The excellence of "The Three-Body Problem" is beyond doubt. Jiang Wen really likes this book. He praised it a lot at the press conference. Reporters were stunned and thought: Is it really that good?

But since both Jiang Heng and Jiang Wen said it was good, it should be as good as "The Matrix"!

Liu Yijun, who played Wang Miao, was born in 1970 and is just over 30 years old, about the same age as Wang Miao when he appeared.

But what Jiang Heng likes most is his bookish spirit.

When he was unknown, he was selected to play Ning Caichen and starred in the mainland version of "A Chinese Ghost Story" - "A Ghost Story" with Liu Mintao. It can be seen that his temperament is indeed outstanding.

In addition, although his role as Ouyang Yi in "Parents' Love" is not much, it is very stylish and very eye-catching.

At this moment, he is still not famous. He came here with the idea of ​​giving it a try. The moment he learned that he was selected, he really felt a sense of happiness.

Until now, I still felt a little dizzy and was not used to so many reporters.

"Thank you very much, Director Jiang Heng. I want to say that I will do my best to play this play well!"

Perhaps because he felt that his words were not important, Liu Yijun's speech was very short. Of course, the reporters were not willing to waste the camera on him. This person didn't have much to talk about at first glance. If they had time, they might as well explore the strange girls around him to see if they could find some sensitive topics.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Wan Qian. I play Yang Dong in this play. Thank you, Director Jiang Heng, for giving me, a small actor, the opportunity to participate in a big production. I will try my best to play this role well."

The reporters took pictures non-stop after hearing this. Although the girl in front of them was not a big beauty, she had a rare affinity.

With Jiang Heng's relationship, it is estimated that she will become famous sooner or later.

After the actors who attended the press conference expressed their opinions, the event ended.

The media reporters left without mentioning it, and Jiang Heng led a group of actors to drive to the China Film Digital Base.

The title of this play is the same as the title of the book, both of which are: "The Three-Body Problem: The Past of Earth".

In terms of plot, it is a bit similar to the dual male protagonists. The line of Shi Qiang played by Jiang Wen is a suspenseful detective mode, investigating the suicides of a group of scientists.

In the process, there are some action scenes due to the obstruction of the ETO organization.

Wang Miao's side is naturally to experience the "Three-Body" game, and the famous dehydration scene is to be focused on.

In the end, Shi Qiang and Wang Miao worked together, one proposed the "Guzheng Plan" and the other provided nano-flying knives to cut Evans and his cruise ship into pieces.

One more thing to mention is that Tom Hittleston plays Evans in this play.

After all, they have worked together in "Pacific Rim 2" before, and he also has a bit of aristocratic temperament. It is not difficult to play a super rich second generation with a bit of neurosis.

Therefore, in terms of filming, there are both real-life shooting and studio special effects shooting.

When they arrived at the China Film Digital Base, the crew was preparing for various matters to start shooting. Jiang Heng looked around and occasionally said something casually, instructing the staff to place various equipment and props.

Seeing this, Jiang Wen, who was standing by, was surprised. He thought that Director Jiang was not very old, but he had a strong ability to control the scene. No wonder he could shoot a series of special effects blockbusters one after another.

As the saying goes, there are all kinds of people in a hundred people. When there are more people, the difficulty of management increases suddenly.

Not to mention the crew, which has a high turnover rate and a large number of people.

At present, there are definitely less than ten people in China who are capable of directing special effects blockbusters and can shoot them well.

"Hey, Director Jiang, can we discuss something?" Jiang Wen said with a smile.

"Can I say no?"

"Don't refuse first, listen to me!"

"I think you probably can't say anything good!"

"Hey, if you keep talking like this, I'm leaving!" Jiang Wen pretended to leave.

Jiang Heng smiled: "Tell me, is there a scene you like that you want to direct for fun?"

Jiang Wen looked surprised, "Wow, how did you know?"

Jiang Heng thought, how should I know, you like to play gloomy with your own private goods in your life, it would be strange if I didn't envy such a good scene of Ye Zhetai.

Jiang Heng said: "Not only do I know you want to shoot, but I also know which scene you want to shoot!"

Jiang Wen said: "That's really great minds think alike, leave it to me, I promise to shoot it well for you!"

Jiang Heng smiled: "I'm afraid you will ruin my movie!"

Jiang Wen waved his hands quickly, "Not really, not really, isn't it just passing the review? I promise this part can pass, okay?"

Jiang Heng was silent. To be honest, he was not very confident about this part. He could only say that he would shoot it and see. If it really didn't pass, he had to find a way to modify it. Anyway, it would definitely be released in China.

The box office in the mainland is at least 700 to 800 million, and the profit sharing is more than 200 million. It would be a big loss if it couldn't pass the review.

Since Jiang Wen volunteered, let him try. He can just modify it himself.

The next day, the crew of "Three-Body" officially started filming. Jiang Heng brought a group of people to the studio to shoot various scenes in the game "Three-Body", as well as scenes of space, the Three-Body galaxy, and the expedition of the Three-Body fleet.

Jiang Wen took a group of people to the next door to shoot Ye Zhetai's scenes.

Because the content of Jiang Heng's filming was too abstract, those who had nothing to do in the crew went to watch Jiang Wen filming.

In the Netflix version, Lan Xiya's role was very colorful. In this play, it was played by Ma Sichun.

Ma Sichun, born in 1988, just graduated from Communication University last year. It is said that she has no acting skills.

But her aunt is Jiang Wenli, and she naturally helped to recommend various things if she wanted to act.

Jiang Heng has been in Beijing for many years, so naturally he has to deal with people from all walks of life.

When preparing for a new play, he must decide the important roles by himself, and it won't work if someone tries to force someone in.

But some less important supporting roles will still be arranged as appropriate.

On the set, looking at the well-built high platform and the young men and women wearing clothes with the flavor of the times, Jiang Wen felt heroic.

He waved his hand and said, "Start shooting!"

On Jiang Heng's side, people came to tell him about the current shooting situation on Jiang Wen's side.

It's not that he deliberately ordered it, but when the position was reached, someone naturally came to report.

"Director Jiang, Director Jiang Wen's shooting is very radical, will it be..."

"It's okay, let him shoot for fun, I'll just reshoot it!"

First of all, the important person in that scene is actually only Ye Wenjie, and the rest can be replaced at any time. Although the scene is large, it is basically a group performance, so it is easy to reshoot.

The main reason is that Jiang Wen is a famous director, and actor is his second identity at present. He is in the post-production stage of "The Sun Also Rises". It is not easy for him to be willing to take the role of "Shi Qiang". Jiang Heng has to accept his favor.

Just like Jiang Heng at this moment, his main identity is a director. Being able to play a role as an actor is not something that can be done with a little pay. He has to remember a favor and repay it.

It is true that Jiang Wen's play was shot for a week, and it was taken over and it was indeed good. It would be even better if it does not need to be deleted or modified during the review!

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