Jiang Heng knew that the beauty function would be very popular in the future, but he still underestimated the reaction of the female employees.

Perhaps because he seemed more friendly on weekdays, these people were not very afraid, but reminded him tenderly, "Director Jiang, if you can develop a camera that can take beautiful photos of people, it will definitely be very popular!"

"If there is such a camera, I will definitely save money to buy it!"

"Me too, at most I will ask my boyfriend to support it for a few months!"

The girls in 2007 were not affected by the "gold digger culture". Even if they wanted to add their names when buying a house, they would only mention it in a subtle way, and would not ask for money or gifts blatantly.

Asking a boyfriend to provide food for a few months is almost the limit for some girls, and it is impossible to ask for expensive gifts.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng could only smile and say, "Okay, I'll think about it, think about it!"

The female employees left reluctantly, and the actresses gathered around, with curiosity in their eyes.

Da Tiantian was the most straightforward, and said in surprise: "Brother, how did you do it? I feel that I am more beautiful in this film than at other times!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "It's just a little technology!"

For the "super microcomputer", it is no problem to directly generate a lifelike virtual character, not to mention "skin smoothing", "face thinning", "whitening", "big eyes"... for real people.

But for people born in 2007, this technology is really amazing.

Several girls looked at Jiang Heng with a little more admiration.

Jing Tian said coquettishly: "Brother, consider developing it when you have time, the girls will be grateful to you!"

Jiang Heng thought, there will be a group of men who hate me, because Chinese beauty can be called the first of the "four major evil arts in Asia"!

However, since this thing is bound to appear, Jiang Heng doesn't mind launching it first.

Among all the Internet tracks, he cares most about short videos, and has no intention of intervening in other things.

After the internal film viewing meeting, everyone praised this "Daughter Kingdom", and the domestic side is very optimistic.

As for foreign film producers, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian countries are also very optimistic about this film.

After all, under the influence of the Chinese cultural circle, they like "Journey to the West" very much.

However, North American and European film producers are not so optimistic.

After all, they are face-blind when looking at Asians, and it doesn't make a big difference to them whether to turn on the beauty function or not.

In the real world, European and American customers have complained about the beauty function of Apple phones.

As for the reason why they are not very optimistic about this movie, it is because the plot conflict is not enough and the fighting scenes are not enough.

At this moment, European and American audiences may not know how to describe this feeling.

But when the concept of "Avengers Universe" is formed, it will be easy to compare.

It is equivalent to the audience waiting for the sequel of Avengers, but in the end they only see Iron Man, Captain America and others talking about love with the beautiful opponent, and finally fighting twice symbolically.

After all, the rhythm of "Lion Camel Ridge" is full of fighting, and the action scenes of "Pingdingshan" are about the same.

Suddenly there is a nearly 180-degree change, and European and American film producers don’t know how the audience will accept it.

Of course, with Jiang Heng's fame and the influence of the "Journey to the West" series, the box office of "The Kingdom of Women" should not be too bad, but it will not be a big hit.

In the afternoon, Liu Yifei sent QQ to ask what to eat in the evening.

Jiang Heng thought about it and replied: "Go home, I will cook something for you!"

Liu Yifei replied silently with a "OK" and was done, without chatting non-stop.

Putting away the phone, Jiang Heng still had a strong sense of unreality, just like that.

When drinking with Jiang Wen, Liu Yifei sent him home, and the two drank a lot and stayed, but that time didn't matter.

But later, they were together in a muddle. There was no oath, no sense of ritual.

After all, for Jiang Heng's psychological age, he no longer believed in love, and hated the so-called sense of ritual.

Liu Yifei was also very well-behaved, never asking Jiang Heng about his private affairs, really unlike the girls later!

There was something on my mind, so I couldn't sit still, and I stayed until more than four o'clock, and drove home alone.

He has countless houses in Beijing, including seven or eight luxury houses. This one he just bought is located in the west of Beijing.

"You're back!" Liu Yifei's expression was calm, but her tone was still a little happy.


Jiang Heng opened his arms and hugged her, who was still a little shy.

"It's so hot, go take a shower first!" Liu Yifei pushed him away.

Jiang Heng laughed and took a shower.

After returning, he went to the kitchen first. Naturally, he didn't cook noodles, but made four dishes with meat and vegetables.

"Come and try it!"

Jiang Heng put the dishes on the dining table and called.

Liu Yifei came forward and picked up the stir-fried beef with chopsticks, and immediately praised: "It's delicious, how did you make it?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Just stir-fry it casually!"

"Why can't I make the effect you make?"

When the girl said this, her expression was a little frustrated. Her mother once said that if you want to capture a man's heart, you must capture his stomach.

Liu Yifei tried several times, but unfortunately the dishes were not very good.

After Jiang Heng found out, he made a few dishes for her to try, and then she gave up, she was too shocked.

Jiang Heng thought, I can do Jet Li's boxing after watching it a few times, let alone cooking!

"It's just cooking, don't worry about it!"

"But I want to cook for you!"

"It's enough to have this thought!"

Liu Yifei still pouted, looking unhappy, but Jiang Heng shifted his attention when he talked about the promotion of "The Kingdom of Women".

"This time, Huayi's "Investiture of the Gods" is in the same summer. Although they have scheduled it half a month later, in the minds of the audience, the two films are still competing, so we still need to pay attention to the promotion.

I plan to divide the main creators into two groups after the premiere, and you and Jing Tian will lead one team each to start the preview promotion."

Liu Yifei nodded slightly, and suddenly said: "Then, which group will you be with?"

"Uh, it depends on how Yu Dong arranges the schedule!"

"Oh, okay!"

Liu Yifei and Jing Tian are also best friends, and they know each other's thoughts.

She was too afraid of losing, so she took a risky move.

Looking back now, it still feels incredible.

In the next few days, Jiang Heng didn't go to the company, and Yu Dong, who was in charge of the promotion, could only contact him by phone if there was anything.

Jing Tian found that Liu Yifei was missing and didn't answer the phone. She didn't know what was going on.

She was so bored that she asked Zhao Liying to go shopping with her. The two of them went shopping in the mall, carrying a lot of bags, and then went to buy ice cream.

"Hey, why are you all acting weird lately!" Da Tiantian wondered.

Zhao Liying was also cute, "What's weird?"

"Director Jiang, he's gone again. He said he was in seclusion writing a script. He is the kind of person who always writes scripts, but when I went to his house, he was not there!"

"Have you been to Director Jiang's house?" Zhao Liying said enviously.

"You don't know, Director Jiang likes to buy houses very much. He has many houses in Beijing. I have only been to two of them. It's normal not to find him. But why is Xixi gone!"

Zhao Liying suddenly said: "Could it be that she went there too!"


Zhao Liying was halfway through her words, and Da Tiantian was already stunned in place, and the ice cream in her hand fell!

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