China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 268 Jiang Wen's version of

In the first part of "The Three-Body Problem", in addition to the heroine Ye Wenjie, Wang Miao, Shi Qiang, Ding Yi and others also have important roles.

Wang Miao is the male protagonist of this play, an applied physics scientist who mainly studies nanomaterials and provides "nano flying blades" for the Guzheng Operation, making a remarkable contribution to the elimination of the human rebel ETO advent organization.

For this role, there are naturally many people competing.

Huang Xiaoming once visited Jiang Heng and volunteered to play this role.

Jiang Heng's answer is that he will consider it, mainly because Huang Jiao has been actively taking on "dominant CEO" roles in the past two years, which does not match Wang Miao's image as a scientist.

As for the male actors who came to audition, Jiang Heng has not decided which one to choose.

For the role of Shi Qiang, his first choice in mind is Jiang Wen.

It is said that Jiang Wen was "banned from directing" for five years at the beginning of the century, so he starred in "Looking for the Gun" and "Heroes of Heaven and Earth" as an actor in those years.

When the "ban on directing" expired, he immediately prepared to shoot "The Sun Also Rises".

Wang Shuo helped find the investment and introduced Wang Wei, the chairman of Taihe Film and Television, to Jiang Wen. Taihe invested 30 million.

But later, Taihe Film and Television found that they had spent 18 million and only filmed less than one-third of the film, so they decided to withdraw their investment.

Jiang Wen did not ask for the director and actor's salary, and began to invest in this play. After spending all his own money, he borrowed 7 or 8 million from Jiang Wu, and Zhou Yun also paid more than 4 million, but it was still not enough.

Finally, someone introduced Yang Shoucheng from England.

Jiang Wen told him in advance, "Brother, my play is an art film and may not make money."

Yang Shoucheng said, "It's okay, I want face, not money."

The film was able to continue shooting, and in the end, it cost 10 million US dollars, which is quite extravagant.

Jiang Wen is really a spendthrift when filming.

The crew of "The Sun Also Rises" used hundreds of birds and animals. Jiang Wen felt that the fur color and texture of many of them were not right, so he changed them and repainted them.

He also transported more than 300 cubic meters of Tibetan houses and dozens of tons of pebbles and red soil from thousands of miles away.

Even a prop fish shoe in the film was carefully made by skilled craftsmen from Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, with more than a hundred people working on it.

But the most impressive thing about this film is actually its soundtrack, "The Sun Also Rises".

After Jiang Wen finished filming the movie, he asked Joe Hisaishi to compose the music.

The sample was sent to Japan, and Joe Hisaishi quickly finished a draft.

Jiang Wen was not satisfied, so he flew to Japan to have a face-to-face chat with Joe Hisaishi, but the two of them parted unhappily several times.

The reason was simple. Before sending the sample, Jiang Wen found several pieces of Mozart according to his own feelings, and pasted them on the sample so that Joe Hisaishi would follow this feeling, which was better than Mozart.

Joe Hisaishi was very unhappy and quarreled with Jiang Wen three times, asking him harshly: How many Mozarts are there in the history of music?

But after the soundtrack was completed, this piece of music was really good.

It was then submitted for review and passed smoothly.

In September 2007, Jiang Wen confidently took "The Sun Also Rises" to compete at the Venice International Film Festival.

Before leaving, a farewell party was held. Jiang Wen was full of energy and quoted a line from Xin Qiji on the stage, "I see the green mountains are so charming, I guess the green mountains see me like this."

Afterwards, he returned home in defeat.

In October, "The Sun Also Rises" was released nationwide, with a box office of only 18 million, and the investors lost a lot of money.

Many people said they couldn't understand it, and they accounted for the majority.

Jiang Wen, who encountered a double collapse in word-of-mouth and box office for the first time, angrily said, "It's a shame not to understand it" and "If you don't understand it, watch it again."

As for film reviews, he made a harsh statement many years ago: "Critics are like eunuchs, they can't do anything themselves, they just watch the emperor do things there, and then go back and scatter everywhere, pretending to understand."

After Yinghuang helped "The Sun", Jiang Wen once said: "It's not easy to make money. After this movie is over, I will help them make a few profitable movies."

After "The Sun" failed at the box office, Yang Shoucheng not only did not say a word, but also took the initiative to comfort Jiang Wen and offered to sign a contract to invest in five more movies immediately.

Jiang Wen was very moved and said that he appreciated the kindness. Emperor Entertainment Group has the priority investment right for the next movie.

Then he established "Bu Yi Le Hu Film Company" with TV producer Ma Ke, and each of them held half of the shares.

The first project after the establishment of the company was the novel recommended by Shi Hang, called "The Story of Stealing Officials", which is the third of Ma Shi Tu's "Ten Night Tales". It is a story set in the Republic of China. The film was finally named "Let the Bullets Fly".

The wonderfulness of the film is beyond doubt. It is so good that Jiang Heng does not want to be involved in it, fearing that his appearance will affect the final effect of the film.

So over the years, he and Jiang Wen have been close.

The latter occasionally attends the premiere of Jiang Heng's new film and drinks together, that's all.

But this time, Jiang Heng really thinks Jiang Wen is quite suitable for Shi Qiang in "The Three-Body Problem".

The first impression of this role is "rude", but Jiang Wen can teach foreigners to speak Chinese, and can teach "the force" to be "really fucking good", and can teach Quentin to say "awesome".

In "The Founding of a Republic", he can swear, and Chen Daoming, who plays the opposite role, is probably stunned.

For this reason, who else can do it!

Moreover, Shi Qiang in the original work is a soldier, with meticulous observation and strong ability. Not only did he propose the "Guzheng Plan" in the first part, but he also protected Luo Ji several times in the subsequent content.

Such a role, Jiang Heng felt that it was tailor-made for Jiang Wen.

So, he called Jiang Wen directly.

The moment the latter received the call, he still felt confused.

"Director Jiang, you are such a busy person, why did you think of calling me?"

"I have something to ask you. There is a role in my new film that suits you very well. I want you to play it!"

"Director Jiang, you can also hear that I am busy doing post-production!"

"I'll help you with overseas distribution!"


At this moment, the film has not yet been exhibited abroad. Jiang Wen wants to sell the copyright in various foreign countries after the film wins the award.

However, it is a literary film after all, and even if it wins awards, it will not sell as much as a commercial film.

After all, Jiang Heng is an internationally renowned director. With him helping to promote it, he can make more money selling it!

With this idea in mind, Jiang Wen reluctantly agreed, then chose a barbecue restaurant and made an appointment to eat and chat in the evening.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun on the side said in surprise: "He actually asked you to make a movie. It seems that this role is really suitable for you!"

Jiang Wen listened and nodded slightly.

After all, he is also a well-known director. Generally, if a big director insists on inviting someone to participate, it is mostly because the actor fits the role very well.

He couldn't help but say: "If you say so, I'm still looking forward to it. I heard it's a science fiction novel called "The Three-Body Problem". You can check it out when you have time!"

He was busy doing post-production work before. Although he knew that Jiang Heng's new film was adapted from a science fiction novel called "The Three-Body Problem", he didn't have time to find it. It would be even more impossible to find it now.

In the evening, I drove to the barbecue restaurant I had arranged for, entered the private room and waited for a while, then I saw Jiang Heng.

"Director Jiang, what role must I play?"

"Here, look at this!" Jiang Heng said and handed over the script for the role of "Shi Qiang".

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