China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 274: Live up to Tathagata and live up to you

There were many guests at the scene, and Jiang Heng had no time to pay attention to Jing Tian's thoughts.

The latter whispered to Zhao Liying on the side: "I gave him a look!"

Zhao Liying raised her right thumb and praised: "I saw it, Tiantian you are so awesome!"


Jing Tian looked proud, "I don't care about him!"

"Big Tiantian is great!"

Zhao Liying cheered him up, according to her previous personality, she would not say such words.

But that day, seeing Jing Tian was really sad, she accompanied him to complain about the "scumbag".

Don't say it, when you see Jiang Heng on weekdays, you have to look up to him, a big director, a big boss, an unattainable posture.

Suddenly switching to the perspective of the "scumbag", and secretly cursing a few words, even she felt refreshed.

Just when she said Jiang Director was good, she secretly called him "scumbag" in her heart, and she really felt a sense of smugness.

However, I have to be more careful in the future. If I blurt out something by mistake, it will be terrible, Zhao Liying warned herself secretly in her heart.

Jiang Heng didn't know that his image in the hearts of the two girls had collapsed. He still looked well-dressed and handsome. After greeting the guests, he sat down in his seat.

Han Sanping on the side said: "The grand occasion is still the same!"

Jiang Heng said: "I don't know what the reaction will be after watching it. After all, it is different from the previous styles!"

Han Sanping said: "Are you still afraid of this? The movies you have made in these years span several genres!"

Jiang Heng smiled and thought, I am just being modest, but you take it seriously!

Before he could say more, the premiere event had already begun.

It was still the beautiful host of CCTV's six movie channels who appeared on the stage. After giving an opening speech, the film was officially played.

What the audience never expected was that the first person to appear was the Tathagata Buddha.

Sitting on the lotus platform of Lingshan, preaching.

A very beautiful woman, originally sitting next to a monk, was so excited when she heard something happy that she disturbed the monks beside her.

Seeing this, the Buddha slowly stretched out his big hand.

From the audience's perspective, it seemed as if he wanted to cover the sky.

"No!" said a strong voice.

The scene changed again, and Tang Sanzang and his four disciples stayed in the valley at night. Tang Sanzang, played by Ding Haifeng, woke up from his dream.

Sun Wukong, who was leaning on a branch, laughed and said, "Master, what a good dream you had. Did you think of your old lover when you were close to Lingshan Mountain?"

Tang Seng said angrily, "You naughty monkey, stop talking nonsense. Do you think your master can't bear to recite the tight hoop curse?"

Wukong hurriedly said, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense, and you don't recite nonsense either. I was thinking about telling you the story of the Seven Fairies. It's boring, really boring, it's time to sleep!"

"Brother Monkey, if you want to talk about this, I, the old pig, won't be sleepy. Tell me the truth. After you fixed the Seven Fairies, did you really go to pick peaches?"

In 2007, this joke had not yet been widely circulated. When the audience first heard it, they were stunned and then laughed.

On the screen, Sun Wukong said, "Of course, I've never been interested in women!"

"That's more hollow than my old pig's kidneys, I don't believe it!"

Then he sighed, "After so many years, I don't know how Cuilan is doing in Gao Laozhuang, whether she is still waiting for me, Zhu, maybe she remarried!"

Tang Seng said, "Fate is already determined, you can't force it, since you're gone, why are you still talking about this!"

Sun Wukong said, "She must have remarried, how could she wait for you!"

Zhu Bajie said angrily, "You are a monkey who has been plagued by plague, you deserve it, and all the female monkeys in your mountain have no offspring."

The scene was quiet for two seconds, and Sun Wukong suppressed his anger and said, "Oh, then I wish you a son soon!"

Zhu Bajie laughed, "Monkey, I am so angry, how can a man give birth to a child, Master, don’t you think so? ”

Tang Monk said: “It’s hard to say. Gonggong hit Buzhou Mountain in anger and caused a flood. Although Nuwa repaired the sky, the flood on the earth still did not recede. Gun sympathized with the humans on the earth and stole the Xiran from the Emperor of Heaven to control the flood. When the Emperor of Heaven knew about it, he was furious and sent the fire god Zhurong to kill Gun. After Gun’s death, the flood came again. His body did not decay for three years. Later, his body split open and a child came out of it. It was his son, Dayu.

So, it is not impossible for a man to give birth to a child! ”

Zhu Bajie’s eyes were slightly confused, “No, Master, are the books you usually read so miscellaneous?”

In the venue, the audience couldn’t stop laughing.

On the big screen, Sha Seng suddenly said: "I say, is it appropriate for the four of us monks to stay up late at night to talk about women and having children?"

Everyone was silent for another second, and said: "Sleep, sleep!"


The audience in the venue was overjoyed, and they also clearly felt that the style of this film was indeed somewhat different from the previous two, that is, serious comedy.

It is a bit similar to the difference between "Huang Feihong: Iron Chicken Fighting Centipede" and "Huang Feihong: Men Should Be Self-reliant".

Although the leading actors have not changed, the style is indeed somewhat different.

The next day, the wind was sunny and the sky was clear.

The four masters and apprentices moved forward and found that the plants in front were becoming more and more strange, lush and beautiful. It was obvious that they had arrived at a new realm.

Then came the popular scene of Tang Monk and Zhu Bajie being pregnant. The four masters and apprentices kept bickering, which became more and more funny.

The film stars Zhen Zidan as Ruyi Zhenxian. She has two battles with Wu Jing, who plays Sun Wukong. The special effects scenes are very good and quite exciting.

Afterwards, the four masters and apprentices entered the Kingdom of Daughters. Looking around, they saw beautiful women everywhere.

The younger ones were mostly very beautiful. The older ones were also very charming.

The guests and audiences who watched the movie were all wondering where Jiang Heng found such a beautiful woman. This was too exaggerated.

Some people even doubted their own aesthetics. How could they think some women were beautiful? It was really weird.

However, in terms of appearance, the most beautiful in the Kingdom of Women was still the king played by Liu Yifei.

She was young and beautiful, and she fell in love with Elder Tang, but it was a pity that Tang Seng had no interest in this.

The focus of the Kingdom of Women was not actually on her.

When it came to the farewell scene outside the city, the centipede spirit played by Da Tiantian appeared, jumped out of the air and took Tang Seng away.

After the two met, they were very surprised.

Because the scorpion spirit played by Jing Tian was the one that Tang Seng saw in his dream at the beginning of the film.

When he was the second disciple of Buddha, the scorpion spirit was beside him listening to Buddha's lectures.

It was also when he was stung by the scorpion spirit that he begged for mercy.

This time, the scorpion spirit wanted to continue the previous relationship.

Tang Seng, as for him, was a little bit unable to control himself.

At this moment, Wukong came and shouted outside the cave.

As a result, he was stung and rolled on the ground in pain.

When Tang Seng learned about the situation, he naturally did not dare to have any worldly desires.

Wukong went to treat his wounds first, and then went to ask for help.

The Scorpion Demon naturally could not bear it, but she did not die as cowardly as in the original story. Instead, she was saved by Tang Seng, who advised her to practice well and not make mistakes.

After saying this, Tang Seng jumped on his horse and went west.

The Scorpion Demon chased after him and shouted: "You dared to ask the Buddha for mercy for me back then. Don't you really have no feelings?"

The white dragon horse stopped at the right time, and Tang Seng did not turn around, sighing: "Where can you get both in the world? I will not let down the Tathagata and you!"

After saying this, I rode west again, and the picture was fixed on the beautiful face of Da Tiantian crying.

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