China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 285 Popular all over the country

On October 2, "League of Legends" was officially launched.

As soon as the game was launched, a large number of players poured in, and the number of online users rose rapidly, soon exceeding 100,000.

Such achievements are naturally inseparable from the publicity strategy of "Iron Fist Technology".

But it is mainly due to the extensive publicity caused by the new film release conference of "Heroes of the Army" and the huge popularity of Jing Tian.

On the set of "Heroes of the Army", Da Tiantian put a notebook on her lap and swiped her fingers on the mouse touchpad.

"Which one is Rena, which one is Rena!"

Yang Mi pointed at the computer and said, "It should be this one!"

"Ah, this doesn't look good either!" Da Tiantian said disappointedly.

Yang Mi smiled, "It's a game, so it's definitely not that delicate!"

"Let me see your Rui Mengmeng!"

Jing Tian started looking again after saying that, and found that except for silver hair and short skirt, there seemed to be nothing special.

Then he went to see the prototype of Qilin played by Klara, Piltover policewoman Catherine.

"She's so sexy, and pretty cool!"

Finally, he went to see Liu Yifei's role as the prototype of Rose, Katarina, and said lightly, "She's pretty cool."

Hu Jian on the side said, "Look at my Ge Xiaolun!"

Yang Mi laughed and said, "Here's called Garen, he looks so silly!"

Hu Jian also sighed, "It doesn't show my handsomeness at all!"

Jing Tian suddenly said, "Wow, the prince looks like Brother Jie Lun!"

"Oh, really, so similar!"

"Exactly the same!"

Zhou Jie Lun didn't join in the fun at first, but after hearing what Jing Tian and others said, he stood up and walked over, saying in a very unique tone, "Oh, they really look alike, it seems I have to practice this hero first!"

Yang Mi said, "Well, how about going to the Internet cafe to play games together after work in the evening?"

Jing Tian hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, let's go together, let's go together!"

Hu Jian said he had no objection, and Zhou Jie Lun agreed.

Jing Tian handed the computer to Yang Mi, got up and went to find Jiang Heng, and proposed to go to the Internet cafe to play games together.

Jiang Heng was just trying to make some "news", so he smiled and agreed.

Huang Xiaoming, who was standing next to him, naturally wanted to go too.

With Liu Yifei, Kala La, and Zhang Yuqi, the number of people increased immediately.

Ding Haifeng felt that he was too old, so he didn't participate.

Yuan De and Yuan Hua, the two brothers, preferred to drink, and didn't join in the fun.

So, after the crew finished work in the evening, Jiang Heng first took everyone to have supper, and then went to the largest Internet cafe nearby.

Because there were so many people, both men and women, they eventually alarmed the people around, and a few came up to ask for autographs.

Fortunately, the camera effect of the mobile phone was average at this time, and it was already very late, so there was no gathering effect.

It only took more than ten minutes for everyone to go online.

After sitting down, everyone opened the game to choose heroes. Jing Tian suddenly asked, "Brother, what hero do you use!"

"Frost Archer, Ashe!"

Jiang Heng was pretty good at playing League of Legends in his previous life. He was proficient in popular heroes such as Frost, Master Yi, Lee Sin, and Teemo.

He planned to change a hero every time to let those novice players see how to play each hero.

Then, the team he led won all the way.

Every hero was played very well, which opened everyone's eyes.

Jing Tian's exclamation came from the Internet cafe from time to time, "Wow, brother, how can you use Lee Sin so well!"

"Wow, your use of Teemo must have pissed off the opponent!"

First, her voice was really nice, and secondly, some people were curious.

Not long after, a few people gathered behind Jiang Heng to watch the fun.

Seeing that more and more people were coming and it was getting late, Jiang Heng suggested going back.

Although everyone was a little reluctant, they all agreed to Jiang Heng's tone, which was to inform rather than discuss.

Before leaving, Jiang Heng had a sudden idea and almost said, "Mr. Jiang will pay for tonight's consumption!"

But he was afraid of the bad influence, so he finally held back.

But after the group left, the Internet cafe was instantly "exploded" and there was constant discussion.

"Oh my God, I can see so many stars when I go online!"

"I can't believe it, Director Jiang, Zhou Jielun, Da Tiantian, Liu Tianxian, Da Mimi, Brother Xiao Ming, Hu Qian, they also go to the Internet cafe!"

"Director Jiang is too good at playing!"

"Well, that Teemo is too disgusting, planting so many mushrooms, the opponent must be collapsed!"

"He would never think that the mushrooms were planted by Director Jiang, and he would probably scold him now, haha!"

"Go to Tieba to find it, maybe there will be a post!"

After discussing, several young people went to the "League of Legends" Tieba to browse, and there were indeed posts complaining about Teemo.

"Where did you take that photo just now?"

"On my phone, the pixel is too low, the effect is average!"

"It's okay, as long as you can see it clearly, send it to me, send it to me!"

After receiving the photo, this person replied to the post complaining about Teemo, "Brother, you should feel honored. The Teemo you just played against was played by Director Jiang Heng!"

As soon as the reply was sent, it immediately attracted replies.

"Nonsense, how could Director Jiang have time to play this?"

"No picture, no truth!"

As a result, the next second, the picture was uploaded.

"It's true, it's in XX Internet cafe, one row away from me, Director Jiang Heng, Jing Tian, ​​Zhou Jielun, a lot of people are here!"

"Fuck, it's really Director Jiang!"

At this time, the netizen who posted the post complained, "No way, the Teemo on the opposite side was really played by Director Jiang? I can only say one thing, awesome!"


On the second day, the number of hits on this post exceeded one million, and the number of replies exceeded 100,000, triggering heated discussions across the Internet.

The number of registered users and the number of people online at the same time for "League of Legends" also soared.

As a result, a social critic jumped out and thought that Jiang Heng, as an internationally renowned director, was not decent for promoting an online game so hard.

Jiang Heng posted a blog saying that the movie "Heroes Company" was adapted from "League of Legends". He led a group of main creators to experience the game in an Internet cafe in order to let the actors better understand the role, which is also a kind of experience of life. Is there anything wrong with that?

Some actors who play prisoners will go to the prison to carefully observe the movements and expressions of the prisoners. According to this logic, is it considered promoting the prison?

Naturally, most people on the Internet support Jiang Heng, but there are still some people who support the critic, making "League of Legends" more and more well-known and becoming one of the most popular games in China.

Coupled with the explosive "Zhu Xian", "Iron Fist Technology" has already firmly established itself as a first-tier game manufacturer in China.

The bosses and executives of game companies such as Jiucheng and Wangyi were stunned.

On the set of "Heroes of the Army", Jing Tian was still holding her notebook and looking around.

It was impossible for her to play games on the set. Whenever she had free time, she would browse forums and read guides.

"Hey, someone actually claims to be a master and wants to compete with Director Jiang!"

"Why are all nicknames Director Jiang? Who is that brother?" Jing Tian muttered as he watched.

Jiang Heng walked up to her, "How about I build an e-sports room for you next to you?"

Jing Tian's eyes lit up, "Okay, okay!"

"Okay, your head!"

Jiang Heng said, and gently tapped her little head with his hand, "Put away the computer!"

"Oh!" Jing Tian looked like a teacher who was caught absent-minded in class, and reluctantly closed the notebook.

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