Megan Fox didn’t think she could persuade Jiang Heng in one go.

After all, great directors are always a little paranoid.

She didn't even dare to get emotional. She also expected Jiang Heng to take her with him when he was filming mecha, science fiction, and monster works!

Unfortunately, Jiang Heng has been busy with mythological films recently.

"My dear, what are your plans after the new year?"

"I didn't think about it. I'm really tired this year. Maybe I need to rest a little longer!"

Megan stood up and went behind Jiang Heng and squeezed his shoulders, "Aren't you ready for "Pacific Rim 3" yet? This series is so profitable, and auditions for actresses have begun for "Transformers 3"!"

Because of Jiang Heng's influence, the appearance time of the "Transformers" series of films is several years earlier than in the previous life. This is true for each film.

And because each one was released later than "Pacific Rim", the box office performance was always slightly lower.

Paramount analyzed the reason and believed that the heroines in the first two films were not sexy and hot enough, so they began to recruit actresses from all over the world.

Megan Fox was also a little moved, but her relationship with Jiang Heng was too close, and Paramount would not use her at all, so they could only continue to place their hopes on Jiang Heng.

"There is no rush for "Pacific Rim 3". If it is released in too short a time, the audience will be tired of it. If "The Matrix 3" had been released a year or two later, the box office would have been even higher!"

Megan Fox nodded slightly. Although she was not very knowledgeable, she had been in the entertainment industry for several years, so she still had some knowledge.

"So, the next movie shouldn't be a myth, right? The audience will be tired of it. Do you know how impatient European and American audiences are waiting for your science fiction blockbuster?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "How anxious are you to wait?"


"Hey, you know idioms now. Do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

It’s a pity that Megan Fox didn’t know about the “postgraduate entrance examination” and pouted: “It’s not because of you. I studied all kinds of knowledge about China. I never worked so hard when I was studying!”

Hearing this, Jiang Heng raised his beer and clinked glasses, "Thank you!"

Meghan said: "You haven't said yet, what are you planning to film next year!"

Jiang Heng took a sip of beer and said slowly: "Three-body!"


Megan Fox murmured, her eyes very confused.

Although she could say the word, she really couldn't figure out what it meant.

Fortunately, Jiang Heng has explained that it is a science fiction novel that is currently being serialized in China. The serialization has just ended. He plans to adapt this novel and move it to the big screen.

Then, I briefly introduced the plot of the first part.

After hearing this, Meghan sighed, "Oh my god, the author of this novel is really a genius. How did he come up with such a plot? I dare say that in terms of setting, it is better than most Hollywood movies. It’s a science fiction movie, really, my dear, if this movie can be made well, it will definitely cause a sensation!”

Jiang Heng smiled: "Of course, I might win another Oscar!"

Meghan heard this and said, "Can I play the heroine?"

Jiang Heng shook his head and said with a smile: "You can't do it, this heroine is Chinese!"

Meghan's expression was gloomy, and she said after a while: "Are there no roles for foreign women?"

"Yes, Tomoko, but in the original work, most of them appear as Japanese women!"

Megan happily said: "Can it be adapted?"


"Jiang, I really love you to death!"

Jiang Heng stayed in Australia until the end of the New Year and took a flight back to China on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

When they learned that he was back, many friends called him one after another, and there were countless invitations to various banquets.

Except for those who really couldn't avoid it and went for a few drinks, they refused to accept the rest.

When he had free time, he stayed at home to revise the script. During this period, he also invited Liu Cixin and gave him the title of screenwriter for the "Three-Body" crew. The cost was naturally inevitable, and he was invited to participate in revising the script.

Liu Cixin was overjoyed and hurried to the capital and stayed in a hotel provided by the crew.

In the past six months, his life experience has been quite tortuous.

First, he was living a boring life at Niangziguan Power Station, and then he was serializing "The Three-Body Problem", and for some reason he was spotted by the great director Jiang Heng.

He was given three million for the film and television adaptation rights for the entire book. Since he had just finished writing the first part, he only received one million.

In his opinion, it was already a sky-high price.

Unexpectedly, the crew met and sold the rights to "The Wandering Earth" for a total of 1.8 million!

With 1.8 million in 2006, you can buy a house in Beijing!

However, he was used to living in Yangquan, so he didn't think about changing places. He just bought a Santana car to improve his life, and saved the rest.

Unexpectedly, there is no secret in this small place. After only two months of hiding it, the news spread that his two books had sold 1.8 million yuan.

For a time, within the unit, he went from being a little transparent to being the focus of everyone's attention. He could no longer "fish" as he pleased, and was constantly criticized by others.

Colleagues, friends, and relatives came to borrow money in an endless stream, with all kinds of reasons, which made him very annoyed.

He had wanted to go out for a long time to escape, but Jiang Heng invited him to the capital just because he was "sleeping on the pillow", so he hurriedly asked for leave to come.

In the office of Aiyouteng Building, Jiang Heng put down the script and said with a smile: "Not bad, thank you for your hard work!"

Liu Cixin's expression was stern, "It's not hard, it's what you should do!"

"That's it for the script revision. Do you have any follow-up plans?"

Liu Cixin looked a little disappointed when she heard this. She had really gotten used to the life here during this period.

When she thought about the situation she might face after returning to Yangquan, she felt a little scared.

But she thought about her wife and children, which was really a bit contradictory.

"Of course I'm going home. There's nothing I can do here!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "I've heard about the situation in your unit. It's not very good at the moment. I suggest you make plans early. If there are changes in the future, you might as well buy a house in Beijing."

Liu Cixin's face changed when she heard this. Although she didn't like the unit very much and felt very constrained, she had worked there for so many years and her emotions were still very complicated.

"Did you hear any news?"

Jiang Heng said, "I'm just giving you a suggestion!"

The fewer words, the bigger the matter.

He didn't think Jiang Heng was just saying it casually. It was just that the two of them were not very close and didn't want to say it so clearly.

He said solemnly: "Thank you, Director Jiang. I will consider your proposal carefully. Goodbye!"

"Then I won't see you off. I'm still waiting for your subsequent manuscript!"

After Liu Cixin left and the script was finalized, "The Three-Body Problem" officially entered the preparation stage.

Jiang Heng had considered shooting "The Wandering Earth" first before, but after careful analysis, he felt that the timing was not yet ripe.

It would be better to shoot "The Three-Body Problem" and make the first part first, and then the second part after four or five years.

By then, the number of fans will increase and the market size will continue to expand. Who knows which one will be a hit.

However, although the "Three-Body Problem" series is a commercial film, it is also very meaningful.

Liu Yifei, Jing Tian and others' acting skills are definitely not enough, and they must use outstanding acting skills.

So, a message spread widely in the circle that Director Jiang is recruiting actresses, and they must have outstanding acting skills!

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