The film then enters a dual-mainline mode, where Wang Miao contacts the "Science Frontier" organization, and then experiences the "Three-Body" game.

Immediately afterwards, the famous scene "Trisolaran man dehydrated" appeared.

But I saw a young girl walking out of the shadow of the boulder, slowly lying on the dry land under the explosion of two "suns".

The skin that could be broken by blowing before was dried in the blink of an eye, and the body became a skin bag, slowly collapsing.

For the movie market in 2007, the shock to people of a living person being dehydrated and air-dried in the blink of an eye was no less than the feeling of seeing a liquid metal robot when they first watched "Terminator" that year.

Everyone in the venue was dumbfounded and exclaimed in low voices.

Jiang Wen was more open-minded, and when he opened his mouth, he said, "Fuck, this is such a fucking shot, it's awesome!"

Then, when we arrived at the "Chaoge City", countless dehydrated Trisolarans were thrown into the pool like torn bags and resurrected by soaking in water. Everyone in the venue also watched the scene and shouted, "It's awesome."

But before they could express any more emotions, the sun suddenly set in the sky, and a cold wave struck instantly. A group of "Trisolarans" who escaped were first frozen into ice sculptures, and then were blown into pieces by the wind.

The successive shocking scenes had the audience in the venue cheering.

Liu Cixin was even more excited, thinking that this was the scene he described.

Director Jiang is Director Jiang, and there is no one in the whole country, or the whole world, who can shoot better than him!

It can be said that this set of special effects shots instantly conquered the audience. Many boys who bought premiere tickets at high prices said to the girls around them, "It's money well spent. I said Director Jiang doesn't know how to do it." Let us down!”

The girl also looked excited and excited, and nodded hurriedly, "Director Jiang is so awesome!"

In fact, more than ten years later, the visual effect of this special effect is not that shocking.

But the evaluation of anything must take into account the background of the times in which it is located.

For example, "Jurassic Park", which came out in 1993 and earned US$912 million worldwide, will be mediocre if we watch it twenty years later.

But in 1993, his skills were truly astonishing and made countless people crazy.

Wang Miao mainly focuses on literary drama and explores the reasons why many scientists committed suicide.

Shi Qiang's side is all about martial arts.

Because of the pursuit of the Trisolaris advent organization ETO, he was constantly exposed to various thrilling scenes of gun battles, car chases, and explosions.

It is said that Jiang Wen really suffered a lot during the filming, but fortunately the result was pretty good.

In fact, Jiang Heng once considered replacing Korean action actor Ma Dongxi to play Shi Qiang.

He and Jiang Wen are somewhat similar in appearance, but they are stronger and more beautiful in action.

But the film was already halfway through filming, and it would definitely not be appropriate to change people, so I gave up the idea.

As the plot unfolds, the two gradually find out the truth of a series of incidents.

It turns out that after Ye Wenjie sent a signal to Trisolaris, Trisolaris sent "protons" to the earth and interfered with scientific experiments, causing a large number of physicists to commit suicide.

Theoretical physicist Yang Dong, played by Wan Qian, left a suicide note before committing suicide, saying: Physics has never existed and will never exist in the future.

The reason why these people committed suicide was that their faith collapsed, because particle collision experiments frequently failed, and the foundation of physical research was lost. They were confused.

The culprit behind all this is Ye Wenjie, an astrophysicist whom Wang Miao respects very much.

Zhang Jingchu's old age costume is well drawn and very natural. She looks as if she has really aged. Judging from her performance in recent scenes, she is like an ordinary old scholar.

But his true identity is the leader of those fanatical believers and the spiritual leader of the Earth Trisolaran Organization.

Ye Wenjie came to the venue as the commander-in-chief, immediately executed a member named Pan Han, and immediately led everyone to review the history of the organization.

At this time, Shi Qiang and the military arrived together and started a fierce gun battle with members of the Trisolaran organization, eventually capturing many people, including Ye Wenjie.

The truth of the matter has now been fully revealed.

The military knew that Trisolaris really existed, and that many of the information that ETO communicated with Trisolaris was completely stored on the "Judgment Day".

How to completely obtain these key information has become the ultimate goal of the protagonist.

A group of experts and scholars have proposed many plans, but all of them have been rejected.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, Shi Qiang, who always looked careless, suddenly proposed: "Erect two pillars on both sides of the canal, and connect many "flying blades" made by Professor Wang's team in parallel between the pillars. Nanomaterials, about half a meter apart..."

Everyone was shocked at first and found it incredible. But after some discussion, it turned out to be a perfect plan.

The final plan was approved, and the operation was codenamed "Operation Guzheng."

At the end of the film, the majestic "Judgment Day" is dispersed into more than forty pieces under the influence of the "Guzheng". Each piece is half a meter thick. Those thin pieces look as soft as cloth, and they quickly deform, forming A bunch of complex shapes.

Evans, who was in the command center of the "Judgment Day", was cut into three sections by the "flying blade". The top part of him crawled forward for more than one meter. When he died, his eyes were fixed on the direction he was crawling to.

And in a computer in that direction, all the three-body information intercepted by the Adventists is stored.

The special effects scene of "Operation Guzheng" can only be described as explosive to the audience in 2007.

Jiang Heng also put a lot of effort into this plot. If you calculate it carefully, it is the kind of thing that has been seriously overspent.

At the end of the story, General Chang Weisi said to the people in the meeting: "Comrades, please pay attention. Our meeting may now be under the surveillance of Zhizi. From now on, no secrets will exist."

And just three seconds after Chang Weisi finished this sentence, the Trisolaran world had its first communication with humans other than the Earth rebels.

"You are bugs!"

These words appeared in front of everyone present.

Then, in the distant space, a very large, shocking, and technologically-sense Trisolaran fleet was heading towards the Earth, full of oppression.

Just when the audience subconsciously thought about what weapons humans would use to resist them, the film ended.


Countless people subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. This film really brought them too much shock, thinking and oppression.

And when the lights came on, everyone applauded enthusiastically to express their excitement.

"Congratulations, Director Jiang, you've made another classic!" Feng Xiaogang stood up first and shook hands.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Wen also stood up and said, "I have to admit that you are definitely the best director in the field of science fiction!"

Director Jiang smiled and said, "As long as it's a commercial film, I'm the best!"

"Hahaha, how about making an art film someday?" Jiang Wen joked.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll think about it when I have time!"

To be honest, there is a bit of boredom in making too many commercial films.

He wants to make a film similar to "Parasite", but I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass the review!

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