Han Sanping wanted stability, so Jiang Heng would not force it.

In fact, he has no shortage of collaborators, no shortage of filming funds, and he is not afraid of risks.

The reason for the cooperation is simply to expand the network and influence in the mainland film market and try to appear as normal as possible.

After all, most big-budget films are jointly invested and filmed by multiple companies.

Youteng Pictures, owned by Jiang Heng, is just a small studio. It would be strange if it always made big box office hits if it invested independently every time.

But he has already cooperated with Beijing Film Studio once. This time because the content is sensitive and he doesn’t want to be interfered with, it’s okay to produce independently.

At this point, it’s hard to continue the conversation.

Jiang Heng said directly: "By the way, what do you think about the schedule?"

Han Sanping has also been thinking about this matter. During the Lunar New Year period at the end of 1998, there were two films with the greatest box office potential. One was produced by Beijing Film Academy and the other was also produced by Beijing Film Academy.

In 1998, when the mainland film market was still in a sluggish state, Han Sanping, who had achieved such an achievement, was very ambitious. Looking at the domestic film studios, who could compare with Beijing Film Studio?

There is also something to worry about, that is, my film is on the Lunar New Year schedule, and no one can give it a break, which is really annoying.

"One Hundred Million Years Before History" cannot be withdrawn from the Lunar New Year release because it needs to achieve good box office results to facilitate the film's global distribution.

However, "See You or Separate" produced by China Film Group, directed by Feng Xiaogang and starring Ge You, was unable to be withdrawn from the Lunar New Year schedule simply because of the genre.

Without the atmosphere of the New Year, it would be difficult for "See You or Separate" to achieve excellent box office results.

As for the "Spring Festival" which already exists in Xiangjiang but will not emerge for many years in the mainland, it will not have much box office success at all.

The reason? According to Jiang Heng's analysis, there is no Spring Festival travel in Xiangjiang. Citizens will go to the theater to watch movies and have entertainment during the lively New Year festival.

This is not the case in the mainland. First of all, returning home and going out during the Spring Festival every year takes up a lot of time. What's more important is that the Chinese people in 1998 still have a relatively strong family atmosphere. During the Chinese New Year, they spend a lot of time visiting relatives and friends, and how can they find time to go to the movies?

Unlike the year before he was reborn, everyone had become increasingly indifferent to family ties. Not to mention visiting relatives and friends, they didn't even bother to send New Year's greetings text messages.

As soon as I had breakfast on the first day of the first lunar month, I felt like the year had passed.

Except for particularly important and convenient relationships, I am too lazy to visit. Watching movies in my free time is a good choice, but there are not as many good movies as before.

Therefore, in the mainland market, there is only one best time period, and that is the Lunar New Year time.

"Both of your films will definitely be released during the Lunar New Year period. The difference is only one week. Fortunately, the themes are different, so the competition is not that big. The main question now is, who will go first!" Han Sanping thought for a long time and finally said.

Jiang Heng flipped through the calendar on his desk and said, "I'd better do it first. "One Hundred Million Years Before History" is more famous than "See You or Separate". If it is released in front of the audience, it will quickly become popular. Then, You can promote it here and say that Ge You is the Lunar New Year King this year, and those who have watched "One Hundred Million Years Before History" will also be interested in "See You Again."

Han Sanping nodded, thinking this was a good idea.

"Sure, then, it's settled?"

"That's it, I choose 12 or 18!"

Han Sanping also flipped through the desk calendar a few times, "Okay, the 18th, it's been a month since "Saving Private Ryan", so it won't have any impact!"

In the mainland film market in 1998, the annual box office champion was "Titanic" with a box office of 360 million.

The runner-up is "The Matrix" with 143 million.

The third runner-up is "Saving Private Ryan" which is currently in theaters, with a historical box office of 82.3 million.

Because of the release of this film, movie theaters have been busy since November, which can be regarded as a warm-up for this year’s Lunar New Year!

In a teahouse near Huayi Company, Feng Xiaogang, who was chatting with brothers Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei, picked up "Big Brother" and said a few words before hanging up.

Wang Zhongjun asked: "Has the schedule been set?"

Feng Xiaogang put down Big Brother and said, "It's settled, it's Christmas this time!"

"Okay, this time it's 30 to 40 million!" Wang Zhonglei said in surprise.

Feng Xiaogang felt a little proud but had to restrain himself, "It's nothing, it can't be compared with other people's special effects blockbusters!"

"Why did I hear that the film was not very good?"

Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei are brothers from the big courtyard and are involved in the entertainment industry. They have many friends at the Beijing Film Studio, and some of them went to the preview screenings with them.

Wang Zhonglei smiled: "I've also heard that the plot is so bad that I can't say that that guy is just a gangster!"

Feng Xiaogang said: "Monster movies are just like that. The plot is not much good, but I heard that the special effects are really shocking!"

Wang Zhongjun was not embarrassed and continued their previous conversation about movie preparations.

Feng Xiaogang's first two New Year films "Party A and Party B" and "See You or Be Parted" were jointly produced by Beijing Film Academy and Purple City Pictures.

When it came to the third film, Feng Xiaogang originally wanted to make "A Sigh", but when he reported to the film bureau, the other party suggested that the "New Year film" should be a trilogy!

Feng Xiaogang had no choice but to write the script of "Endless".

The plot of the film comes from a joke at the dinner table. Everyone joked that Ge You was Grandet, too stingy. This is the prototype of Ruan Dawei played by Fu Biao.

Halfway through the filming of the film, Ge You sat on the doorstep every day and asked if we could stop filming, which made Feng Xiaogang "extremely miserable".

This film did not create a sensation when it was released, and its box office performance was the lowest among the "New Year Trilogy", but it still made Huayi and Feng Xiaogang earn money. It can be said that this is a film with profound significance to them.

Wang Zhonglei said: "According to your previous shooting method, this film will definitely make money. Don't look at the current glory of the surname Jiang, one of the big films may lose a lot!"

Feng Xiaogang thought, "If I can shoot a film with an investment of hundreds of millions, it doesn't matter if I lose a little!"

Of course, this cannot be said to investors.

In the city of Beijing, there are many well-informed people.

The gossip that Jiang Heng's new film was previewed at the Beijing Film Studio spread quickly. Some people said that the plot of the film was not good, it was very outrageous, and it was a far cry from "Jurassic Park".

Even more outrageous is that someone actually said that the special effects of the film were also very bad. Han Sanping was so angry that he wanted to check Jiang Heng's account, thinking that he had embezzled the post-production fees. Similar gossips were flying everywhere.

In the office of Beijing Film Studio, Han Sanping was so angry that he broke his water cup.

He had high hopes for "100 Million Years BC" and could not afford the cost of box office failure.

He immediately ordered the distribution department to launch a publicity campaign, and posters of "100 Million Years BC" should be posted on buses, subways, and outdoor GGs.

At the same time, he called on major media to hold a premiere of the new film in advance.

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