China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 264: What is the meaning of royal power and wealth?

Jiang Heng waved, "Come here!"

Jing Tan stepped forward happily, and when he realized what was happening halfway through, he quickly covered his head with his hands.

Jiang Heng tapped him lightly on the forehead, "What are you thinking about? The movie is being filmed day by day, and you still want to change the starring role?"

Da Tiantian pursed her lips and said aggrievedly: "I know!"



Jing Tan walked out of the door, rubbed his forehead gently, and sighed: "Hey, I thought I could act as an opponent, but I'm so happy for nothing, woohoo!"

Inside the room, Jiang Heng was sitting on the sofa, thinking about what Jing Tan had said before.

In fact, at the beginning of preparations, he also thought about playing Tang Monk himself.

The problem is that this is a series of movies. In other levels, Ding Haifeng plays the role of Tang Monk. But when it comes to a difficult situation in a gentle country like Daughter's Country, changing the director to play it would make people laugh out loud.

It's like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Downey's Iron Man was good, but one part was replaced, and then he was asked to play Iron Man in subsequent works of the series, which is outrageous.

Of course, the style of the film "The Kingdom of Women" is relatively cheerful, and there are not so many fight scenes. The focus is on sad relationships, and the overall style is outstanding!

The scenery of the daughter country is fantastic and beautiful, and the people in the country are also outstandingly beautiful.

Even if you are old, you still have charm, and the thief Cao can't control it.

Generally speaking, the filming difficulty is relatively easy, and it will be no problem to release it in time for next summer.

Jiang Heng did have the idea of ​​"sniping" Huayi's version of "Feng Shen Bang" this time.

It's not that he is narrow-minded and doesn't tolerate others filming "Fengshen", "Journey to the West" and traditional mythological themes.

You shoot, no problem!

But if you want to take advantage of his traffic and gain attention by "provoking" yourself, that's absolutely not possible.

In fact, there is another film that is also suitable to be released, and that is "Painted Skin".

But Jiang Heng felt that it would be difficult for mainland film and television companies to produce a commercially successful special effects blockbuster, so he refrained from cutting Hu.

After much deliberation, I came up with this "Girls' Country".

Because the project was in a hurry and it had to compete with Huayi, the film was exclusively invested by Aiyouteng Pictures, and the production cost was US$50 million.

Among the films directed by Jiang Heng in recent years, the investment is relatively small.

But converted into RMB, it is more than 400 million yuan, which is a proper large-scale production.

On the set, Ding Haifeng, who has a strong physique and a body full of tendons, is sitting on a recliner to rest.

Zang Jinsheng, who plays Sha Seng, laughed and said, "Old Ding, how have you been feeling these past few days? Is it more comfortable than filming "Shintuoling" and "Pingdingshan"?"

Ding Haifeng sighed, "It's better to film "Shituoling" and "Pingdingshan"!"

Although he didn't know what the relationship between Liu Yifei, Jing Tan and Jiang Heng was, he could tell that their relationship was unusual.

During the scene, he didn't dare to look at her at all. Every time Liu Yifei approached, he was on pins and needles, but he also perfectly performed Tang Seng's "panic" when facing his daughter, the king.

Wu Jing on the side said with envy: "If you say that, you are just getting an advantage and acting like a good girl. What a beautiful woman! Tsk tsk!"

He is really greedy, and the reason is simple: he has no one.

Before the filming of "Havoc in Heaven" started, I briefly dated a girl who was also an actress in the industry.

Not long after the two met, Wu Jing joined the cast. They were filming for more than half a year and never met each other.

At the same time, the woman discovered that Wu Jing's development was average in recent years and he didn't have much money.

Although she has a good relationship with Jiang Heng, she doesn't seem to be able to help her get a role, and she doesn't have time to spend with her. In her exact words: She can neither give me time nor money, and she can't help me. What are you looking for?

Wu Jing was dumbfounded and had no choice but to accept the result of the breakup.

Not long after he was depressed, the new movie "Girls' Country" started shooting. Looking around, they were all beautiful actresses. Now he was so greedy that his eyes turned green, and he was wondering which one would be suitable to be his wife.

Ding Haifeng knew about his situation and said with a smile: "I am determined to go west to become my teacher, and I dare not touch my ordinary heart! But you, it looks like you can't control it!"

Wu Jing said: "How can I stand this test after being suppressed for five hundred years? Hey, where is Lin Zhicong?"

"That boy, so popular with girls, how can he have time to chat with us..."

"Director Jiang is back!"

Someone shouted, and the cast and crew members who had taken a break returned to their seats to continue filming.

The film "Kingdom of Women" is mainly about emotional scenes, supplemented by special effects and fighting, and it has a mature team. Many materials and props are ready-made, so the filming process was not too smooth.

The filming started in early October and was completed at the end of November. It took less than two months, setting a record for Jiang Heng's shortest filming time.

Although no press conference was held, it was still overheard by entertainment reporters guarding the studio.

The article sent to newspapers and magazines was that director Jiang Heng's new film was completed in less than two months, and it was suspected to be prepared for the summer release of 2007...

Because the content of the film has not yet been revealed, it has aroused great curiosity among the audience.

At the same time, the audience also wants to know when "Havoc in Heaven" will be released!

The media also thought about it. When they contacted Aiyouteng Pictures to interview Jiang Heng, they learned that Jiang Heng was no longer in the country.

In Australia, in a villa in downtown Sydney, Jiang Heng was lying on a lounge chair by the swimming pool, with Megan Fox in a swimsuit beside him.

But she jumped into the water like a mermaid, swam back and forth in the pool, and slowly climbed up holding on to the ladder.

She tied up her wet long hair and walked up to Jiang Heng, "My dear, do you really not want to accompany me?"

"I'm tired, I'll take a break!"

Megan Fox smiled, "You're tired already?"

Jiang Heng thought, "I've been busy with the company and filming continuously this year. I came to Australia to relax and have a vacation, but I ended up being even busier..."

He smiled and said, "Hey, I think you deserve to be punished?"

Jiang Heng stood up and walked towards Megan.

The latter turned around and walked away, saying in a stiff Chinese tone: "King, come and catch me!"

He then jumped into the pool again.

Jiang Heng also jumped in and swam towards Megan Fox.


In the evening, Jiang Heng started grilling skewers in the yard. Megan Fox ate them with relish. While drinking and eating skewers, she praised Jiang Heng's cooking skills.

"It's so delicious, dear. I feel the happiest these days in this year!"

Jiang Heng laughed and said nothing.

Megan sighed, "It would be great if you were in Hollywood, really, then you would be so happy every day! Jiang, have you ever thought about developing in Hollywood?"

Jiang Heng said: "The foundation of my career is in China!"

"But, I'm in Hollywood!"

Jiang Heng didn't say anything and took a sip of beer.

Megan Fox said: "Then I'll go to China with you, okay?"

"Okay, I'm just afraid you can't adapt!"

Now, it was Megan's turn to be silent again.

She naturally hoped that Jiang Heng would go to Hollywood, which would be perfect for her.

As for her going to China, it was just talk, because that meant she had to give up everything in Hollywood.

"Many people come here to get green cards and want to obtain permanent residence. Don't you want to?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "I really haven't thought about this!"

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