"Why? Are you afraid that the audience will get tired of the movie? No, many people can't wait to watch the second part after watching the first part. They want to see the huge three-body fleet and the human space fleet go to war! That scene is very exciting!"

When Megan said this, her eyes were bright.

Jiang Heng didn't explain it immediately. He couldn't say that he was waiting for someone to grow up!

A girl who, in his opinion, is the most suitable to play Zhuang Yan and can perfectly interpret the "beauty trap".

The real "beauty trap" is not simply white skin, beautiful face and long legs, nor is it a charming woman who shows her favor to you.

It's that the elderly Zhu Chongba was reviewing memorials in the dim candlelight hall. A girl who was 17 or 18 years old and looked like Empress Ma suddenly walked in and said in a surprised tone: "Chongba, you, how come you are so old?"

I believe that at that moment, even if Emperor Hongwu knew that this person was fake, he would be very excited and shed tears!

Zhuang Yan in the book is Luo Ji's ideal girl.

If this girl wants to be recognized by domestic audiences, she must be the ideal type of most boys.

A "first love face" is more important!

Of course, there is no need to explain these words to Megan.

Jiang Heng found a random excuse to explain it, and then said that he was going to use her as the heroine in the next movie.

Megan was very surprised, and the subsequent details were omitted.

In the next few days, she accompanied Jiang Heng to Britain, France, Germany, Italy and other countries for publicity. As a result, Director Jiang couldn't sleep well and was thin when he returned to China.

During this period, "The Warlords" was released.

In terms of box office, it only took in 19 million on the first day, which is better than the historical results.

But in 2007, when the film market had been cultivated by Jiang Heng's special effects blockbusters, this result was obviously low.

Because the total investment of the film was 40 million US dollars, about more than 300 million yuan, it was a real blockbuster.

In terms of actors, there were Jet Li, Andy Lau, and Jin Chengwu, and the lineup was also quite strong.

Especially the former, who made a huge profit of 100 million yuan with this movie.

But in terms of box office, it obviously failed to hold up.

It is said that his acting skills are very good, and his performance in the film is also good.

However, his performance in the film deviated from the audience's expectations.

What everyone wants to see is the cool and elegant Jet Li in fighting, otherwise they would not have cried ten years later when watching the sweeping monk practicing Tai Chi in "Kung Fu Yoga".

As for the poor box office of "The Warlords" in the original history, there is another reason that it was beaten by "Assembly" which was released on December 20.

In this world, this schedule was occupied by "The Three-Body Problem".

The Wang brothers and Director Feng did not dare to compete with Jiang Heng, and set the schedule of "Assembly" to the Spring Festival in 2008, so as not to compete with Jiang Heng.

Therefore, there are still competitors in the schedule of "The Three-Body Problem", but they are strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

On December 21, the film "The Three-Body Problem" was released simultaneously in a number of film markets around the world.

Because there are no midnight shows in the past two years, many movie fans go to the cinema early to grab the first show in the morning.

Lei Jun drove past a cinema in the morning and saw many people pouring in. He couldn't help but slap his head: "Look at my memory, I actually forgot it completely!"

He likes the novel "The Three-Body Problem" very much, and has recommended this book to the company's executives and employees more than once.

So the movie "The Three-Body Problem" must be watched.

However, due to the busy work, he has never been able to spare time for the premiere and preview of "The Three-Body Problem". It was only today that he had some free time.

When he arrived at the company, the first thing Lei Jun did was to ask his secretary to help him get two tickets for "The Three-Body Problem". The time was limited to today and the seats were better.

Not long after, the secretary brought six movie tickets, all from the cinema near the company, but three of the time and showtimes were selected.

Lei Jun looked at today's schedule and finally chose the afternoon show and went with his wife.

"It's so lively, just like the New Year!"

"Director Jiang's films are popular, and there are so many fans of the original book, so of course there are a lot of people!" Lei Jun said with a smile.

In fact, if you look at it in detail, he is a fan of the original book.

Although he also likes to watch Jiang Heng's films, he is definitely not obsessed with them.

He is the kind of person who will go to the cinema when he has time, and forget about it when he doesn't have time.

"The Three-Body Problem" is different. For Lei Jun, as long as the company's business is not extremely urgent, he can put it aside. In short, he has to go to the cinema to watch it.

After a while, the two were able to enter.

This cinema is newly built under the "China Film Red" cinema line. The theater is well decorated and the location is good.

It can be said that there is no problem except that there are too many people.

After watching a few patch GG, the film was officially screened.

As the plot unfolds, one after another creative and special effects scenes appear one after another, and billionaires like Lei Jun are constantly exclaiming.

And around him, there were audiences who were shocked by the content of the film.

"Fuck, fuck, this is awesome, this dehydration special effect!"

"It's absolutely amazing, so realistic, Director Jiang is awesome!"

"The Guzheng Project is so scary!"

"The fleet of the Trisolarans is so oppressive!"

"It can actually monitor all of humanity, so scary!"

"When will the second part be released? I can't wait to see it!"


Leibs's tone of emotion was calmer, but his emotions were very accurate.

In the car, Lei Bush said: "Director Jiang is definitely the best commercial film director in my mind. There is no one better than him in the world!"

"Didn't you say Spielberg and James Cameron were excellent before?"

"They are excellent, but their works are relatively few! Director Jiang, who has high-quality films and a large number of works, is really unique and a genius!"

"Aren't you also a genius?"

"I'm so-so. I've only made a few hundred million after working for so many years. It's not worth mentioning!"

At this point, he suddenly rubbed his face with both hands, "I feel that compared with the story in the film, what I did before is too small!"

"Don't say that. In my heart, you have always been the best. No matter what you do, I will support you!"

"Really? I want to quit!"

In 2007, Kingsoft went public and Lei Jun became financially free.

Then, he was a little confused. He didn't want to rest on his "credit book" and enjoy the rest of his life.

He wanted to leave, but he was a little hesitant.

Recently, he has read a lot of books. "The Three-Body Problem" is the one that made him feel the most, making him want to quit more and more.

After watching the movie today, that feeling became stronger.

It was as if someone was telling him that after jumping out of the "Gold Mountain", your career has just begun!

There was silence in the car for a few seconds, and then the virtuous voice said: "As long as you think it through, I will fully support you!"


On December 21, the film "The Three-Body Problem" was released in China for the first time, and the audience was overwhelming.

Lei Jun, Zhou Hongyi, Li Yanhong, Ma Yun and other business leaders all went to the cinema in their cities to watch the film "The Three-Body Problem", especially the latter, who strongly recommended the film to employees at the subsequent company meeting.

"All middle-level leaders of Ali should watch "The Three-Body Problem" once, otherwise you will not truly understand Internet thinking!"

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