China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 4: Actual start-up shooting

At the Shaw Studios in Clearwater Bay, all the main creative staff of "The Matrix" gathered together.

In addition to Wu Aizu, Li Meiqi, Gao Xiong, and Yuan De, who had been confirmed before, there were also Zheng Peipei who played the prophet, Yuan Hua who played the traitor, Zheng Jiasheng who was one of the crew members, as well as assistant directors, photographers, music, art, costumes, props, lighting and other staff.

After worshiping the statue and holding a ceremony, the film officially started.

Considering that Wu Aizu and Li Meiqi had no acting experience, Jiang Heng decided to start with the easy and then the difficult, starting with the relatively simple indoor scenes and literary scenes, and then shooting cool action scenes.

On the first day, the male lead's indoor scenes were shot, that is, some scenes where the male lead is a programmer on the surface and a hacker secretly.

It has to be said that Wu Aizu is worthy of being a star. In addition to his outstanding appearance, he is also very talented in acting.

At first, he was not used to it, but soon he was able to present the effect that Jiang Heng wanted.

After shooting for a day, the progress was surprisingly good.

The next day, the scene of the male lead meeting the prophet began to be filmed.

Zheng Peipei, who plays the prophet, is over 50 years old, and her acting skills are absolutely impeccable. After all, she was once the top actress in the Hong Kong film industry and was once named the "Kung Fu Queen" by the Hong Kong newspaper industry.

It was not difficult for her to play a prophet who was like a witch.

It was just that the lines were too abstruse, so everyone on the set was secretly discussing whether they would make a film that people could not understand!

For the sake of confidentiality, no one on the set knew what story Jiang Heng was going to shoot.

Even the male and female protagonists like Wu Yizu and Li Meiqi did not see the full picture of the entire script.

As for other cast and crew members, they knew even less.

Fortunately, many Hong Kong movies are made by directors while shooting and writing, and the actors are accustomed to this working mode. Even if there is no script and no understanding of the cause and effect, they can still present good results based on the director's requirements.

The crew started working every day and made rapid progress, and soon shot most of the indoor scenes.

Jiang Heng decided to leave the remaining part for the last shot, because he needed to shave his head.

In the film, the male protagonist left the matrix world for the first time and found that humans were actually kept in captivity by robots. In order to obtain energy, the robots inserted cables into the human body, trapped people in the culture dish, and built a horrifying "biological farm".

This picture is still quite shocking and terrifying. It needs to be produced by super microscopic computers in the later stage, but a single culture dish needs to be shot in real life.

Especially the male protagonist in the film, with a naked upper body and a bald head.

When Wu Yizu learned that he had to shave his head, although he did not refuse explicitly, he showed embarrassment.

He was not yet a very dedicated big star at this time, and he participated in the movie with a completely try-it mentality.

At the age when he cares about his appearance, it is too difficult for him to shave his head.

"Well, can you keep it shorter?" Wu Yizu gestured with his hand.

Jiang Heng said, "No, this picture, with hair and without hair, gives people completely different feelings!"

Yuan De, who was standing by, rubbed his big bald head with his hand and said with a smile, "My big bald head is just right, but unfortunately, I can't replace him!"

Yuen Wah said, "What about using a headgear?"

When the Hong Kong film and television industry was prosperous, popular actors had several film contracts and it was impossible for them to shave their heads for a play.

When filming costume dramas, it became a routine operation to not shave heads and use headgear.

Wu Yizu also understood and looked at Jiang Heng subconsciously.

"Definitely not!"

"Well, okay!"

Seeing that Wu Yizu agreed reluctantly, Jiang Heng thought about it, used a super microcomputer to draw a concept map of the male protagonist's first exit from the matrix world, transferred it to his notebook, printed it out, and handed it to Wu Yizu.

The latter knew the plot outline, and saw a bald man soaking in a petri dish with various tubes inserted into his body, and felt that it was more shocking than having hair.

"I'm sorry, Director Jiang, I...!"

Jiang Heng smiled and waved his hands, "I understand your idea, and you didn't reject me, so there's no need to say sorry!"

In fact, Jiang Heng could achieve his goal even if he didn't explain.

But he still took out the concept map, mainly because he didn't want to be like Stephen Chow, who made the actors do things they didn't want to do in order to make the movie effect more outstanding and the characters more outstanding.

Although his approach has benefited many actors for life, he is still scolded as a tyrant on the set.

Jiang Heng will not stay in Hong Kong for too long, but Wu Yizu will cooperate with the filming of the four "Matrix" series, so it is naturally not good to make the relationship stiff.

Martial arts instructor and villain Yuan De saw the sketch in Wu Yizu's hand and was very surprised: "How did you draw this?"

Jiang Heng said: "Use a computer!"

"Oh my God, are computers so powerful now?" Yuan De touched his big bald head and looked very surprised.

Jiang Heng smiled: "The future will be even more powerful!"

Yuan De said: "The future world will not really develop like the movie!"

Jiang Heng said: "Maybe we are living in the world of the matrix now!"

"Then I would rather continue to live in the virtual world than take the red pill!" Yuan De sighed.

"So you are an anti-virus program, you have to maintain the matrix world!" Wu Yizu said with a smile.

Yuan De: "You want to defeat me, you have to practice hard!"

Wu Yizu smiled, "You have to practice hard!"

The scene shot today is still an indoor scene, but it has been upgraded from a literary scene to a martial arts scene, shooting the scene in the original version where Morpheus teaches the male protagonist to fight.

Because there were no overly cool shots, the actual shooting mainly relied on fighting between two people and hanging on wires.

Wu Yizu practiced martial arts when he was young and also went to the Shichahai Martial Arts School in Beijing to study. Fighting routines were not difficult for him.

As for Gao Xiong, he is even more of an old actor. In the 1995 TV series "Fist of Fury", he played the hero Huo Yuanjia, which was extremely classic.

Under Jiang Heng's request and Yuan De's action design, the male lead's martial arts scene was also successfully completed.

After working for many days in a row, it was a very common shooting technique, and the crew couldn't help gossiping.

Saying that Jiang Heng wanted to shoot a special effects blockbuster that surpassed Hollywood was completely a gimmick. In the end, it was still hanging on wires, and there was nothing special about it!

There were so many rumors that even a group of actors began to doubt it.

Yuan De, Yuan Hua and others didn't care whether Jiang Heng was shooting a special effects blockbuster or not, they just took the money to work.

Li Meiqi fantasized about becoming famous with this movie and no longer living the same life as before.

In addition, since he had just entered the film and television industry, his acting skills were not good enough, and many simple scenes were repeatedly NG.

Jiang Heng had to find time to talk to Li Meiqi to understand why the latter was not in the right state.

Knowing that everyone in the crew suspected that he was shooting a special effects blockbuster for a gimmick, Jiang Heng decided to make a classic clip first, which could be regarded as a trailer for the movie!

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