On November 28, the premiere of the domestic special effects blockbuster "100 Million Years of Prehistory" will be held in the Beijing CPPCC Auditorium.

There are countless media and reporters on the scene, surrounding the guests who came one by one for interviews.

Suddenly, a thin man with a stern face stepped into the sight of reporters.

"Zhang, Zhang Yimou?"

Some people couldn't believe their eyes and screamed.

The rest of the people rushed over and surrounded the great director of art films and asked questions non-stop.

Zhang Yimou's appearance here is naturally the credit of Han Sanping.

Although he is not the vice chairman and general manager of China Film at the moment, as the director of Beijing Film, he still has a lot of face.

I heard that Zhang Yimou was in Beijing, so I called him and invited him to attend the ceremony.

If it were Zhang Yimou's previous personality, he might have refused.

But at this moment, he happened to be in Beijing and had no work arrangements, so it was really hard to refuse.

But more importantly, he wanted to make commercial movies after shooting art films for ten years!

If you ask who is the most successful commercial film director in China, Jiang Heng is the one.

Attending the premiere of his new film not only gave Jiang Heng and Han Sanping face, but also allowed him to learn in advance.

It was the red carpet and the interviews with reporters that made him not very comfortable.

"Hello, Director Zhang Yimou. It has been a year and a half since you filmed "If You Want to Talk Well". Are you filming a new film now?"

"Hello, Director Zhang. May I ask if you have any plans to shoot a blockbuster now?"

"Director Zhang, Director Zhang!"

"I am preparing, and I will consider it!" Zhang Yimou walked forward with his head down at first. Seeing that the reporters really didn't give way, he blurted out these two sentences and continued to move forward.

He was relieved when he entered the auditorium.

When he was looking for a seat, Han Sanping and Jiang Heng had already arrived.

"Hello, Director Zhang, welcome, welcome!"

"Hello, Director Zhang!"

Zhang Yimou was not good at greeting, and it was obvious that Jiang Heng seemed to be less than 20 years old, and he was very surprised.

"Director Jiang, what year were you born?"

"I was born in the 1980s!"


"Born in 1980!"

"1980?" Zhang Yimou thought for a moment and said in shock: "When you filmed The Matrix, you were not yet 18?"

"Uh, I'm 18 now!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yimou didn't know how to respond.

He has been filming art films for ten years and has also tried urban light comedy commercial films such as "Say It Well", but he is a little confused about what to do next, otherwise he would not have turned around to film "No One Less".

It is really unimaginable that a teenager under 18 years old can make a film like "The Matrix".

The special effects and action scenes in the film are fine, but can the forward-thinking script really be written by this teenager?

He doesn't know whether others believe it or not, but he doesn't believe it anyway!

"Director Zhang, please sit over here!"

The auditorium was crowded and noisy. Seeing Zhang Yimou in a daze, Jiang Heng ended the topic and sent him to his seat.

Zhang Yimou turned his head and found Jiang Wen sitting next to him.

"Hey, Zhang, you're here too?" Jiang Wen looked very surprised.

The two had just worked together once in "If You Want to Talk Well", and the male lead Zhao Xiaoshuai in the film was played by Jiang Wen.

"Well, come and take a look!" Zhang Yimou replied casually.

Jiang Wen opened up, "I came to see what our first domestic monster movie looks like!"

He suddenly lowered his voice and said, "I heard that the plot of his movie is not very good, and the box office may be very bad!"

Zhang Yimou said, "Who did you hear that from!"

Jiang Wen thought to himself, "Can I say this to anyone?"

He said vaguely, "Friends!"

He said again, "Hey, did you say that he wrote "The Matrix"? I saw that movie and watched the videotape several times. It's really good! How can he make this for the sake of making money!"

After that, he pointed to the curtain in the distance.

Zhang Yimou said, "Then why did you come!"

Jiang Wen said, "How can you criticize me if I don't come to see you? I can't just say it's bad without even looking at it. I'll be like a woman who spreads rumors at the entrance of the village!"

Zhang Yimou thought to himself, it's a waste of effort for someone to invite you!

Nodding, he said, "Yeah, that's right!"

Jiang Wen was puzzled, "Why are you here too? I feel like you're not in the same circle as them, ah, a big director of art films!"

"I just happened to be in Beijing, it's hard to refuse!"

Jiang Wen said, "You don't want to make this kind of commercial blockbuster, do you?"

Zhang Yimou waved his hand, "No, I just came here to take a look!"

Jiang Wen smiled, "Old Zhang, you're a bit fake now, there's no need to hide it, making money is not bad!"

Zhang Yimou asked back, "Are you going to make such a film in the future?"

Jiang Wen smiled, "In the future, I want to make a film that has both artistic connotations and special box office!"

Zhang Yimou thought to himself, "You're quite satisfied with what you want!"

But he said, "It will be successful!"


The two chatted for a long time, and the premiere ceremony finally began.

The light in the auditorium dimmed, the lights on the big screen lit up, and a shocking but domineering voice came out from the sound system, and everyone in the hall was startled.

Looking at the big screen, I saw a lush green area, all trees and plants I had never seen before.


Zhang Yimou took a breath and asked Jiang Wen in a low voice: "These plants don't exist in reality, right?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"It's all special effects?"

"It should be!"

"It's too realistic..."

A huge and violent Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly appeared on the screen, scaring the guests and reporters in the auditorium to breathe heavily.

It felt that the Tyrannosaurus Rex on the screen was tall and domineering, as if it really existed.

The camera turned, and Ge You, who had a beard and glasses, sat on a dead tree trunk panting, "I can't run, I really can't run!"

As a result, the "dead tree trunk" under him moved, and it turned out to be a living thing.

Ge You was scared and pale, and he rolled and crawled forward for his life.

It was obviously a very thrilling and embarrassing scene, but when he acted it out, it always brought a bit of humor.

Someone on the side praised Ge You for his good acting skills, and Ge You responded with a "hmm" and was extremely shocked.

I just remember that when I was shooting, I was in the green screen studio, acting in the air according to the director's requirements, no, I was acting in front of the pole.

There is also a red light on it, representing the monster's eyes!

The green screen studio, which was obviously empty, presented the Jurassic World after post-production, with all kinds of dinosaurs. It was amazing.

All the actors on the scene had similar ideas.

The reporters were extremely shocked. They really didn't expect it to be filmed like this.

The only regret is that the duration is too short, less than three minutes.

After the first preview, Jiang Heng led a group of actors to the stage to promote the film.

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