Then came the interview session, where the main creators of the movie "The Three-Body Problem" came on stage to be interviewed by media reporters.

Liu Cixin, the author of the original novel and the screenwriter of the film (in name only), also came up.

"Hello, Mr. Liu, how did you come up with this story?"

To be honest, these reporters are somewhat accustomed to Jiang Heng's special effects blockbusters.

Even if a movie that is ten times more shocking than this is released one day, they will not be too surprised. Instead, they will think that Director Jiang is a blockbuster!

I think this middle-aged uncle who looks a bit ordinary can write a super novel and grand story like "The Three-Body Problem", which is more of a publicity selling point.

"Well, the idea of ​​the novel "The Three-Body Problem" comes from a book on celestial mechanics, which introduces a "three-body problem" that simplifies the universe into three points with mass. These three points move completely irregularly under the action of mass and gravity. What would the real world look like?

I initially thought about this problem, and combined with some of my life experiences, I developed the idea of ​​"a star system with three irregularly moving stars", and slowly wrote the first part. Its original name was "The Past of the Earth", and later it was renamed "The Three-Body Problem"...!"

Da Liu talked eloquently and was not stage-frightened.

It was mainly because I participated in some interviews in the past two years, and I have seen the world.

When asked by reporters whether the movie "The Three-Body Problem" fits his conception, Liu Cixin said with a little excitement: "I think I should be the luckiest one among science fiction writers. Not only can I see my work being adapted to the big screen and seen by audiences around the world in my lifetime, but also because this movie is so well made. Director Jiang can perfectly present many contents and logics that I didn't expect in the book. I believe that this is the best movie about "The Three-Body Problem" in the world.

If there is a better movie than this one, it must be the sequel made by Director Jiang!"

At the end, Liu Cixin waved excitedly, which made some reporters excited. The camera in their hands kept clicking, thinking about what kind of title would be more eye-catching.

There are also those who don't like Liu Cixin's speech, thinking that it is a bit flattering and lacks the character of a literati.

How much money did Jiang Heng give you to praise him so much?

"Not only beautiful women can deceive people, but even seemingly honest men can't be trusted. This guy's praise is probably believed by himself!" A reporter curled his lips with a disdainful expression.

Most of the creators standing on the stage thought, Wow, this guy has a future!

If he can say this, Director Jiang will definitely not treat him unfairly!

So when these people answered questions from the media, they said more beautifully than each other, even Jiang Wen was no exception, saying that Jiang Heng was the "king of Chinese commercial films", and if he continued to shoot at this speed and quality, he would definitely become the "first person in the world's commercial films" and the "absolute king"!

The reporters and the audience became more and more excited, but Jiang Heng's mentality was relatively calm. He still expressed his gratitude and ended the event immediately.

The next day, many domestic entertainment media reported the news of the premiere of "The Three-Body Problem", and the movie channel naturally gave a high evaluation of the film.

It is said that the appearance of the movie "The Three-Body Problem" is the third peak of Chinese science fiction movies, and the other two are naturally the "Matrix" series and "Inception".

It is believed that "Hackers" and "Inception" are indeed wonderful, but in terms of pattern, compared with "The Three-Body Problem", which depicts the war between the human civilization on Earth and the Three-Body civilization, it is still smaller.

He believes that this film is also unique in the history of world science fiction films, and Jiang Heng deserves the title of "Science Fiction Film Master"...

Xinlang Entertainment took Liu Cixin as the starting point and described in detail the origin of the novel and the feeling of the film, which is an all-round shocking experience from vision to soul.

The reporter from Sohu Entertainment is Dapeng, who is currently hosting a talk show called "Dapeng Daba Daba".

But he is not satisfied with just being a host, and is more eager to become an actor.

He finally got the opportunity to interview at the premiere of "The Three-Body Problem".

Unfortunately, he did not get the opportunity to talk with Jiang Heng at the event.

The reason is simple. There are too many reporters at the scene, as many as five or six hundred people.

Dapeng was a little disappointed, and then the manuscript he wrote was full of praise.

In the next episode of the talk show "Dapeng Dabo De", he shared his movie-watching experience and interesting things at the event with the audience, which was quite popular with the audience.

With the cooperation and promotion of a number of domestic media, "The Three-Body Problem" has become unprecedentedly popular, crushing other blockbusters in the same period.

This includes the action movie "The Warlords", which was jointly produced by China Film and Huanya, directed by Chen Kexin, and starred by Jet Li, Liu Dehua, Jin Chengwu and others.

The film is scheduled to be released on December 12, nine days earlier than "The Three-Body Problem". At this moment, it has reached the most critical promotion stage.

Han Sanping did not attend the premiere of "The Three-Body Problem" this time, but he knew the effect of the film.

There is some concern about the box office prospects of "The Warlords".

But there is no other way. At present, there are only two best schedules in China, one is the summer vacation and the other is the New Year.

"The Warlords" is also a blockbuster. It can't be released on May 1st or October 1st!

I just hope that in the few days before "The Three-Body Problem" is released, it can get more box office!

"What is the current situation with Jiang Heng?"

He is a vice president in charge of the publicity of "The Warlords". The latter said: "It's in full swing. The crew members have screened in several cities in China. As for Director Jiang, it should be promoted in the United States now!"

Han Sanping said: "I heard that Europeans and Americans are quite fond of "The Three-Body Problem"?"

"Well, they like it very much. The main reason is that many business and political celebrities have publicly expressed their support. I guess they feel more involved in it!"

Han Sanping sneered, "The arrival of European ships in America in the past is so similar to the invasion of the earth by the Three-Body civilization. They don't shy away from it!"

The vice president laughed, "They have always advocated the law of the jungle, so of course they recognize the story of "The Three-Body Problem"!"


It is said that Jiang Heng and others' publicity activities in the United States have indeed been enthusiastically pursued by some book fans and movie fans.

At every press conference, many fanatical fans came. They tied cloth strips on their heads with some words of support on them. If you don't know, you might think that these people are going to march!

The staff at Columbia, which is responsible for the film's publicity, also felt that "The Three-Body Problem" had the best market feedback before the film was released, and the box office was expected to be good.

"Dear, this film is popular in both the East and the West, and the box office should be over 1 billion US dollars!"

In the presidential suite of a luxury hotel in New York, Megan Fox said happily, "When will the sequel be filmed!"

"Well, the sequel, I'm afraid we have to wait a few years!"

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