At the exit of Kai Tak Airport, Jiang Heng stood holding the pick-up sign for more than ten minutes, and then he saw Li Meiqi, who was less than 18 years old, walking out of the crowd.

Although her height of 170cm is not an advantage in the modeling circle, she is tall and beautiful in reality.

Especially her delicate and deep facial features and cold temperament, which are quite similar to Trinity in the original "The Matrix", which made him more determined to use her as the heroine.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Heng, welcome to you!"

Li Meiqi was extremely surprised when she came over. Seeing Jiang Heng was young and handsome, she thought he was the driver sent by the company.

Who knew it was the director who talked to her last night, and hurriedly said in not very standard Mandarin: "Director Jiang, hello, actually I can call a taxi myself, it's really too much trouble for you!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "It's okay, I just came here when I had time, let's go eat first!"

Li Meiqi was still in a state of shock and confusion, so naturally the guest followed the host's wishes.

Arriving at the parking lot, she was even more shocked to see that Jiang Heng was driving a Mercedes-Benz.

She had seen Hong Kong movies before and knew that those who could drive this car were all wealthy bigwigs.

But she didn't know that this Mercedes-Benz was bought by Jiang Heng's father for his appearance, but he died suddenly before he could use it, which was a good deal for Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng drove to the Kerry Hotel in Hung Hom Bay to help Li Meiqi check in.

The latter was shocked and secretly delighted.

The cost of the Kerry Hotel is not cheap. Jiang Heng was not in a hurry to audition, but arranged a place for her to stay first. I think he was more accepting.

As for the various worries before coming, they had long been thrown out of the window.

In the hotel restaurant Baiweicun, Li Meiqi looked at the exquisite food on the table and glanced at the night view outside the window.

Recalling the sad past of these years, the food and accommodation in the treasure island, it seemed that the experience in front of her was just a dream.

"Director Jiang, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I toast you!"

Li Meiqi's eyes were slightly red, while Jiang Heng's expression was very calm. He gently touched the cup and smiled and said, "Have you heard of the virtual world theory?"

Li Meiqi stared with her beautiful eyes, her expression was blank, and she shook her head subconsciously.

Jiang Heng talked freely, repeating yesterday's words, which subverted the worldview of this young mixed-race beauty. There was a trace of admiration in his blank eyes.

"Director Jiang, did you come up with all these things you said?"

"I guess so. There are also some theories of predecessors, plus my conjectures!"

Li Meiqi said in an admiring tone: "That's too amazing. If you improve it, you can strive for the Nobel Prize in Physics, right?"

Jiang Heng laughed, knowing that this was a compliment, but still very happy.

"Of course not, but it's enough to be used as the worldview in the movie!"

After that, he briefly talked about the story outline of "The Matrix", which made Li Meiqi excited. She felt that if she could make this movie, she might become a big star.

"Director Jiang, if you want to film the scene you described, it will cost a lot of money, right?"

Li Meiqi is an Asian American who has seen special effects blockbusters and knows where the difficulty lies.

Jiang Heng said, "Don't worry about this. The budget of this film is sufficient and a lot of money will be spent on special effects scenes. As long as you don't have any problems, it will definitely sell well!"

Li Meiqi hurriedly assured, "I will do my best to play this play well!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly. Li Meiqi is a person who is worthy of praise for her professionalism, far better than many mainland actresses.

"Okay, then on behalf of the crew, I will formally invite you to play the role of the heroine Trinity in the film with a salary of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars!"

"I do!"

Li Meiqi said without thinking, and then wondered, "Don't you need to audition?"

Jiang Heng laughed, "Of course not!"

The so-called audition is just an excuse, so Jiang Heng is too lazy to go through this process.

After all, in his opinion, Wu Yizu and Li Meiqi look and act like the male and female protagonists in the original "The Matrix", which is enough.

Thinking of this, he added: "By the way, Miss Li, have you signed with an agency now?"

Li Meiqi shook her head, a little hesitant, "Not yet!"

It's true that she wants to act in a movie, but she also knows that things like agency contracts can't be signed casually. Now I only see Jiang Heng, and I know that he drives a Hutou Mercedes-Benz. The rest of the company... It seems that he didn't even say the name of the company!

Jiang Heng saw Li Meiqi's caution and hesitation, smiled and said: "I just made a suggestion, I hope Miss Li will sign with my company, after all, I want to shoot a series of movies, and the schedules of the actors in my own company are easier to coordinate."

Li Meiqi also felt that it made sense, and her lips opened slightly and almost agreed.

But years of hard work experience told her that she shouldn't be so impulsive.

Jiang Heng did not force her, and smiled and said: "You have three days to consider, tell me the result later! As for my company, it is called Youteng Films!"

Li Meiqi heard it, thinking that she had never heard of it, but she just looked timid and whispered: "Thank you, thank you Director Jiang, I will give you an answer as soon as possible!"

Jiang Heng was not in a hurry, smiled and continued to enjoy the food.

The next day, Jiang Heng continued to rush around to prepare for the crew.

There are not many characters in the "Matrix" series of movies, especially the first one. In addition to the male and female protagonists and the villain, Morpheus has the most important role, and he is played by a black actor in the original work.

Jiang Heng originally wanted to follow the original version, but he gave up after thinking about it.

After all, it is not easy to find a suitable black actor in Hong Kong.

After much deliberation, they decided to invite veteran actor Gao Xiong to play this role.

He was working at ATV at the moment and didn't have many film contracts. He would not refuse the opportunity to make a movie.

Jiang Heng only paid a very low salary to sign Gao Xiong.

In the evening, Li Meiqi called and expressed her willingness to sign the film and television contract with Jiang Heng's company.

After saying this, she felt that all her energy was drained out.

She was unfamiliar with Hong Kong and couldn't get much information.

But if she refused Jiang Heng's agency contract, she was afraid that she would lose the chance to be the heroine.

After working hard for several years, she really couldn't watch such a good opportunity slip away. She decided to give it a try and finally made that call.

Jiang Heng signed Li Meiqi not to cheat her or exploit her, but purely to facilitate the subsequent filming and ensure the original crew.

Even Wu Yizu added a supplementary agreement for the series of movies, which required a lot of compensation if breached.

Zu signed the contract without much thought. He came to Hong Kong earlier than Li Meiqi and had many acquaintances. He knew what a series of movies was.

If the box office was a big hit and made money, there was no reason not to make it.

If the box office was a big loss and the investors lost all their money, there would be no sequel.

So in his opinion, the so-called supplementary agreement was just a formality and had almost no binding force.

The male and female protagonists were both newcomers, and it was still unclear how the film would turn out!

However, when he saw Li Meiqi at the opening ceremony, he suddenly felt that it might become a classic.

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