China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 41 Breaking the Box Office Record

When Wu Yizu showed up, there was an immediate exclamation.

The late 1990s was the last glorious period of Hong Kong and Taiwan pop culture. Wu Yizu in this world should be considered the last influential superstar in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Half of the girls who came to watch the movie came for Wu Yizu.

The same was true for Ah Wei's female friends, who couldn't help but whispered, "So handsome!"

Ah Wei felt a little inferior after hearing this, and thought to himself, why not go to the Internet cafe later!

I watched the big screen immediately, but after watching for a long time, it was still a modern plot centered around dinosaur fossils.

Although Wu Yizu was handsome, Li Meiqi was fashionable, Ge You was humorous, and there were gunfights with international mercenary teams, it was only considered mediocre and there were no surprises.

Everyone even suspected that they were deceived or that they had played the wrong copy.

What we want to see is a thrilling big dinosaur, not a Hong Kong-produced gunfight movie!

Just when some boys were about to reach their limit of patience, the "Nine Stars in a Row" astronomical phenomenon occurred.

Everyone near the dinosaur fossil pit actually traveled back to the Jurassic period.

Seeing the plants that were obviously not very similar to the plants on Earth, and the lifelike dinosaurs, some boys felt their adrenaline surge.

When a pterosaur swooped down to attack a mercenary, many girls in the theater screamed and immediately hid in the boys next to them.

At this moment, Ah Wei also hugged the girl he liked.

He also instantly realized why so many girls like to watch horror movies!

Domestic movies are restricted by censorship, and there have never been many horror movies. This monster movie is a good substitute.

In the following time, his attention was almost entirely on the girl, and he didn't pay attention to what was happening on the screen.

Anyway, I just felt it was quite exciting. As soon as the big dinosaur came out and chased people, the girl hid in his arms more and more.

Well, I can watch more of this kind of movies in the future!

When the movie ended, Ah Wei was still dizzy.

Looking back on the plot, it seems that there was nothing, just the big dinosaurs eating and chasing people, and a group of humans fled and fought back with the guns they brought.

If you watch it without thinking, it seems to be quite enjoyable.

The girl looked frightened, leaning against him and said, "Let's find a place to rest, it's a bit tiring!"

Ah Wei heard it and opened his mouth, "Let's find a hotel, you can't stay in an Internet cafe in your current state!"

The girl hummed, and didn't say anything, letting Ah Wei decide.

He complained in his heart, "You really want to take me to an Internet cafe!"

There were a lot of people at the national premiere, and not all of them were couples who came out to watch the movie. There were also some fans of Jiang Heng, Wu Yizu or Li Meiqi who thought the blockbuster about dinosaurs would be exciting and stayed up late to watch it.

How can I say it after watching it? I felt a tightness in my chest. One of my buddies ran to the Internet cafe immediately after leaving the theater, turned on the computer and logged into the Mop website to write a review of "100 Million Years of Prehistory".

"I think the plot of this movie is a piece of shit. The front and back are too severe. The modern scenes are just dragging the length of the film. Didn't you say earlier that you can't do special effects? I can help you imitate a similar script after watching "Jurassic Park" a few times! The same dinosaur appearance time is at least better than your plot that is split from the front and back!

But to be honest, the Jurassic plot in the back is so exciting and exciting, even more shocking than "Jurassic Park", especially the last shot. When more and more prehistoric animals appeared on the big screen, I was actually shaking all over. It's really not easy for domestic films to shoot such special effects that surpass Hollywood!

Finally, I want to say that, director, if you can't write a good script, just hire a screenwriter. It doesn't cost much, so just spend some money. You have to spend so much money!"

This post was quickly replied and discussed by many netizens and became the hottest post on the forum.

Some netizens said that if "100 Million Years BC" did not have a modern plot and started directly from prehistoric times, it would definitely be a masterpiece comparable to "The Matrix".

Of course, we also know that if we shoot it that way, the budget will definitely not be enough.

So, in general, it is still recommended.

Some netizens even said that if you don't have too many expectations, the plot in the front is actually very good.

It can only be said that the latter part is too thrilling, and even the few gun battles in the modern plot seem bland.

The discussion on is in full swing, and the overall evaluation of "100 Million Years BC" is still good.

The main reason is that domestic commercial films at this time are really not up to par, and even Hong Kong films have been beaten by Hollywood blockbusters.

It's hard to come up with a good one, and everyone is quite tolerant.

In the daytime, major entertainment media began to report the popularity of the midnight show and the audience's on-site feedback.

Cut out the materials that say the film is not good, and all that is broadcast are strong recommendations!

As the two companies that jointly distribute the film, Beijing Film and Bonanza, they continue to work hard and increase publicity efforts. Even if they have to cheat, they must first deceive the audience.

Therefore, although the overall level of "100 Million BC" is far lower than that of "The Matrix", the box office on the first day was as high as 14.23 million, nearly 5 million more than "The Matrix".

Once the report was published, it attracted more and more moviegoers.

What's more terrible is that in addition to young men and women who like to watch dinosaur movies, children love to watch them even more. More than one-third of the audience in the theater on Saturdays and Sundays were parents who brought their children to watch movies, and the box office also set a new record.

On the second day, 15.97 million, almost breaking 16 million.

On the third day, it began to decline, but it was still 14.81 million.

In just three days, it has achieved a box office of 46.78 million, which can be said to have shocked the entire Chinese film industry.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the box office performance of "100 Million Years BC" is likely to surpass "The Matrix", and it may even break the 200 million mark.

But what makes some film critics angry is that the level of this film is obviously lower than "The Matrix" by more than one level. Is there any justice for a bad film to sell at a super high box office? Is there any law?

These people are frantically writing film reviews and submitting them to major entertainment media.

Some can't wait and publish them on online forums such as Mop, which further increases the popularity of the film and helps the box office of "100 Million Years BC".

At the Beijing Film Studio, all the management were delighted to see such box office results.

Han Sanping was even more ecstatic. Although Jiang Heng was in charge of all the films, his name was listed in the producer and producer column.

It's hard to say whether it will make 200 million, but 100 million is mostly stable.

Not to mention that there are film producers in Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia who want to buy the copyright of "100 Million Years BC". With Taiwan and Hong Kong, there will be no problem in making a profit.

I don't know whether the distribution in North America and Europe will go smoothly. How much money can be made depends on them.

When Jiang Heng came over, Han Sanping talked about this.

"I'll go there. It's hard to say what the deal will be. You know this movie, the word of mouth is average!"

Han Sanping smiled, "There are not so many movies that are both well-received and popular. It's good enough as long as it can sell well at the box office!"

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