China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 286: The Three-Body Problem is a worldwide hit

The film "Heroes Company" is known as "science fiction military", so there are naturally many scenes related to military equipment in the film.

Such as helicopters flying, armored vehicles moving on the road, field military camps set up, and individual firearms that look very advanced.

Among them, helicopters cannot be filmed in real life, and need to be completely simulated with special effects.

First of all, it is impossible to take out the most advanced helicopters in the country for the crew to shoot, and secondly, the timeline of the film is in the distant future, and the current helicopters cannot meet the shooting requirements.

Armored vehicles are relatively easier to make. The crew can directly transform some appearances according to the drawings drawn by Jiang Heng, and they are not really using these equipment in actual combat.

The individual firearms that look very advanced and the black armor worn by the soldiers are all made by the props team, and they look like that.

As for the aircraft carrier that appears in the film, it is a combination of special effects and props.

In addition to various special effects action fights, involving many scene changes, it can be said that it is quite troublesome to shoot.

Fortunately, many staff members from the Naval Political Television Art Center helped to relieve Jiang Heng of a lot of pressure.

Time flies into November, and it is time for the first part of "The Three-Body Problem" to be released.

In China, the promotion of the film mainly relies on the reputation of the special effects blockbuster directed by Jiang Heng, which is quite appealing.

After all, the series of films directed by Jiang Heng since he started working are all high-quality works.

Even "100 Million Years BC", which has the lowest reputation, shocked the audience when it was released.

Overseas, the reputation of Jiang Heng's works is still good.

But the influence of the original novel is increasing day by day.

Simply put, "The Three-Body Problem" is popular in the Western world!

It is popular with rave reviews!

The work was widely known at first, which was inseparable from the gimmicks such as "strongly recommended by Director Jiang Heng" and "the original work of the "The Three-Body Problem" movie". However, as the first batch of readers shared their experience on social media websites after reading it, it attracted more readers, and the "The Three-Body Problem" novel became more and more popular.

In the first month of its publication, the novel was listed in the "2007 Top 100 Books in the United States". So far, the sales of the English version of "The Three-Body Problem" have exceeded 300,000 copies, while the sales of other Chinese novels in the United States are almost less than 10,000.

The news spread back to China, shocking Liu Cixin and a group of domestic colleagues. This achievement is really too dazzling.

What is even more surprising is that many famous European and American business tycoons recommend the English version of "The Three-Body Problem" on their personal social accounts. Such influence is quite large.

Many European and American media also rarely give positive comments on this novel.

For example, "Trajectory" magazine believes that "The Three-Body Problem" is the first (Chinese) hard science fiction novel in the modern sense.

"Publishers Weekly" believes that fans of hard science fiction will revel in the imaginative technological utopia of "The Three-Body Problem".

An article "The Chinese Arthur C. Clarke" published in "The New Yorker" even compared Liu Cixin to the Chinese Clarke, believing that his work is "an allegory of human progress - full of concrete details and transcending abstraction."

On websites that reflect the evaluation of ordinary American readers, the overall score of "The Three-Body Problem" is higher than 4 points (out of 5 points).

Many readers said that they were initially attracted to the work because of that special period of history, and after reading it in depth, they were more attracted by the technical propositions such as mathematics and physics involved in it.

Some Western readers also gave Liu Cixin a very high evaluation, believing that he was a pioneer in cosmic sociology and thought about the dialectical proposition of human nature and survival.

Thanks to the popularity of the original novel, the "Three-Body Problem" movie is very much anticipated in the North American market. Some media even believe that this film is expected to compete for the annual box office champion in the North American market this year.

I believe that the consistent level of Jiang Heng's works is one aspect, and it is also because the box office performance of Hollywood blockbusters that have been released this year is really average.

The first place in the annual box office is "Spider-Man 3" released in May, with a total box office of only 330 million US dollars in North America, not even 400 million.

It should be noted that the box office champions in 2006 and 2004 were both over 400 million US dollars.

The top of the list in 2005, "Star Wars Episode 3", also had a box office performance of 380 million US dollars.

In comparison, the box office performance of 330 million is a bit poor.

Of course, the media believes that "Spider-Man 3" is not qualified to win the championship, also because there are too many blockbusters to be released in November and February.

For example, "Shrek the Monsters 3" is scheduled for November 13, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" is scheduled for December 4, and "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is scheduled for December 11. The competition is quite fierce.

The science fiction blockbuster "The Three-Body Problem" directed by Jiang Heng is also recognized as a strong competitor for the annual box office champion.

Columbia Company has formulated a series of publicity and promotion activities for this purpose. There are two special requirements. One is that Jiang Heng must come to North America to participate in the publicity and promotion activities, and the other is that Liu Cixin must come to North America for signing and then attend the film promotion.

Fortunately, Jiang Heng was well prepared and asked Liu Cixin to apply for a passport and visa early, otherwise it would be troublesome.

China Film Digital Base, "Heroes Company" set, director's rest area

Jiang Heng and Liu Cixin sat opposite each other. The latter was a little reserved. After taking a sip of tea, he said with emotion: "I never thought that I could hold a book signing in the United States!"

In China, writing science fiction novels really has no sense of existence. If Jiang Heng hadn't bought the film and television adaptation rights of his novels, I don't know when he would become famous.

As Jiang Heng started filming "The Three-Body Problem", after the original novel was published in China, he actually enjoyed the feeling of "book signing".

But he never expected that he could go to the United States to sign books. He is still a little confused.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "What's the big deal? You write so well. One day, the American president may become your fan!"

Liu Cixin was stunned and smiled awkwardly, "How is it possible?" He didn't dare to think about it at all.

"What's impossible? The Dark Forest Law you proposed is very consistent with the Western mass civilization concept. Look at Western history, the spread of the Black Death, and the extreme risks of colonization and development during the Age of Exploration, all of which reflect the strong mentality of competition in Western civilization.

They recognize this value of survival of the strong and elimination of the weak from the bottom of their hearts, not to mention the colonization of America, which is too consistent!"

Liu Cixin smiled when he heard this. He was able to write the "Dark Forest" Law, so he naturally considered these contents. He was a little proud of what Jiang Heng said.

He was still modest, "Well, that's true. I just hope that this book can sell more there, and Director Jiang's movie can have higher box office there!"

Then he said, "I'm sorry to bother Director Jiang by coming here so early this time and staying in Beijing for a while!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Hey, we are friends, so I'm being polite!"

Liu Cixin felt warm at the words. He didn't dare to think of them as friends before, because their wealth was too different!

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