The film "Heroes Company" has many scenes such as academy, classroom, jungle, city, ocean, etc., so it is necessary to shoot special effects in the studio and shoot simple scenes.

For example, the scenes in the classroom.

Considering that everyone has just joined the group and has not yet fully entered the state, the shooting process is naturally easy first and difficult later, starting with the simplest classroom scenes.

The first scene is the scene where Jing Tian plays Reina, who teaches Liu Chuang a lesson in the classroom. The feeling given is - arrogant, very arrogant.

After all, in the film, Reina's role is the goddess of dawn, not a mortal.

But it is still difficult to shoot.

Because she has to pinch Liu Chuang, played by Ding Haifeng, and press him against the wall by the neck, and she must shoot that kind of strength.

Fortunately, Jing Tian's height is acceptable. If he is shorter, this scene will have to be redesigned.

Of course, there is another way, which is to use a stand-in and make a slight adjustment in the post-production, so it is not so easy to be seen.

Jiang Heng's idea is to try to shoot as much as possible and see the effect first.

After all the groups and actors were in place and ready, Jiang Heng shouted, and the crew officially started filming.

In a large classroom, there were a dozen people sitting scattered around, all looking at the news on the large projection screen, which was about an unknown armed force that descended from the sky and captured a crocodile-like humanoid creature. Some citizens were injured in the process.

The actors in the classroom had to show a very surprised look and discuss it, thus causing conflicts.

In this scene, the early scenes were played by the policewoman Qilin played by Clara, and Ge Xiaolun played by Hu Jian and Liu Chuang played by Ding Haifeng had an argument.

Hu Jian's acting skills were naturally no problem, and he completed his role very easily.

The policewoman Qilin played by Clara, her tone and demeanor were also OK, but her not-so-standard accent made people feel a little out of place.

It will definitely be re-dubbed in the later stage, so I can only bear it now, at least it's better than "Mr. and Miss Numbers".

Then, Reina, who was originally sitting in the corner of the classroom, wearing a black long coat, a body-shaping belt, showing her white legs, and big leather boots on her feet, came on stage.

But she walked slowly forward, stretched out her hand to pinch Ding Haifeng's neck, and then she laughed, squatting on the ground and laughing.

The others saw this and laughed.

Jiang Heng looked helpless and shouted: "Jing Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?"

"Director, his neck is full of sweat, I can't catch it!"

Ding Haifeng was embarrassed when he heard it, "Director, it's too hot in here!"

Wu Jing, who was also waiting for him to appear, laughed and said: "Master, maybe you have had too many erotic dreams and your body is weak!"

Ding Haifeng became more and more embarrassed, "There are so many girls, what are you talking about!"

Wu Jing smiled awkwardly and said sorry.

Jiang Heng could only call the stage manager to find a fan to cool down.

But during the actual filming, Jing Tian still had problems, such as Ding Haifeng's neck was too thick, he was too tall, etc.

It took a whole day to shoot a shot of pinching someone's neck and pushing him against the wall.

Two more scenes of meeting in the conference room were shot, and the first day was over.

Most people were a little tired, but Jing Tian was very excited, saying that he didn't perform well on the first day and was willing to treat everyone to a meal to make up for it.

With delicious food, everyone naturally became energetic.

They took a car to a nearby restaurant of decent quality and asked for a large private room, where more than a dozen people sat.

Jiang Heng naturally sat in the main seat, with Liu Yifei on one side and Jing Tian, ​​who treated them, on the other side.

"I didn't perform very well today, and I made everyone accompany me to do it again and again. I apologize here!" Jing Tian stood up and raised his glass.

Everyone hurriedly said, "Hey, it's normal to shoot a movie!"

Ding Haifeng smiled awkwardly, "I was also busy at the time, and my neck was sweating!" Everyone laughed again.

Then they talked about many topics related to the movie. Jing Tian asked curiously: "Brother, what is the name of the original game of this movie!"

"League of Legends!"

"League of Legends?" Jing Tian's eyes lit up when he heard it, "It should be very fun. When will it be released!"

Everyone was curious after hearing it.

After all, after the new film press conference, too many people became curious about related games.

There are many stars in the entertainment industry who like to play games.

Regardless of whether you like to play the game produced by Jiang Heng Company, you must play it twice, at least there are more topics to chat about!

"Probably the Lunar New Year period!"

In fact, the game is almost done now and can be tested at any time.

It's just considering that the online version of "Zhu Xian" was just launched in early August, so it's just a little later.

Jing Tian laughed and said, "Brother, why are you talking about the public beta time of the game? It's also about the schedule!"

The other girls at the table also had a snickering expression.

Jiang Heng smiled awkwardly, "I'm really used to it!"

Huang Xiaoming said, "It shows that Director Jiang has put all his thoughts into the movie. He just put a little more effort into the game. "Zhu Xian" is already the best of its kind in China. I believe "League of Legends" will also be popular all over the country!"

Hu Jian asked how to play this game.

Jiang Heng briefly said that it was similar to Warcraft 3C.

Hu Jian's eyes lit up, "That's great, I like playing this the most, but I'm a little tired of it. I don't know what to play!"

Yang Mi followed up, "When the "League of Legends" is publicly tested, let's team up and play together!"

She is also a game fan, often playing games after filming, and sometimes even after finishing a day's filming late at night, she would go to the Internet cafe to play to her heart's content.

There are also Zhao Liying and Zhou Jielun, the latter of whom is famous for his love of playing "League of Legends".

Of course, at this moment, I don't know what will happen in the future, but I just politely expressed that I will support the games of Director Jiang's company.

Jiang Heng just smiled and said, "I'll find a place later, and we can team up to play together!"

Yang Mi's eyes brightened instantly when she heard this.

She felt that her biggest problem was that she was busy filming, and she had little contact with Jiang Heng and few topics, so she got few resources, so she could only work hard to take on roles, a vicious cycle.

If she could team up with Jiang Heng to play games, it would be convenient to have a close relationship, and she would always be taken care of!

"Okay, okay, I'll sign up, I'll sign up!"

It can be said that everyone present, except for Ding Haifeng, who is a little older, expressed their desire to team up with Jiang Heng to play games.

Yang Mi also suggested that they take a video of the scene of everyone playing games, which would be used as a game promotional film.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Your ideas are quite advanced!"

"Really?" Yang Mi said in surprise.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly and thought to himself, "If we talk a little more, I'm afraid we can even come up with game live broadcasts and game commentary!"

However, he is more concerned about movies.

In the game field, launching "League of Legends" first is already the biggest victory.

Because this game is really valuable. In the previous life, the revenue brought by "League of Legends" in 2019 was 1.5 billion US dollars, and by 2020, it had grown to 1.75 billion US dollars. It can only be described as a huge profit!

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