There is a peculiar phenomenon in Journey to the West, that is, the closer you get to the West, the more monsters there are and their abilities become greater.

Especially the three demons of Shituoling, who are relatives and "drivers" of Xitian's senior officials, the irony reaches the extreme.

This is the starting point for Jiang Heng's new film.

Although the Monkey King in the film understands the ways of the world, he also hates evil as much as he hates it.

Although it does not reach the level of resistance in "The Legend of Wukong", "I want the sky to no longer be able to cover my eyes, and I want this land to no longer be able to bury my heart", it is still quite intense.

In other words, there is a risk of not passing the trial.

But in the process of writing and revising the script, my emotions have already been invested and there is no way to change it anymore.

I even felt that if the ending of the original work was to be followed, there would be no point in making this film.

Anyway, the main cost is just the cost of the cast and crew, which is only a few million. Even if the film is not released or the copyright is not sold, he can still afford to lose it.

So what are you afraid of? The filming is over!

After Wu Jing heard the plot outline described by Jiang Heng, he felt that this film was so subversive and exciting that he had to make it even if he didn't get paid!

Of course, his salary is not worth mentioning, and Jiang Heng will definitely not miss him.

When the wine was almost finished, Jiang Heng made an offer, 180,000!

This is the price given considering that Wu Jing has starred in one movie and two TV shows.

Wu Jing was overjoyed after hearing this.

He is not a famous star, but he can guarantee the box office of the film, and his salary of 180,000 yuan is definitely a lot.

"It's so generous. Thank you, Director Jiang! Is this movie also co-produced with Beijing Film Studio?"

"Well, I have this plan and I'm still talking to them!"

"Oh!" Wu Jing's joy subsided.

He didn't know that Jiang Heng invested most of the investment in the drama "One Hundred Million Years Before History", but he had absolute dominance.

I was worried that the Beijing Film Studio would have objections to the selection of the lead actor, and even drinking wine didn’t feel good.

After dinner, Jiang Heng called the hotel and asked them to send a car to pick him up. At the same time, he brought a driver over to drive his car back.

The hotel staff drove Wu Jing away first, and then sent Jiang Heng back to Shangri-La.

Suddenly, Jiang Heng called Han Sanping and told him about his return.

The latter was surprised and said: "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming back, so that I could pick you up personally?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "I know you are a busy man, how dare I bother you!"

In a few months, China Film Group will be established, and Han Sanping will be appointed as vice chairman and general manager. This is the preparatory stage, so he is naturally very busy.

Han Sanping laughed, and then said: "There have been a lot of things recently, but your return is a big deal. Everything else is on the back burner. I will send someone to pick you up right away!"

Jiang Heng knew the effect of his anxiety, but he didn't reveal it. He laughed and said, "Don't bother me, I'll drive there myself!"

After hanging up the phone, I packed up and headed to Beijing Film Studio with the film source.

The car drove to the administrative downstairs, and a group of people came out to greet him. Jiang Heng got out of the car, greeted everyone, and then went upstairs together.

In the director's office, Han Sanping asked Jiang Heng about his experience in foreign countries during this period. Jiang Heng naturally said how hard and expensive the post-production process was. Fortunately, the final effect of the film was quite satisfactory, and the money spent was not in vain. Less guilty.

"I can tell you that you are satisfied. It seems that the post-production was done well!"

Han Sanping looked happy and walked for two steps: "How big do you think the domestic box office can be?"

Jiang Heng said: "I think more than 100 million is not a big problem!"

Although "One Hundred Million Years Before History" is not the first dinosaur special effects blockbuster that domestic audiences have seen, it is the first domestically produced dinosaur special effects blockbuster. This gimmick alone can attract a lot of viewers.

Coupled with director Jiang Heng, starring Wu Xianzu, Li Meiqi, and guest appearance by Ge You, these names alone can make the film very attractive.

It's not a big problem to occupy the Lunar New Year slot and get a box office of more than 100 million.

Hearing this, Han Sanping felt much more at ease. He immediately arranged for someone to prepare the screening room, and wanted to lead the senior management of Beijing Film Studio to take a good look at the quality of this film.

In the small screening room, everyone watched carefully, especially when the protagonists traveled through time and came to Jurassic World due to the "Nine Stars", the fantastic scenes made them widen their eyes and hold their breath.

"Wow, this picture is so magical!"

"This dinosaur is too lifelike!"

"How scary!"

Especially when they saw the scene where a person from time travel was eaten by a dinosaur, some lesbians were so frightened that they screamed, obviously they didn't dare to watch it, but they really wanted to watch it.

Just a feeling, exciting!

Just by looking at the reactions of several lesbians, Han Sanping felt that the film was done, and he finished the movie with great interest.

Two hours passed and the film ended.

Han Sanping stood up and said with a smile: "What do you think of this film?"

"The special effects are so realistic, it feels better than "Jurassic Park"!"

"Yeah, it's money well spent!"

In fact, there have been rumors about Jiang Heng in Beijing Film Studio during this period of time.

That is, he went abroad to do special effects alone, without letting the employees of Beijing Film Studio accompany him, just to embezzle the special effects production costs. When the film is made in the future, the special effects pictures may look terrible!

Han Sanping also had this concern, but Jiang Heng's attitude was too firm and he could only choose to trust. In fact, he was very stressed.

Now that he saw that the special effects scenes in the film far exceeded expectations, Han Sanping's worries were finally eliminated.

Inviting Jiang Heng back to the office, Han Sanping was quite excited and walked back and forth talking about the schedule and distribution.

Jiang Heng responded with a smile and basically agreed with Han Sanping's arrangement.

"By the way, I have something to tell you. I recently wrote another script. Take a look!"

Han Sanping was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "The third film? Great, let me take a look!"

Taking the script handed over by Jiang Heng, Han Sanping only glanced at it and said in surprise: "The theme of Journey to the West, good, good!"

I sat down immediately and read it carefully. I didn't want to see his face getting more and more solemn.

"Director Jiang, you...!"

"Director Han, we can just say whatever we want!"

Han Sanping was no longer polite and said bluntly: "Your story is very exciting and will look good when filmed, but it's a bit too much. It needs to be modified, otherwise it will be difficult to pass the review!"

Jiang Heng shook his head, "It can't be changed. If it is changed, the theme of the film will be gone!"

Han Sanping flipped it again, shook his head regretfully, and sighed: "It's not easy to do!"

At this moment, the establishment of China Film Group is imminent, and he dared not participate in the filming of a film full of metaphors and irony.

Jiang Heng had expected this, and was not disappointed. He smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm the sole investor in this film, so I can afford it."

Han Sanping stood up and said, "Oh, not really, not really. Let's study this matter further. At least wait until "100 Million Years BC" is released and the copyright is sold. Then we can study it carefully!"

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