China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 275 Popularity rises to a new level

For Jiang Heng, the play "The Kingdom of Daughters" should be considered a hasty work. It was purely rushed out to make a fortune in the summer vacation and to snipe the Huayi version of "Investiture of the Gods".

But with its high-quality special effects fighting scenes, light and funny story style, and a little touching "love regret", it instantly won the love of the audience.

Especially the boys and girls who came to watch the movie on site, how could they resist the sentence "Don't let down the Tathagata and don't let down the lover"!

At the end of the film, the beautiful shot of the scorpion spirit played by Da Tiantian crying also won unanimous recognition from the audience.

As for her, she was already in tears.

In fact, she had seen this scene at the internal film viewing meeting a while ago, but she just felt that Jiang Heng shot her more beautifully and more charming than the Kingdom of Daughters played by Liu Yifei, and there was nothing special about it.

But after experiencing what happened in the past few days, she couldn't hold it back instantly.

If it wasn't at the premiere, she would definitely cry.

Zhao Liying, who was standing by, hugged Da Tiantian and whispered, "Don't cry, you won't look good if your makeup is smudged!"

"You'll look good even if it's smudged!"

"Yes, you look good, Da Tiantian is the most beautiful, but the problem is that you'll be on stage later!"

Jing Tian stopped crying, and the assistant who was waiting beside her saw this and hurriedly handed her a tissue. When Da Tiantian took it and wiped it, the host had already invited all the main creators to the stage.

Da Tiantian stood up and walked on stage.

The beautiful host Tu Jingwei said, "I just noticed that Miss Jing Tian, ​​who plays the scorpion spirit in the film, was crying just now, which is in line with the last scene of the film.

What I want to ask is, were you too immersed in the role when filming, and were you moved by the scene at this moment?"

When these words came out, the crew members of "The Kingdom of Women" couldn't help laughing.

Impressed too much in the role, what a joke?

Da Tiantian couldn't get into the role many times, okay, that was Jiang Heng's hand-in-hand teaching, over and over again!

The biggest credit for the film being shot like this is Jiang Heng’s good storytelling.

As for why Jing Tian cried like in the film, everyone was also puzzled.

Some people were thinking, is she trying to steal the show?

It’s very possible. If she cries like this, the entertainment media will definitely write about it when they report it later.

Liu Yifei’s performance in the film was bland, and her performance at the premiere was also bland. There was nothing to say except that she was beautiful and her dress was beautiful.

Therefore, the reporters who came back with the camera equipment all pointed their cameras at Da Tiantian.

“Well, I just feel that there will always be regrets in life! You think the other person has done a great thing for you, but in fact, they just did it casually. You think you should repay them with a lifetime of companionship, but they only think about their future and don’t even want to look back at you again...!”

Da Tiantian talked freely, and the media reporters nodded secretly, wondering at the same time: Isn’t it said that she is uneducated and has very poor acting skills, and it’s all thanks to Jiang Heng’s direction?

What a great way to describe this experience! It doesn't seem like she memorized it in advance. It seems that she really understands this role. No wonder she is so popular!

After Da Tiantian finished speaking, she finally calmed down and returned to the team.

As soon as the interview was over, she went to find her Ying Bao.

The two held hands like children.

Da Tiantian said happily: "I just 'implied' him. Is it good?"

"That's great, Tiantian, how did you think of those words? It combines yourself and the role, and it's seamless. I definitely can't say it!"

"It's just a feeling!"

"Great, great, great, I give you a thumbs up!"

"Then I'll treat you to delicious food!"

"Ah, not going to the banquet?"

"So many people, all kinds of toasts, what delicious food can there be!"


Zhao Liying still wanted to go, after all, the company's big boss, a group of guests, and the company's executives were all there.

But considering Da Tiantian's current state, she felt that she should be loyal and accompany her out to eat, and then the two sneaked away.

There were so many people at the scene that Jiang Heng, Yu Dong, Du Huan and others didn't notice it.

When they arrived at the banquet hall of the five-star hotel for dinner, everyone noticed that the most outstanding Scorpion Spirit in the film was gone.

A staff member said that he saw Jing Tian and Zhao Liying leave together and thought they had asked for leave.

Jiang Heng laughed and didn't care too much.

Because Jing Tian always gave him the impression of being lively and eccentric, not a person who follows the rules.

Moreover, not all guests and creators attended the premiere banquet in the past.

After all, many of them were "hundreds of thousands per minute" and their schedules were full.

Jing Tian naturally didn't take so many roles, and he probably had his own things to do.

As for how she abducted Zhao Liying, this matter would have to be investigated later.

Liu Yifei, who was standing aside, looked puzzled and felt that Da Tiantian was very abnormal recently.

However, I was busy with eating and drinking at the moment, so I didn't have time to think about it.

The next day, major domestic entertainment media reported the news of the premiere of "The Kingdom of Women".

As expected, they all gave extremely high praise.

They said that the special effects fighting scenes in the film were not inferior to "Lion Camel Ridge" and "Pingdingshan".

In terms of style, it has changed the previous dark tones, and the pictures are warm and gorgeous. The mountains, waters and people are beautiful. Even a woman in her teens is very beautiful.

According to producer Du Huan, Director Jiang Heng used a brand-new technology that can make people more beautiful, which will change the photography market in the future.

The story style of the film is also very cheerful. The four masters and apprentices of Tang Monk frequently come up with golden sentences, which are seriously funny.

The most touching part is the love line between Tang Monk and Scorpion Spirit. Although it occupies a short space in the story of "The Kingdom of Women", it runs through the whole story.

Especially the final farewell, the sentence "How can I have both in this world? I will not let down the Tathagata and you!" made countless boys and girls cry at the scene.

And Jing Tian's remarks in the interview after the screening were also quoted and reported by many media, and won the recognition of a large number of audiences.

Douban website, major film and television forums, are discussing these words everywhere.

As the crew of "The Kingdom of Women" launched the preview activities in major ticket-storing cities across the country, this film and Da Tiantian, who played the Scorpion Spirit, became more and more popular.

On July 13, the day the film was released, it actually won 65 million yuan in the first day box office.

Not to mention the shock of the media, even Jiang Heng was stunned.

Because to be fair, Jiang Heng didn't put much thought into this "The Kingdom of Women", which is incomparable to "Lion Camel Ridge" and "Pingdingshan".

For example, the story structure of "Lion Camel Ridge" is very clever.

In comparison, "The Kingdom of Women" is a bit like a skit, with funny, beautiful women, special effects fighting as the "key point", and a sensational segment at the end.

After ten or twenty years, the audience will be "he——tui"

But at this time, it feels so good.

There are actually boys and girls who watch this movie repeatedly, and Da Tiantian has become another goddess in the hearts of countless male audiences because of the role of Scorpion Spirit.

Coupled with the popularity and fans brought by the previous role of "Biyao", it is even more popular!

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