Jiang Wen is also looking forward to the movie "The Three-Body Problem".

Not only because he plays Shi Qiang, but also because of the description of the opening content.

If he were to shoot the movie, the experience of Ye Wenjie's father Ye Zhetai would definitely be filmed well.

Of course, if he is not careful, it will probably become a banned film.

Jiang Heng is a very typical commercial film director, and he must not be as "willful" as him.

But you can't avoid Ye Zhetai's experience and Ye Wenjie's mental journey, Jiang Wen thought to himself.

After sitting down, he chatted with Feng Xiaogang next to him.

Director Feng also came from the commercial film path and has always had a dream of becoming a master.

After the novel "The Three-Body Problem" became popular, he bought the original book and was shocked after reading it, and at the same time a little regretful.

First, such a good work did not fall into his hands.

Second, he had no idea how to shoot such a movie.

In the field of science fiction, among all the domestic directors, I am afraid that no one can compare to Jiang Heng. He really wants to see what "The Three-Body Problem" can be made into!

"I heard that this film was changed several times when it was reviewed!" Director Feng first revealed a bombshell.

Jiang Wen laughed and said, "It seems that the reviewers are fair. They didn't give a shit about Director Jiang's face and passed the review without thinking!"

"Of course, this film will be released worldwide. It won't be banned, but you won't be allowed to shoot it as you please!"

Jiang Wen recalled, "Feng Ku Zi, are you mocking me?"

Feng Xiaogang said unhappily, "If you say that again, don't blame me for turning against you!"

Jiang Wen put his arm around Feng Xiaogang's shoulders and said with a smile, "Look at you, you're still anxious!"

The word "Feng Ku Zi" originated from the TV series "Days Related to Youth" directed by Ye Jing and broadcast in 2006.

The "Feng Ku Zi" played by Tong Lei in the film is really similar to Director Feng, but the character image in the film is really not very good.

Anyone with a discerning eye would know that Ye Jing was deliberately "making fun of" Feng Xiaogang, but most people would not mention this term in front of Director Feng.

But who is Jiang Wen? He doesn't care about you when he gets angry. I don't believe he dares to lose his temper on the spot.

Besides, the two are old friends. They just worked together on "Let the Bullets Fly" not long ago, so how could they really have a quarrel.

After a few words, they talked about next year's summer schedule.

Feng Xiaogang laughed: "According to Director Jiang's usual practice, his films are scheduled on the second Friday of July. Your "Let the Bullets Fly" should be scheduled in August!"

Jiang Wen said: "Of course, the 3D version of "Havoc in Heaven" will be scheduled for next summer, and the box office is expected to be very high!"

Feng Xiaogang said: "Of course, the ordinary special effects blockbuster is already very shocking, and the 3D version must sell more than 1 billion!"

Jiang Wen nodded slightly, and his previous films were not known for their box office, so he really didn't dare to release them at the same time.

While the two were chatting, most people had already entered the venue.

The host of CCTV Movie Channel came up to give the opening remarks, and then the movie watching session began.

On the big screen, after the dragon mark, there appeared an endless forest of Daxinganling, with a Hongan base in the middle.

The costumes of the characters and the slogans on the walls inside the base all reflected a strong sense of the times. Ye Wenjie, played by Zhang Jingchu, nervously looked at the data on the computer screen and tapped the keyboard to interpret it.

While waiting, she stood up and walked around anxiously.

When the prompt sound of the completion of the interpretation sounded, she turned around and looked back, and what she saw was "Don't answer"!

"Don't, answer?"

"Don't answer?"

"You told me not to answer?"

Ye Wenjie's eyes were slightly red, and she kept taking deep breaths, but finally pressed the launch button!

The camera turned to the giant transmitter of the Hongan base, and suddenly a strange red light was emitted. A faint radio wave rushed straight into the sky, flew out of the earth and headed straight for the sun.

Then it was magnified by the sun and headed straight for the distant Three-Body Galaxy.

The camera switches very quickly during this process, and Jiang Heng deliberately showed off his skills, showing many beautiful space scenes. Each frame of the picture is a landscape that can be used as a computer wallpaper.

The audience in the venue exclaimed, "This space scenery is quite beautiful!"

"This is beautified, the real space is black!"

At this time, the radio waves have reached Alpha Centauri, which is the location of the Three-Body System described in the novel.

But three golden "suns" are seen entwined and rotating with each other in the dark space, and a planet flies around this one and then around that one.

When it is far away, the surface of the entire planet is covered with thick ice sheets. When it is very close to the three "suns", the ice sheets are quickly evaporated, and the entire planet is on fire.

As the fire gets bigger and bigger, it covers the entire screen, and the light dims again.

Finally, a few words appear, "Three-Body - Past Events on Earth"!

The melodious soundtrack sounds, and the camera cuts back to Earth, and the perspective returns to China.

First, there were shots of poor and backward areas, then the city developed rapidly, high-rise factories rose from the ground, countless workers kept coming in and out of the factories, the whole world was changing with each passing day, thriving...

The camera finally stopped on a skyscraper, and the girl played by Wan Qian, who was dressed fashionably, jumped down from the building.


The audience was shocked. Not all of them had read the original work, and they didn't quite understand why such a beautiful girl committed suicide right away, and died so simply.

Wan Qian, who was sitting in the guest seat, bit her lower lip lightly, with a very complicated expression.

When she first learned that she would participate in "The Three-Body Problem", she was still very excited.

Later, I was a little disappointed to find out that there was only one scene. But after all, it was a special effects blockbuster that cost a lot of money, so I had to act well.

I didn't want it to be just a scene of jumping off a building, with no room for performance.

She joined the crew in the morning and finished filming in the afternoon, which was neat and tidy, as if she was just here for fun.

Of course, from the bottom of my heart, I am still grateful to Jiang Heng.

After all, she was allowed to show her face. If she replaced her with a female production manager or assistant, it would not be a problem.

The film officially unfolds, and the male protagonist Wang Miao, played by Liu Yijun, is busy in a laboratory that looks very advanced.

An assistant came over and said that there were two policemen and two soldiers looking for him outside.

Then, Shi Qiang, played by Jiang Wen, appeared.

Wang Miao was taken to a military compound, and there were foreigners in the meeting room.

Before the meeting, Shi Qiang asked Wang Miao what new materials he was researching.


"I've heard that stuff is very strong. It won't be used for crimes, right?" Shi Qiang, played by Jiang Wen, had a teasing expression on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Hey, I heard that a hair-thick thing can lift a large truck. If criminals steal some and make a knife, that knife can cut a car in half."

"Humph, there's no need to make a knife. Use that material to make a line that's only 1% the thickness of a hair. If you block it on the road, you can cut a passing car in half like cutting cheese...!"

This conversation is naturally a foreshadowing for the "Guzheng Project" at the end of the film, but the meeting in front of them is discussing the scientists' suicides.

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