China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 269 New Film Release Conference


After reading the script about the role of “Shi Qiang”, Jiang Wen subconsciously took a breath.

This role is good, to fight the ETO organization, the lackey of aliens, and to use such a creative method as the “Guzheng Project”, it’s good, it’s good!

“When will this movie be filmed?”


“So soon?”

Jiang Wen remembered that he met Jiang Heng at a drinking party a while ago, and knew that he was still revising the script. He didn’t want it to be finished so quickly, and it would be filmed soon. This efficiency is really fucking unmatched!

And it is well known that Jiang Wen is relatively slow in filming.

When he was filming “Let the Bullets Fly”, he spent two years polishing the script alone.

When the script discussion meeting was first held, there were more than 20 screenwriters sitting in the conference room.

Jiang Wen’s habit is to discuss on a large scale first, and he wants all the good things that come out of the discussion.

The story line is written on the blackboard, a full five large blackboards, and 120 pieces of paper are posted on the blackboard. Each piece of paper is 1 minute of content, and each row is 10 minutes. Every 10-minute story point is clear at a glance.

As for the finalized script, the screenwriters didn't remember how many versions they had changed, but it was at least 30 versions.

When Jiang Wen was writing the script, he felt that writing was not the most important thing, but "chatting".

Once a group of people had talked through the story and everyone had the same idea, anyone could write it.

The style and the worldview determined what each character in the film said and how they said it, and there would be basically no deviation.

So he couldn't quite understand Jiang Heng, how could one person write so many commercial film scripts quickly and well.

The two had different styles of doing things, so their interactions were not close.

But this time, Jiang Wen really wanted to act in a science fiction blockbuster.

"How long will it take to finish shooting?"

Jiang Heng said: "It's estimated to be three or four months!"

"Awesome, you're really fast at shooting!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Not bad, not bad!"

"Then let me tell you something in advance. In July and August, I have to work on the post-production of the film (The Sun Also Rises). In September, I will go abroad to compete, plus the film promotion, and it will be released in October. As long as the shooting can be finished before the end of June, I have no problem!"

"The end of June? Not to mention your part, the whole movie is almost the same!"

"Okay, then it's settled, let's drink!"

After Jiang Wen said this, he clinked glasses and drank them all.

The two ate and talked, and as soon as the wine came down his throat, Jiang Wen's chatterbox opened up, talking about everything under the sun!

It was Jiang Heng, anyone else would have been stunned!

When they were almost done drinking, Zhou Yun came to pick up Jiang Wen and asked Jiang Heng how to go later.

Jiang Heng said that his driver would come soon, and Jiang Wen and his wife waited for a while and left.

But when the driver came, Jiang Heng did not get in the car, but walked on the road to get some wind.

The driver drove the car and followed slowly behind.

Not long after walking, the phone suddenly rang. It was Liu Yifei calling.

She knew that Jiang Heng was drinking with Jiang Wen tonight, and she mentioned it to Liu Xiaoli inadvertently. The latter repeatedly urged her to call. If she could send Jiang Heng home, it would be great.

"Are you home now?" Liu Yifei was inexplicably nervous, and her voice trembled slightly.

"No, it was too stuffy in the house just now, so I walked on the road to get some fresh air!"

"Where are you now?"

Jiang Heng turned his head, glanced at the surroundings and said a place name.

Liu Yifei said: "Wait a moment, I'll be there soon!"

Jiang Heng naturally didn't wait, and continued to walk forward.

Not long after, Liu Yifei drove a Mercedes-Benz C-Class to rush over.

In fact, she often drives a red Ferrari 458 Spider at the moment, which she bought at the Beijing Auto Show last year, and also a Porsche Panamera.

But Liu Xiaoli said that whether it was a Ferrari or a Panamera, it was too eye-catching, so she should drive her Mercedes-Benz!

Liu Yifei followed suit and drove a Mercedes-Benz C-Class.

Seeing Jiang Heng's car driving slowly from a distance, Liu Yifei easily found Jiang Heng "strolling" on the side of the road.

"Uncle, get in the car, I'll take you!" Liu Yifei rolled down the window and said with concern.

"Hey, why are you here?"

"Uh, did I just call you?"

"Oh, right!"

Jiang Heng was not drunk, but his reaction was not as fast as usual.

"I can go back now, what do you think..."

Liu Yifei said: "The driver can only take you home at most, there is no one to take care of you!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "For so many years, I didn't need anyone to take care of me!"

Seeing this, Liu Yifei stopped the car.

She got out of the car and walked to Jiang Heng's side, pulling his arm and said: "Let's go, I'm here!"


Jiang Heng hesitated and got in the car dizzy.

The driver and bodyguard in the luxury car behind looked at each other, and the scene of Tang Monk being captured by the Scorpion Demon and the sentence that Jing Tian always said emerged in their minds, "I am not a delicate queen, I have strength and means!"

"Elder Jiang was captured, should I tell Miss Jing!"

The driver pondered secretly, mainly because he was afraid that Jiang Heng would react later and know that he had tipped off and fired him.

After some thought, he decided not to talk about it for the time being.

But Liu Yifei drove and sent Jiang Heng back.

After entering the mansion, the two chatted for a while, and finally drank some wine together, and then passed out.

When they woke up the next day, they felt a little embarrassed, but then they were relieved.

Liu Yifei drove home first, and Jiang Heng drove a car to the company to continue the preparations for the film.

In the afternoon, Jiang Wen came into the office excitedly, "Hey, I have to say, this "Three-Body" is really a good work!"

"Have you finished reading the original book?"

"I have finished it. This book is so awesome. How did you discover it!" Jiang Wen said this with envy.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "It's just luck. In addition, the role of Shi Qiang is very important. He has a lot of roles in the second and third parts!"

Jiang Wen said, "That's good. I just think this role is not enough!"

Then, Jiang Wen talked about his feelings about "Three-Body". He didn't want to change the script, but just wanted to give Jiang Heng some inspiration.

His point of view is, let's talk about it first, and see if it can be used by you!

Finally, he signed a contract and left.

In the following days, several actors for the roles were successively determined.

In mid-March, the crew held a simple opening ceremony, but many media reporters still came to the scene.

Seeing that Zhang Jingchu was the heroine, the reporters were so excited, especially when Zhang Jingchu and Jiang Heng took photos together. Countless cameras kept taking pictures, and the flashes were blinding people.

"Director Jiang Heng, what were your considerations for inviting Miss Zhang Jingchu to play the heroine?" asked a reporter from Xinlang Entertainment.

"Well, mainly because I think Miss Zhang Jingchu's appearance and temperament are very consistent with the image of the heroine in the original work. In addition, I have also seen several dramas she has acted in before, and her acting skills are still very good!"

The reporters then asked about Director Jiang's relationship problems, and Jiang Heng naturally had nothing to say.

The crowd then set their sights on Jiang Wen. They all knew that after being banned for five years, he should be busy with his first directorial work after the "unbanning". This hasn't been released yet, so why is he here to act again?

"Director Jiang is so lucky. I am very envious that he discovered such a good science fiction work. I was attracted by the quality of the work and the charm of the role!"

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