In a studio in Beijing, Zhang Jingchu was flipping through an old magazine. To be honest, she couldn't appreciate the story of "The Three-Body Problem".

But the agent had a hard time getting it, so it didn’t look right.

Furthermore, she was also quite excited about Jiang Heng's opportunity to recruit actresses.

For special effects blockbusters released globally, not to mention the competition for the heroine, the female supporting role in the film is also the target of many film and television companies and actors!

What's more, the selection criteria this time was acting. She felt that she was relatively good at acting, so she didn't read much of the original novel. Instead, she fantasized about the wonderful scenes after being selected from time to time.

Seeing that she was smiling and clearly distracted, her manager asked, "Is Director Jiang handsome?"


"What are you thinking about? You're drooling!"


Zhang Jingchu hurriedly wiped it with the back of her hand, but found that it was just her manager who was fooling her.


"My big star, can we wait for our dream to be chosen and join the crew? There will be an audition tomorrow!"

Zhang Jingchu said: "I know, I've been watching it carefully!"

The agent said: "Do you know how fierce the competition is this time? Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi, Fan Congtong, Li Congtang...actresses who are well-known in the industry and have some acting skills will go, and those who don't will also go!"

"I know, who wouldn't want to be in director Jiang's film? What's that called Jing Tan's? He came out of the dance academy and it's actually very popular, and it's so popular, where can I explain it?" Zhang Jingchu sighed with emotion.

The manager said: "Don't underestimate her. She always runs to Director Jiang's crew. Look, are you getting the benefits? It's not like there are no female artists under Ayouteng, so why did she be chosen?"

"How could I know?"

"There must be a reason for wearing leather trousers over cotton trousers! But the key now is that you have to be able to get close to Director Jiang. Even if you can't choose this time, you have to build a relationship with Director Jiang and run to him in the logistics department. The benefits are Definitely a must!”

"I know! You keep saying this, how can I have the heart to watch...!"

"Alright alright!"

However, when Zhang Jingchu unexpectedly watched "The Three-Body Problem", many female artists in the industry were doing the same thing, just to increase the chance of success for the concentrated audition the next day.

Turning around, actresses gathered in the Aiyouteng Film Building. As far as the eye could see, they were all well-known female artists in the industry.

Some people relax and gather together to chat.

Some had nervous expressions and whispered something in their mouths.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the staff successively called the actresses present to come in for auditions.

The first one to be called in was Fan Zhengtong, and the rest of the people who stayed in the lounge gathered together in groups of three or two to gossip.

"Didn't she play Daji in "The Legend of the Gods"? How dare she come to compete for the female lead in Director Jiang's new film?"

"Judging from her appearance and temperament, she is not suitable to play Ye Wenjie!"

"Hey, how do you like the original version?"

"Don't mention it, it makes my head grow bigger!"

"I'm the same, it's not easy to understand!"

In less than ten minutes, Fan Zhengtong walked out with a proud expression, nodded slightly to everyone, and left.

The second one is Zhou Xun. To be honest, in Jiang Heng's opinion, Zhou Xun is definitely not suitable to play Ye Wenjie.

But a friend recommended that she come over and try it out, just in case she is suitable!

Jiang Heng couldn't say anything. He looked at Zhou Xun who walked to the middle of the venue and asked her to go through the audition process. There was no physical performance in the middle.

How should I put it, the acting is okay, but it doesn’t quite match Ye Wenjie’s image.

The actresses came in and out, and soon Zhang Jingchu arrived.

Looking at the person in front of him, Jiang Heng nodded secretly. He was actually more optimistic about Zhang Jingchu.

This person has a good image and his acting skills are widely recognized.

It’s just that I didn’t have many resources in my previous life, so I wasn’t very popular.

As for Zhang Ziyi, who is also widely recognized for her acting skills and is more famous, Jiang Heng always feels that she is too sharp and not suitable.

"Introduce yourself!"

"Dear Director Jiang, hello fellow judges and teachers! I am actor Zhang Jingchu...!"

As expected of someone with some ability, Zhang Jingchu acted calmly when introducing herself. During her audition performance, her role as Ye Wenjie also fit Jiang Heng's imagination.

"Well, not bad, go back and wait for the news, I will reply within a day!"

"Thank you, Director Jiang, and thank you all the judges and teachers!"

Zhang Jingchu bowed and thanked her. Although she couldn't wait for the result immediately, she always felt that there was something special about the way Jiang Heng looked at her.

"You should recognize me, right?" Zhang Jingchu said secretly.

After leaving the Aiyouteng Film Building, the manager hurriedly asked: "How was your performance? How should I put it?"

"Go back and wait for the news. The results will be available within a day!"

"Within one day, very good, very good! I hope God bless me and get this role!"

Zhang Jingchu was a little disappointed, "I hope so!"

The agent wondered, "Why aren't you excited?"

Zhang Jingchu said: "This kind of thing is like buying a lottery ticket. When the lottery is not drawn, I always imagine that I can win. When the lottery is drawn, I am not in a hurry to see the results because I know that there is a high probability that I will not win!"

"Hey, are you that unsure?"

"I'm very confident in my own abilities, but I just can't believe that such a good thing can happen to me! Director Jiang Heng, this special effects blockbuster is being distributed globally!"

At this point, she became a little excited again, "How great would it be if you really wanted to choose me?"

"If that day comes, your future destiny and life trajectory will change!"

"Yes, if that day comes, we must thank Director Jiang!"

The two left after saying that, and returned to the studio, unable to do anything.

Sometimes they fantasized about being selected, and sometimes they thought about being rejected, and they were going crazy.

What's worse is that when it was time to get off work in the evening, there was no call, and the two were no longer so optimistic.

The next day, the two went to the studio and did nothing, just put the phone on the table, and stared at it.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

The two were startled, and looked around, it was a landline number in Beijing.

Zhang Jingchu picked up the phone and heard the voice on the other end: "Hello, is this Miss Zhang Jingchu? Congratulations, you passed the audition for the Three-Body Problem crew. I'm notifying you now. Tomorrow morning...!"

"Wow! I actually passed. I was actually selected. I'm going to play the heroine in Director Jiang's new film. I'm really going to be famous now!"

Zhang Jingchu looked like "Fan Jin passed the imperial examination" and her expression was a little crazy.

The agent next to her was not much better. After all, their relationship with the agent was integrated. The more popular the artist they served, the more they earned!

"Hey, in the end, how can I thank Director Jiang better?" Zhang Jingchu asked after her excited heart calmed down a little.

The agent said: "Well, of course it depends on what Director Jiang lacks. When giving gifts, you have to send them to the heart of the heart to leave a deep impression on the other party."

"Lack, Director Jiang is so rich, what can he lack?"

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