Causeway Bay, in his own house.

Jiang Heng stood in front of the window admiring the night view, thinking about his future development.

In the film and television industry, it is not enough to just make movies.

For example, the big companies in Hollywood put all the main revenue of the company on movies in the early years. As a result, a big movie made a huge loss, which pushed the company to the brink of bankruptcy.

Although Jiang Heng did not face such a crisis, if he only worked as a director, he would still be alone.

Besides, he could not just keep the money he earned in the bank after so many years. It would be meaningful to spend it.

Although he was not as rich as Wang Duoyu or the rich man in the online articles, he could make some normal investments to deepen his influence in the entertainment industry!

It was a pity that Hengdian Film and Television City had been built, otherwise he really wanted to build one.

Besides, he could build a theme park, but thinking that he did not have many IPs at the moment, he hesitated.

He was thinking whether to build a small dinosaur park first, or wait a few years to build a bigger one.

While thinking, the mobile phone beside him suddenly rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Sammo Hung.

Jiang Heng was stunned. They just finished dinner and left!

"Hey, big brother, why are you still up so late?"

"Well, it's like this. Mr. Zou from Jiahe called me and said he wanted to treat you to a meal!"

"Oh, he treated me?"

In his previous life in Hong Kong, Jiang Heng never made a name for himself and was a nobody for a long time.

When he became a little famous, Jiahe had closed down and sold to Shengtian!

So he had never dealt with Zou Wenhuai in his past and present lives. He was really surprised when he heard that the other party wanted to treat him to a meal.

Hong Jinbao said, "Don't worry, Mr. Zou is a very good person. He just wants to chat with you. It won't affect anything. If you are afraid of a dull occasion, I will accompany you!"

Jiang Heng thought for a while, "Okay, let's go together!"

In fact, for him, the small things in the Hong Kong film market are not very important.

Under normal circumstances, the annual champion is only 30 to 50 million, and the box office revenue after sharing is only 10 to 20 million.

For him who values ​​the global box office market, the weight is too low, so there is nothing to worry about.

The next day, Sammo Hung drove downstairs, and Jiang Heng went downstairs and got into Sammo Hung's Mercedes.

Talking about this meeting, Sammo Hung suddenly said: "I think they may ask you to release it in advance!"

Jiang Heng laughed and said: "Do you think so, or did Mr. Zou say so!"

Sammo Hung looked like you doubted me, "Of course I guessed, brother, I have also opened several companies, okay! Now everyone knows that your "100 Million Years BC" is definitely the seed player for the box office champion of this year's Lunar New Year. Those two movies are not good enough. If the three movies are released together, no one will make money!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, not disgusted with this request.

"100 Million Years BC" has the support of the global market, and it doesn't matter if the box office in Hong Kong is more or less.

The market where "Glass Bottle" and "The King of Comedy" can sell copyrights is too small, and they still value the Hong Kong market.

The two of them didn't talk all the way and soon arrived at the agreed hotel.

Zou Wenhuai was very generous and directly booked a restaurant. There was a table in the lobby of the restaurant with simple Chinese decoration.

The three old men sat there with a strong aura, a bit like the three giants in "The Warlords".

Jiang Heng was a junior, and took the initiative to greet him when he entered the door.

Zou Wenhuai then stood up and bowed, "Mr. Jiang, I have heard of your great name for a long time, and today I have the chance to meet you!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's just some false reputation, like floating clouds!"

Zou Wenhuai was stunned, smiled and said nothing.

The five people exchanged greetings and sat down.

Zou Wenhuai asked about the market performance of "100 Million Years BC" in various countries, and Jiang Heng told him everything he knew.

"Talented people emerge in every generation, and new people replace old people!" Zou Wenhuai sighed.

Jiang Heng said hurriedly: "Mr. Zou, you can't say that. The Hong Kong film industry still depends on you to lead!"

Zou Wenhuai just sighed, "Old, old!"

He is really old. Zou Wenhuai, who was born in 1927, is now over 70 years old.

Even if he takes good care of himself, he can't compare with his youth!

Cai Yongchang said: "Mr. Jiang, the future Hong Kong film industry will depend on you to support the scene!"

Jiang Heng said modestly: "No, no..."

After praising each other for a while, they finally talked about this year's Spring Festival.

Liang Feng expressed his hope that "100 Million Years BC" would be released in advance. Jiang Heng hesitated and did not answer immediately.

He was naturally ready to agree, but Zou Wenhuai suddenly said: "Mr. Jiang, our Jiahe Cinema Line also wants to release your "100 Million Years BC". What do you think?"

Jiang Heng was overjoyed when he heard this, "That's great!"

It is extremely rare to be able to release a film on three cinema lines in Hong Kong at the same time. A few years ago, it was unthinkable.

Jiahe offered this condition, and Jiang Heng had no reason to refuse. For a while, the guests and hosts were toasting and having a great time.

After dinner, he contacted Xinbao and Jinsheng Cinemas and proposed the idea of ​​releasing the film a week earlier.

The two cinemas had no objections and agreed readily.

Jiang Heng then went to Jiahe and signed a distribution agreement, and the deal was done.

Then the major films under the three cinemas posted and replaced the latest film posters, and television, radio, and newspapers also reported the news that "100 Million Years BC" was released earlier.

In front of the newsstand, a teenager saw the news and was ecstatic.

"It's great that the painting will open in advance. If it doesn't open, I will take my son to Shenzhen to see it!"

"Oh, no, isn't it that exaggerated? You still pass the test and watch the movie?"

"The main reason is that her best friend has watched it and said that the plot is very exciting, but she can't help it. She can't wait to watch it right away! I really don't understand, why do girls always like this kind of movies?"

"Women are born to like excitement. Don't let her feel too dull, otherwise you will suffer a lot!"

"Hey, it's annoying, why not play video games!"

The young man said helplessly...

On the opening day of the film, the doors of major theaters in Hong Kong were crowded with people coming to watch the film.

There were boys and girls gathered together, chatting excitedly.

There were also annoyed parents leading their children, complaining about why the painting had to start early, when everything had been arranged properly.

As a result, when the children learned that the film schedule was advanced, they cried and shouted that they wanted to go!

In the theater, the audience in Xiangjiang watched the modern scenes of "Ten Thousand Years Before History" with gusto, because many people had read the novel "Qin Qin Ji" and had the concept of traveling through time and space and going back to the past in their minds.

Some mainland viewers think it's nonsense that "Nine Stars in a Link" triggers time travel, but in Xiangjiang, the audience is discussing why they can't get a time machine as in "Qin Qin Ji" and use a time machine to transport a group of special forces to the Jurassic. , bringing back a batch of dinosaur DNA is not more reliable than using mosquito blood in amber in "Jurassic Park"?

Then we can also create a dinosaur park scene, then build a dinosaur theme park in Hong Kong, and then enclose the land and build houses. We should make some money, right?

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