However, on the second day of the new film press conference, many domestic entertainment media reported the news of the launch of Jiang Heng's new film "The Three-Body Problem".

The effect is remarkable, the industry is shaken and the audience is excited.

Director Jiang Heng is so prolific, with one film "Havoc in Heaven" in post-production, and another "Girls' Country" in post-production, and he has started making science fiction films again.

In comparison, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaizi, Wu Yusen, etc. are really ineffective.

Of course, it's not that they don't want to go faster. Zhang Yimou is cautious and doesn't dare to go fast.

Chen Kaiji didn't have the capital to invest in him, so he couldn't do it quickly even if he wanted to.

Wu Yusen was in a similar situation, because "Red Cliff" had both poor reputation and box office. When the second part was released during the Lunar New Year, there was no competition from Jiang Heng's special effects blockbuster, and the box office was still not good.

The upper and lower parts barely exceeded 400 million, which was much less than the previous life of 100 million.

The only thing that makes Director Wu happy is that the film is very popular in Japan and has high box office results, allowing him to maintain his dignity as a great director.

But when it comes to making new films, it's still a bit difficult to attract investment. It's impossible to be like Jiang Heng, who can make films whenever he wants.

At the audience level, they were all curious about what "The Three-Body Problem" was about. Their own publishing house found Liu Cixin and published the first volume of "The Three-Body Problem", which instantly became a hit domestically.

At the same time, the second part of Liu Cixin's "Three-Body" novel was also finished. Instead of publishing it immediately, it was sent to Jiang Heng first.

"Director Jiang, thank you very much for your appreciation and care for me, so when I was writing it, I thought that I would bring it to you to read after I finished it!"

Jiang Heng held the manuscript and said with a smile: "Great, I've long wanted to know the story behind it!"

Immediately, Liu Cixin was allowed to live on the set, and at the same time, he ordered the finance department to pay the second copyright adaptation fee of one million yuan.

When we first purchased it, we agreed that the film and television adaptation rights for the "Three-Body" series would total RMB 3 million.

The manuscript sent by Liu Cixin was obviously unfinished, so it was naturally settled at one million.

After receiving the money, Liu was in a happy mood. He stayed with the crew for a week and then returned. With Jiang Heng's help, he signed a publishing contract with an American bookseller.

I believe that with Jiang Heng's title as the original author of the new film, the novel will definitely become popular.

Little did they know that Jiang Heng's plan was to make "The Three-Body Problem" popular in Europe and the United States ahead of time, so that the film would take advantage of the traffic of the novel.

The World Science Fiction Convention also helped him register for the election.

With the strength of the first part of "The Three-Body Problem", it is not difficult to win the award.

Of course, filming is not difficult either.

It has been ten years since his rebirth. Even without the help of a "super microcomputer", Jiang Heng's directing skills are outstanding among domestic directors.

There is no other reason than that I took too many photos.

For other directors, it takes several years to make a blockbuster film, and there are many who only have two or three good works in ten years.

Jiang Heng has taken so many photos over the years and has mastered it through practice.

The whole movie was shot at a very fast speed while Jiang Wen was in a state of shock. The filming was almost complete in June and was finally completed on June 8th!

At the finals banquet, Jiang Wen drank a lot of wine.

I read a poem by Xin Qiji, "When I was drunk, I read the sword with the light on, and I dreamed of blowing the trumpet company..." and then I got drunk.

People who attended the finals banquet felt that Jiang Wen was most likely stimulated. How could anyone shoot blockbusters so well and so quickly?

This is unscientific!

As the summer vacation approaches, Huayi's Wang Zhonglei is increasingly anxious. The good news is that the company's first mythological special effects blockbuster "Fengshen" will be released soon.

The bad news is that Jiang Heng's "Land of Women" will be released this summer.

Although this film went from project establishment to filming extremely quickly, it looks like a money-making project.

But Jiang Heng’s work makes people dare not take it lightly!

"Is there any news from the General Administration?" Wang Zhonglei asked the secretary.

"Not yet, but it is estimated that it will only be in the next few days. His schedule is set for the second Friday of July. There is still one month left. If it is not true, it will be too late."

Wang Zhonglei nodded slightly when he heard this. He didn't want to make things difficult for Jiang Heng in terms of passing the review. It should be noted that Jiang Heng has become a banner of Chinese-language films, and the General Administration will not easily make things difficult for Jiang Heng in terms of passing the review.

He just wanted to know the quality of "The Kingdom of Women" from the mouths of the staff there.

Not wanting to change his mind, he received a call informing him that the quality of "Girl's Kingdom" was very good and the special effects scenes were not inferior to those of the previous film.

Of course, there aren't as many fighting scenes as in "Shituoling", but they are still very interesting.

In addition, there are so many beauties.

When it came to the trial, everyone was wondering where Jiang Heng found such a beautiful woman.

They all look as good as celebrities. It’s so unscientific.

When Wang Zhonglei heard this, he became even more depressed. First, I discussed it with my eldest brother, and then called in company executives, including Chen Guofu, the producer of "The Legend of the Gods", and Liu Weiqiang, the director.

After repeated deliberations and discussions, it was decided to set the release date of "The Legend of the Gods" at the end of July.

The previous part "Red Cliff" was released a week before "Zhu Xian". As a result, after "Zhu Xian" was released, the single-day box office dropped sharply. What a loser!

If we choose it later, and the time is spread out by half a month, the impact will definitely be much smaller!

On Jiang Heng's side, after "Girls' Country" passed the review and received the Dragon Award, a small viewing party was held within the company. All the company's executives, contracted artists, and film creators were present.

In the screening room, everyone looked at the beautiful women everywhere on the streets of the daughter country in the film, and they were all puzzled.

Especially Liu Yifei and Jing Tian, ​​who participated in the film, remember the general appearance of the female extras. They were definitely not ugly, but they didn't look so good in the film.

Liu Yifei clearly remembers that a girl who played a minister in the film had acne on her face, but how come she looked smooth and new in the film, and her skin looked particularly good!

Girls like to pay attention to these things, and don't even care about the plot and fighting later.

After the screening, a group of female staff and actresses came over, "Director Jiang, how come they are all beauties in the film? Did we find so many beautiful extras in the beginning?"

"Director Jiang, you didn't use any new technology?"

Jiang Hengxin said that it was not a technology, it was just a sorcery at most.

In fact, during the post-production, it was found that the ministers and people of the Kingdom of Women were not very good-looking, so they were slightly beautified.

The result is that some people with better face shapes but slightly worse skin instantly improved their looks by several levels, making many "stunning" beauties appear in the film.

"Yes, some new technology was indeed used!"

"Wow, Director Jiang is so amazing!"

"When will this technology be popularized, Director Jiang!"

"Can ordinary cameras do this, Director Jiang!"

"I really want to shoot it!"

The female staff chattered, while the female artists were mixed with joy and sorrow. They relied on their looks to achieve their current status and achievements.

If one day, an ordinary girl can be easily photographed as a great beauty, it will definitely affect them!

Jiang Heng naturally knew what they were worried about, and smiled and said: "This technology is very difficult, don't worry about it, just get to work!"

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