The so-called film promotion is to catch the selling point and brag about it.

And this selling point should also be able to shock, curious, or interesting to the audience.

A typical example is "Double Zhou Yicheng", the selling point of the film starring them is very clear. Before 2000, Cheng Long's action comedy was basically above the standard, and even Stephen Chow's guest appearance in "King of Gamblers 2000" was also a good comedy.

Jia Ling was criticized, but the audience felt that the film she made might be interesting. It was really shocking to lose so much weight all of a sudden.

Some stars are very famous, but they can't carry the box office. The main reason is that the audience didn't find anything interesting after browsing the posters and related promotion information. This is the worst.

The biggest selling point of Jiang Heng's "100 Million Years BC" is naturally the visually shocking and realistic dinosaurs.

Speaking of dinosaurs, mainland audiences have also seen them.

Although "Jurassic Park 1" in 1993 was not released in the mainland, pirated videotapes were everywhere.

"Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World" was released in the summer of 1997, earning 72 million yuan at the box office, which was the annual box office champion in history. It was the first time that mainland audiences saw the image of dinosaurs on the big screen.

In the following years, Hollywood monster movies basically achieved good box office results in the mainland.

Later, even online movies could get a share of this theme.

In 2018, an online movie "Snake" with an investment of more than 7 million yuan and starring unknown actors had a Douban score of 3.3, but earned more than 50 million yuan in box office revenue.

According to the rough calculation of the share ratio, it is basically equivalent to a theater movie with a box office of 150 million yuan.

Its influence is also outstanding, attracting a large number of online movies with monster themes to go online crazily.

So although this theme is mostly bad, there are really people who like to watch it.

After listening to Jiang Heng's descriptions, many guests and reporters were full of expectations.

Then, it was still a preview clip segment, but this time it was a plot of the modern world.

There is no way. In order to "control" the cost of the film, the time when the dinosaurs appeared in the film was accurate to the minute and second. If it was longer, it would be gone.

Fortunately, the modern plot is also exciting, so it can barely fool people.

After the ceremony, the reporters were still given "travel expenses" and the guests were invited to a nearby hotel for dinner.

Zhang Yimou took the opportunity to discuss with Jiang Heng for a while, and found that this person really knew a lot.

The next day, major entertainment media reported that "domestic Jurassic" and "the first domestic dinosaur blockbuster" would be launched in the Lunar New Year.

And there were a lot of interviews with Jiang Heng, Wu Yizu, Li Meiqi and others.

What interested the audience most was the word "domestic".

It was very enjoyable to watch "Jurassic Park" in the past, but because the protagonist was a foreigner, the sense of substitution was always a little worse.

Now it is really enjoyable to think about it with Chinese faces.

Time soon came to the 17th, and posters for the pre-sale of "100 Million Years of Prehistory" were posted at the entrance of major theaters.

A Wei rode his bike with his cheeks flushed from the cold. He arrived at Huaxing Cinema, found a place to store his bike, and went in to see that there were several long lines, all of them were young men.

A Wei took off his cotton gloves and stood silently in the line, thinking about the arrangement of the midnight show.

I definitely can't go back to school. Should I find a hotel or take her to an Internet cafe!

Would it be too frivolous to go to a hotel? But I really don't want to go to an Internet cafe!

A Wei was a little unsure for a while.

But thinking of his good brother's words, he felt a little excited.

"I took her to see "Jurassic 2". The dinosaurs hadn't come out yet, but she got into my arms. In one word, it smelled good! Brother, this movie is a good opportunity. If you don't make an appointment, maybe someone else will make an appointment. Think about her going with other men, and..."

Before he finished speaking, A Wei exploded. He made an appointment, not only to make an appointment with her to watch a movie, but also to watch the midnight show.

In fact, he and the girl had already had dinner together several times, and both of them had a good impression of each other.

But he was too shy and didn't dare to express his feelings, which made the girl indifferent.

His brother advised him to hurry up and strike while the iron was hot. Once the heat was over, there was basically no chance.

Ah Wei thought so too, and he was determined to line up.

On the way, he was afraid that there would be too few people watching the midnight show, which would be embarrassing.

He didn't want to find out that there were so many people when he entered the theater. Listening to what the staff said on the intercom, it seemed that several halls were full and new ones were added.

After waiting for a long time, he found that all the good seats were gone and he could only choose a seat on the side.

Ah Wei hesitated for a few seconds, and then heard the people behind him complaining. He quickly took out money to buy two tickets, rushed out of the theater, and returned to the dormitory to make a phone call.

Before calling, his nervous heart was pounding, and he brewed for a while before dialing the phone.

The girl's voice was a little cold when she answered the phone. When she learned that she was going to watch the midnight show of "100 Million Years of Prehistory", she instantly became interested.

"I heard this movie is good, I've wanted to see it for a long time!"

"Hehe, that's good, I was afraid you wouldn't want to go!"

"How could that be, wait for me, I'll go wash up first, and then have dinner together!"

Ah Wei was so happy that he felt his bones were two taels lighter.

First, he went to pick up the girl to eat, and then took her to an Internet cafe outside the school. When he saw that the time was about right, he took a taxi to the theater.

When he entered the theater, he found that it was full of couples.

"There are so many people, it seems that the tickets were sold at the right time!" The girl praised.

Ah Wei smiled again, "The new film directed by Jiang Heng must be good. I'm going to buy Coke and popcorn."

"Well, let the waiter add more ice to my glass!"

"Oh, okay!" He originally wanted to overthink it, but wouldn't adding too much ice make it diluted?

But the place was crowded and noisy, and there were queues everywhere, so I swallowed my words.

After buying Coke and popcorn, the two went to the corner to chat. The girl said, "It would be great if Director Jiang Heng made "Journey to the West"!"

"Do you like to watch "Journey to the West"?"

"Don't you think "Journey to the West" would look particularly good if it was shot with cool special effects?"

Ah Wei thought about it and said, "Yeah, that's right! It's quite fun to make the light golden hoop get bigger and smaller."

The girl's cheeks were slightly red, she hummed, and then said: "Next time Director Jiang Heng releases a new film, let's watch it!"

Ah Wei was extremely pleasantly surprised and said, "Okay, I'll come and watch the midnight show then!"

The girl was a little annoyed, and she still showed up at odd hours. Don’t you know that staying up late will cause wrinkles?

At this moment, the movie theaters began checking tickets, and the girl snorted and walked forward.

Ah Wei didn't notice it and lined up behind the girl.

Not long after I took my seat in the theater, the lights went out, the dragon logo lit up, and "One Hundred Million Years Before History" was officially released.

On the big screen, a taxi was driving on the road in the city. News came from the radio that the magical celestial phenomenon of "Nine Stars in a row" was about to occur. The host talked about the relevant legends.

The camera turned to reveal the face of the co-pilot passenger, none other than Wu Yanzu.

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