Journey to the West" theme is obviously the best choice.

After all, some props from the previous few plays can still be used.

The actors in some previous plays can also quickly join the group and get back to their form.

It's just that the styles of "Lion Camel Ridge" and "Pingdingshan" are a bit dark, so Jiang Heng decided to make a cheerful style this time, so he chose the Kingdom of Women.

As for the king, Liu Yifei played it, and Jing Tian played the scorpion spirit.

This girl is not picky about the amount of roles, and she also thinks that the scorpion spirit king is beautiful and powerful. From time to time, she would say: I am not a delicate queen, I have strength and means!

Ding Haifeng, who is used to playing the tough version of Tang Monk, couldn't find the feeling for a while when he came to the Kingdom of Women.

The roles of the rest of the people are relatively easy to handle.

After work in the evening, the actors went back to the hotel to rest.

Liu Yifei couldn't sleep, so she went to Jing Tian's place.

"How do you feel about filming recently?"

"It's okay, I always feel that it's a bit difficult to get into the role!"

When Jing Tian said this, Ding Haifeng's appearance as Tang Monk appeared in his mind, and he was so scared that he shook his head.

Liu Yifei said: "I'm almost the same. To be honest, every time I see Mr. Ding Haifeng, I think of Director Jiang in my heart, so that the filming can go on!"

Jing Tian clapped his hands and said: "I don't want to go together. I also hinted to myself that, otherwise I don't know how to act!"

Liu Yifei sighed: "It would be great if Director Jiang could play Tang Seng!"

Da Tiantian's eyes lit up when she heard it, "It's really good. He must be handsome when playing Tang Seng. I will talk to him tomorrow!"

Liu Yifei was stunned when she heard it. She didn't expect Jing Tian to take the "task" so easily.

In fact, according to her personality in her previous life, she would say whatever she thought directly.

For example, when casting for "The Condor Heroes", she thought Huang Xiaoming was more suitable than Nie Yuan.

However, Jiang Heng's movie did not allow her to express her ideas at all.

Whatever she had in her mind, she didn't dare to say it easily.

Originally, she went to Jing Tian to try her luck, but she didn't expect Da Tiantian to agree without thinking too much.

Is she naive and didn't think much, or is their relationship so good that she can be easily persuaded?

Liu Yifei didn't dare to think about it any further. When she walked back, she looked like she had lost her soul.

The next day, Da Tiantian quietly followed Jiang Heng when he returned to the temporary office.

Jiang Heng found out and said with a smile, "Why are you sneaking around?"

"Really? I'm very aboveboard!" Da Tiantian straightened her back instantly.

"Why, do you have anything to say?"

After entering the room and sitting down, Jiang Heng took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, then turned around and asked.

"Well, nothing, it's just that when I was watching Teacher Ding, I couldn't get into the state at all. I had to think that you were Tang Seng to be able to act!"

When Da Tiantian said this, she twisted her fingers, and her expression was very interesting.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "You, did you come here just to talk about this?"

"Of course, I thought about it all night!"

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