"you say?"

"I did not say!"

Zhao Liying was so frightened that she waved her hands hurriedly. How dare she get involved in this fight between gods and mortals suffering!

Since arriving at Aiyouteng Film Company, she has heard a lot of gossip from her agent's elder sister.

Director Jiang, Monica Bellucci, Megan Fox and so on.

However, according to the judgment of the agent sister, foreign women are of no use, no matter how beautiful they are.

The person who can be the proprietress of Aiyouteng Pictures must be a Chinese beauty.

The ones most favored by everyone are Liu Yifei and Jing Tan.

Tang Yan and Yang Mi were also very popular before, but in the past two years, they seem to have been eliminated.

Therefore, she would not dare to offend either Liu Yifei or Jing Tan!

Da Tiantian stood for a while, greeted a cleaning lady, said sorry, and took out a few hundred yuan.

The aunt dared to ask for the money, so she refused and refused. At this time, people around recognized Jing Tian, ​​and they immediately attracted onlookers.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Da Tiantian took Zhao Liying and ran away.

In the underground garage, the two got into Jing Tan's luxury car, and Zhao Liying was still frightened.

"Wow, those people are so scary!"

Jing Tan smiled, as if nothing had happened, "What's the matter? When you become famous in the future, the scene you will see will be even bigger than this!"

"Can someone like me really be famous?" Zhao Liying said unconfidently.

Da Tiantian said: "Don't worry, I will help you ask Director Jiang for resources, and I will help you tell Li Xiaoping that based on your conditions, you may be more popular than me!"

"Thank you so much, I can't even think about these things!"

Zhao Liying lowered her head slightly, showing a strong lack of confidence.

Jing Tan smiled and said, "Don't worry, with my relationship with Director Jiang...!"

Halfway through the words, I burst into tears for no reason, "We have nothing to do with each other!"

Seeing her crying sadly, Zhao Liying hugged her and patted her on the back, "It's okay, it's okay!"

When she did this, Da Tiantian cried even more sadly!

Zhao Liying sighed slightly and said in her heart: "Relationships are really harmful. Da Tiantian is so good, so sad! I will never be like her in the future...!"

A few days have passed, and it's time for the premiere of the summer blockbuster that countless movie fans are looking forward to.

Because it has to compete with Huayi's "The Legend of the Gods", the Beijing premiere of "The Kingdom of Women" will be held on Sunday, July 1, which is nearly a week earlier than the summer premieres in previous years.

Huayi is facing a formidable enemy because Aiyouteng Pictures has not promoted it so hard for a long time.

After everyone discussed it, they decided to let Xu Ke attend the premiere to see the quality of the film.

Old Monster Xu has not had much contact with Jiang Heng in the past few years, but after all, they are both from Xiangjiang, so it is okay to support him in the past.

On July 1st, Mr. Xu, wearing a suit and leather shoes, took a car to the CPPCC Auditorium in Beijing.

The event site was still crowded with people and the media gathered.

On the red carpet, every celebrity that passes by will be photographed non-stop.

Old Monster Xu has participated in few activities in the past few years and is a little uncomfortable with it.

"Director Xu Ke, hello, welcome to the premiere of the new film "Land of Women". As we all know, you are very good at capturing the beauty of actresses. However, in this film, Director Jiang Heng changed the female characters in the film. , the photos are all beautiful!" Red carpet host Liu Yan said in an exaggerated tone.

Xu Ke naturally caught it and said in the same exaggerated tone: "Wow, then I want to see how beautiful the beauties under his lens can be!"

Seeing that Old Monster Xu was cooperating, Liu Yan would also be a favor and asked: "To be honest, I really like Director Xu's previous works. Are there any new works coming out recently?"

Xu Ke hurriedly said: "Of course there is. I am currently planning to shoot a special effects blockbuster of a costumed martial arts detective. I think Miss Liu is very beautiful. Are you interested in playing the heroine in my play?"

"Wow, can I really do that?"

Liu Yan said "surprised", but he knew very well that she had no background and was at best a vase with a good figure. It was impossible for Xu Ke to use her as the heroine.

Xu Ke said: "Of course you can...!"

The two chatted for a few more words, but Old Monster Xu entered the venue without mentioning it.

When Jiang Heng walked on the red carpet, the atmosphere at the scene was at its peak. The flash lights seemed to blind people. The enthusiastic fans had lights with Jiang Heng's name on them and shouted "Director Jiang, Director Jiang!"

"Hello, Director Jiang, we are bringing another work to the summer season. How do you feel about it?"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "My mood is very complicated. In the Chinese film market, there are still too few blockbusters, and there are too few choices for the audience. I saw some comments from fans online, saying that Director Jiang is like an old friend of Chinese movie fans. There will always be a movie released during the summer and New Year holidays, and everyone is tired of watching it. The terrible thing is that you don’t have a choice if you don’t want to watch it!”

Liu Yan smiled and said: "This shows that the Chinese film market cannot do without Director Jiang, and the world film market also needs Director Jiang!"

Among the audience present, someone complained, "Damn it, are you talking so flatteringly?"

The friend next to me said: "How many people want this opportunity but they haven't yet. It's nothing to say a few flattering words. There are still people who are angry!"

"There must be people at Director Jiang's level who are ready to attack!"

"Yes, one word can change someone else's destiny. One play can create a popular star. How much money can you make!"

On the red carpet, Jiang Heng promoted "Girls' Country" for a few words and then entered the venue.

When I walked to the front row of the guest seats, I found that almost everyone had arrived.

Liu Yifei was wearing an evening dress, her face was radiant, and she was sitting upright with a proud look on her face.

Da Tiantian actually sat in the back row, whispering with Zhao Liying.

"Why did they get together?"

Jiang Heng was puzzled. In the past few years when Zhao Liying signed a contract with Aiyouteng Pictures, the movies and TV series she acted in were all supporting roles. She was not very well-known, and her pay was not high. She was far behind the popular Jing Tan!

"Director Jiang, congratulations, another blockbuster in the Journey to the West series has been released. I believe it will set a new record!" Xu Ke stood up and said.

Jiang Heng shook hands with him and said, "Thank you, Director Xu. How are you doing lately? I heard you are preparing a new film?"

"Well, Mr. Wang from Huayi is very grand and ready to vote for my movie!"

When Xu Ke spoke, he felt quite proud. Apparently he still remembered the time when he asked Jiang Heng to invest in "Seven Swords" but was rejected.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Congratulations!"

Han Sanping stood up and said, "I heard that almost all of your films are beauties, and they dazzled the boys in the film bureau. How did you do that?"

Jiang Heng smiled: "It's nothing, I just used a little technique!"

"Little technology?"

The guests in the front row were very curious, because these people were generally older, and the special effects were somewhat difficult to understand.

This technology, which can make ordinary people take more beautiful photos, seems to some people to be magical, not like science, but like metaphysics!

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Well, it's a bit high-end now, but I believe it won't be unusual in a few years!"

Zhao Liying hurriedly raised her head when she heard this, saw Jiang Heng looking at her, and said hurriedly, "Hello, Director Jiang!"

Jiang Heng nodded and looked at Da Tiantian, who actually turned his head and looked back, looking like he didn't know what he was looking for.

Just as he was about to pass her by, Da Tiantian turned back, as if he had just seen Jiang Heng, "Ah, Director Jiang!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, wondering in his mind, what's wrong with this girl?

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