In the industry, many film and television company bosses and actors are all curious about what Jiang Heng will direct this time!

Because in everyone's past impression, Jiang Heng's works are very purely commercial films that pursue audio-visual effects and do not require high acting skills from actors.

Especially actresses, such as Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother played by Tang Yan in "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", are a perfect vase role.

In "Inception", the "Dream Builder" played by Megan Fox is also a tool-like existence.

At most, he is just a very good-looking tool man.

I never expected that the actresses chosen by Jiang Heng this time would be based on acting skills, which is a bit strange.

These people called around to explore the themes and content of Jiang Heng's new film, and wanted to prepare in advance.

A few more people called Han Sanping and wanted to ask Mr. Han to recommend it, but he was also confused.

His relationship with Jiang Heng is naturally very good.

Even though he was a little busy after the New Year, the two of them never sat down to talk in detail. What's more, he didn't expect Jiang Heng to be filming again so soon.

It should be noted that Jiang Heng started filming "Havoc in Heaven" in March last year, and it was not completed until early October, and then he filmed "The Kingdom of Women" non-stop. This lasted for more than ten months, setting a record for Jiang Heng's longest continuous filming period!

According to common sense, if you have been filming on the set for such a long time, you need to take a good rest. The few days during the New Year are not enough!

Besides, there are still two movies to be produced in post-production!

He really didn't expect Jiang Heng to work so hard. How long has it been since he came back?

It hasn’t even been released in the first month of the year, so you’re going to release a new movie?

Although Lao Han was extremely surprised, he still hurriedly ordered the driver to take him to the Aiyouteng Film Building.

In the super luxurious office, Han Sanping took a sip of the top-quality Dahongpao and said with emotion: "You have worked too hard in the past two years! You know, many units are still in the state of 'Celebrating the New Year'!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "You're talking about your company, right?"

Han Sanping hurriedly waved his hand, "Hey, don't talk nonsense, we are strictly following the national statutory holidays!"

Jiang Heng smiled. It would be strange for him to believe this.

How many units in previous lives did they start working only after the first month of the year?

"It's obvious that Chairman Han Da is here to give guidance. What's the point?"

Han Sanping leaned on the sofa and peeled an orange naturally, "I heard that you are going to make a new movie. What is the subject?"

"Science fiction!"

"Or is it a story you wrote yourself?"

Jiang Heng said: "It's really not the case this time. I bought the film and television adaptation rights of a science fiction novel. Here, the Three-Body Problem is serialized above!"

After that, he handed over several issues of "Science Fiction World" magazine that contained "The Three-Body Problem".

Han Sanping took it and frowned slightly, because at first glance, he really didn't know what story this was supposed to be.

After reading the first chapter, you can still find some familiar feelings.

Because he was born in 1953, he was a student at that time.

After reading this paragraph, Han Sanping flipped through it briefly before putting the magazine down and commented: "It's quite an idea!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "He is indeed a writer with great ideas!"

Han Sanping said: "This story seems very grand!"


The story of "The Three-Body Problem" could not be considered a successful film and television adaptation until Jiang Heng was reborn.

Netflix's "The Three-Body Problem" was only shot well in the first part.

The meme "Einstein is a mother if she has breasts" is widely circulated. Lan Xiya is recognized by the public for her superb acting skills. The special effects scene of the "Three-body Man" dehydrating shocked the audience... but that's all.

It is difficult to adapt the story of "The Three-Body Problem" into film and television. First, there are too many storylines in the original work, which stretches out time and space and spans many eras.

The second is that there are many abstract concepts in the book, which require readers to figure them out on a literary level. When these images become concrete, there may be a big gap with the images in the readers' minds, leading to disappointment in expectations, which in turn may not be recognized by the original author.

But putting these aside, "The Three-Body Problem" is undoubtedly the pinnacle of Chinese science fiction literature.

Even if it's a little more difficult, it still needs to be brought to the big screen.

"So, for the first film, let's test the waters first. It's really hard to say this time, because it's not based on the model of a commercial film."

Han Sanping was silent for a moment, "Is there anything you need me to do, investment, acting...!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "I don't need to invest. I have a lot of money. As an actor, there will be a centralized audition in two days. I'll take a look first!"

With his current reputation and status, it is almost easy to find actors, and he no longer needs coordination from others.

Hearing this, Han Sanping sighed and said, "Okay, then you can get busy making preparations first. If there is anything you need me for, just give me a call!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Absolutely!"

Han Sanping stood up and took the magazines in his hands again, "Do you mind if I take them back and have a look?"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "Take whatever you have here, and when the novel is published later, I will give you a few more copies!"

“I don’t need that much, these few books are enough for me to read!”

After Han Sanping finished speaking, he left with the book under his arm.

When we got back into the car, the driver had a puzzled expression on his face. He was surprised that Han Sanping got out of the car so quickly. Didn't we talk about cooperation for a long time in the past?

Han Sanping didn't say much to the driver and was reading magazines while riding in the car.

After returning to his chairman's office, he locked himself in his room and watched the first series of "The Three-Body Problem".

To be honest, this novel is not very entertaining, but the content contained in the book is really unimaginable and shocking.

At night, Han Sanping finally finished reading the book, put down the magazine, and was filled with emotion.

No wonder Jiang Heng would rather take the risk of losing money to make this movie. The content of the novel is really wonderful. It is definitely the best science fiction work in the country, no, in the world!

Unfortunately, many of the contents in this book are relatively abstract, and even an experienced practitioner like him does not know how to make some of the contents in the book into films.

For example, if the Trisolaran person is dehydrated, I believe Jiang Heng will have an idea.

Han Sanping then thought about how movie fans at this time must feel when they see this shocking scene on the big screen.

"It is really a pity that such a good book is only published in one magazine. It should be published all over the world!"

Thinking of this, Han Sanping picked up his cell phone and dialed a friend's number, "Brother, I recently read a novel that was really, really good. It was really, really shocking... To be precise, it's not a big deal at the moment. A book is serialized in a magazine! If you want, I can lend you some magazines..."

As a result, his friend was also shocked by the contents of the book after reading it.

Then he recommended the book "The Three-Body Problem" to his good friends, and it spread among the "big guys" in all walks of life.

At the same time, many film and television company bosses and actors also knew what Jiang Heng's new film was, and they went to look for the issues of "Science Fiction World" magazine that serialized "The Three-Body Problem", and the prices of old magazines suddenly increased. Got it!

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