Liu Cixin stayed with the crew of "The Company" and went to the studio to watch the crew filming when she had nothing to do. Most of the time she stayed in the hotel and wrote the third part of "The Three-Body Problem".

Because the narratives of the first two parts were grand and jumpy, the third part was very difficult to write.

Liu Cixin didn't want to cheat the royalties by making random ends, so the progress was a bit slow.

Fortunately, neither Jiang Heng nor the publishing house pressed him. This person who wrote, rewritten, and revised lived a comfortable life.

However, as the domestic promotion activities for the "Three-Body" movie were carried out one after another, he began to get busy, attending a series of novel signing events to build momentum for the film.

As for the global release time of "The Three-Body Problem", it is scheduled for Friday, December 21.

The premiere ceremony of the new film in the Mainland is scheduled for December 8, about ten days in advance.

The publicity strategy this time is that after the premiere, the rest of the cast and crew will go to various ticket warehouse cities in China to start early screening activities. Jiang Heng took Liu Cixin to North America to participate in related publicity activities.

When Zhang Jing first heard the news, she was a little disappointed because she wanted to go to North America to participate in promotional activities so that she could look more like an international superstar.

But Jiang Heng had to agree to this. She didn't really have a chance to see Jiang Heng, so she thought of waiting for the premiere to find an opportunity to have an interview.

On the morning of December 8, Zhang Jingchu wore a very sexy evening dress and a thick long down jacket. She got into the car and went straight to the ceremony venue.

In the car, the agent complained: "You said that you have finished shooting a movie, but you are not familiar with the director. No one else will believe it!"

Zhang Jingchu complained to herself: "He only looks at young people like Jing Tan, Liu Yifei, and Yang Mi. He probably looks down on me, an old woman!"

But in fact, Zhang Jingchu, who was born in 1980, is only 28 years old at this moment.

The agent said: "Indeed, let's forget about Li Meiqi. Gao Yuanyuan is so beautiful, and she doesn't seem to have a close relationship with Director Jiang. A man is still a teenager until he dies, and he always likes eighteenth-year-olds!"

Zhang Jingchu nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Secretly complaining about the hardship of life, how wonderful it would be if I met Jiang Heng when he first debuted!

The car quickly arrived at the event site. Considering that it was the middle of winter, the "Three-Body" promotion team set up many greenhouses at the site. Even on the red carpet side, there are large heaters at intervals.

After Zhang Jingchu got out of the car, she took off her down jacket and handed it to her agent, and immediately walked onto the red carpet.

Reporters on one side took photos one after another. Some of them thought to themselves, it’s not easy to be a star. Even in winter, you can wear evening clothes on the red carpet.

But in order to achieve a more beautiful publicity effect, there is nothing we can do.

After signing her signature under the giant poster board, Zhang Jingchu, who was shivering from the cold, simply answered a few questions from the host and walked quickly off the red carpet.

The agent was already on the other side and was busy putting the down jacket on her.

"Are you freezing?"

"Fortunately, those large heaters are very useful. Without them, I would freeze to death!"

"Without those, we can't wear evening clothes! Did you go change?"

"No, just dress like this and wait for Director Jiang, otherwise you will be freezing in vain!"

The agent thought about it and stopped trying to persuade him.

The two of them walked into the venue, and not long after, they saw Jing Tian walking in a formal dress and a shawl.

"Wow, Sister Jingchu, aren't you cold in what you wear?"

Zhang Jingchu rolled her eyes at Jing Tan and thought to herself, this is nonsense. Who looks like you? Wearing a shawl while walking on the red carpet is simply cheating.

"Can you not be cold? But for the promotion of the film, there is nothing you can do!"

Jing Tian said: "You can wear long johns and snow boots underneath, but it's warm, so I'll wear them!"

When Zhang Jing first heard this, she became more and more speechless.

Wearing long johns under the dress, well, it does sound a bit warmer.

It's just that she pursues perfection, so she didn't add it.

"Are you still smart?"

"Of course, I also brought a warm baby, what do you want?"

Zhang Jingchu took a deep breath, thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, I'll change my clothes later!"

When Jing Tan saw this, he stopped talking nonsense and went to change clothes without mentioning it.

But Zhang Jingchu waited for a long time before she saw Jiang Heng approaching the door wearing a suit that fit him very well. She hurriedly took off her down jacket and went to greet him.

"Congratulations, Director Jiang, "The Three-Body Problem" is finally released. I believe it will achieve good box office results!"

Jiang Heng was startled and glanced at Zhang Jingchu's evening dress, "Why are you wearing so little? Why didn't you find something thicker to wear?"

"Well, I just wanted to make the film look better during filming, so I picked this one! I wanted you to help me take a look at it. How does this one look like? If I go abroad, it won't embarrass the crew, right?"

Jiang Heng said hurriedly: "It's very beautiful. What a shame!"

Zhang Jingchu was "surprised" and said, "Really, then when I get there, can I also go abroad with you?"

Jiang Heng smiled and thought to himself that such a trivial matter would cost so much trouble?

However, people have already done this, so it’s not easy to refuse.

Anyway, it’s not much less than the cost, so I said yes.

Zhang Jingchu said with a smile: "Thank you, Director Jiang!"

"Well, go and change your clothes first, don't get cold!"


Zhang Jingchu left without mentioning it, and then Jiang Heng came to the guest seat and greeted the guests present.

While they were chatting, they saw Jiang Wen walking over.

But I saw him wearing a white suit and a white top hat. It is the appearance of Zhang Mazi in "Let the Bullets Fly".

"Your outfit is quite unique!" Jiang Heng looked at it and said with a smile.

"Not bad, I think it's pretty good too!"

After Jiang Wen said that, he opened his hands slightly and turned them around.

"Let me tell you, the movie "Let the Bullets Fly" is so exciting to shoot, it's a pity if you don't come!"

Before the film started, Jiang Wen suggested that Jiang Heng go over to play a cameo role, playing Hu Wan, Huang Silang's close confidant in the film, which is the role played by Chen Kun.

Jiang Heng naturally refused. First, he didn't want to play Zhou Runfa's subordinate, and second, he didn't want to affect the integrity of the movie "Let the Bullets Fly", so he found a reason to refuse.

Jiang Wen was somewhat unhappy about this, but fortunately Jiang Heng promised to make a cameo appearance in one of his movies in the future, so the matter was over.

But this time, when he came to the premiere of "The Three-Body Problem", he actually looked like Zhang Mazi, obviously he had some ideas!

"I can see that you look like you're not acting!"

Jiang Wen wondered, "How do you know that I'm in Zhang Muzhi's costume?"

Jiang Heng said, "Although I haven't been to the set, I've heard you describe what kind of person Zhang Muzhi should be. He looks like him, too much like him!"

"Hey, I should have insisted a little longer and brought you into the crew!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "Now, the film is very well done!"

"That's right, I'm very satisfied. The release date is also planned for next summer!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help but say, "Well, my 3D version of "Havoc in Heaven" is going to be released next summer!"

He said this not because he was afraid of competition between the two, but mainly because he was afraid of "accidentally hurting" "Let the Bullets Fly".

After all, the world's first 3D blockbuster with top special effects is expected to have a strong box office.

Jiang Wen knows a little about 3D, and knows Jiang Heng's special effects production level. He was stunned when he heard this, and said hurriedly, "Then our two movies should really be a little bit apart!"

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