After "One Hundred Million Years Before History" was released in Hong Kong, it quickly triggered a movie-watching craze and received good reviews from the media.

The main reason is that the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang is developed, and various novel settings and ideas are emerging one after another, and the audience has long been accustomed to them.

As far as the concept of time travel is concerned, it’s all leftover from other people’s play.

In 1991's "The Gambler 2: The Gambling Saint of Shanghai", Zhou Xingxing traveled to Shanghai in 1937 and could still use his mobile phone to make calls to Xiangjiang. At the end of the film, Long Wu led a group of Flying Tigers to fight against the Japanese for 37 years with submachine guns.

In terms of the logic of time travel, Gambler 2 is also quite ridiculous. Several qigong masters can travel through time and space together. What does it mean?

The end of science is metaphysics, and we are also developing a feather time machine!

Just watch it for fun!

The audience watched the movie with entertainment first, and some of the logical flaws of "One Hundred Million Years Before History" were not so obvious. In addition, the second half of the movie was like a Pandora-like Jurassic jungle, with pterosaurs flying all over the sky. , the domineering Tyrannosaurus rex... the audience in Xiangjiang was hooked.

Even if it was released a week in advance, "One Hundred Million Years Before History" is still very successful at the box office.

In addition to "Glass Bottle" and "The King of Comedy" which ranked third on the opening day, they still topped the box office in a single day thereafter.

Traditional Hong Kong movies are really outdated!

Many production companies and filmmakers in Hong Kong came to congratulate Jiang Heng, learn from him, and entertained him with numerous banquets.

Even China Star's Xiang Hua is now considering whether to cooperate with Jiang Heng in filming "The Legend of Shushan".

After communicating with Xu Ke, Xiang Huaru called Jiang Heng directly and invited him to come out for a chat.

Jiang Heng answered the phone, not surprised.

He had met too many "movie bigwigs" recently and drank too much. He knew that Xiang Hua was preparing for "The Legend of Shushan", so it was not unusual for him to find him, but it was just a matter of cooperation.

It's hard to get Xiang's money.

Mr. Xu is too overbearing when filming.

If you insist on filming together, you'll either have to be a wooden figure with strings, or you'll have to break up. It's not necessary, but you still have to give face.

But on this day, Jiang Heng drove out and went straight to the restaurant box that Hua Hao had booked.

When I went in, I saw that there were only three people, Xiang and his wife, and Xu Ke.

One more thing to say is that when Xiang Tai was young, her appearance was not inferior to that of popular actresses. It can only be said that getting fat is a woman's natural enemy!

Xiang Hua has a domineering personality, but he is still very polite on the surface. He first praised the box office and reputation of "The Matrix", and then congratulated the film on being nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

Xu Ke, who has always been arrogant, couldn't help but look envious when looking at the young Jiang Heng.

The Oscars are extremely important in the minds of Chinese people, and the nominees are basically literary and artistic films shot by Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaizhen and others.

Jiang Heng's commercial blockbuster can be nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film Award, which will definitely bring him fame and fortune.

Talking about "One Hundred Million Years Before History" which is currently being released, Xu Ke suddenly said: "Director Jiang, the Jurassic era style you designed is fantastic and magnificent, with a hint of a fairy tale!"

Jiang Heng laughed and said to himself, do you know how much I copied from "Avatar"? All it takes is for the mountains to levitate and people to ride pterosaurs!

Then I thought about it, it seemed like I could copy the plot outline of "Avatar" and make it a copycat!

Forget it, let’s not ruin the classics!

Jiang Heng was thinking a lot, but in reality he was silent for a few seconds and said with a smile: "I just felt that it was too based on historical data and not shocking enough, so I thought of making the scene bigger!"

Xu Ke nodded slightly, "Indeed, Xianxia blockbusters only look good when they are shocking and atmospheric!"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment and thought to himself, did I mention Xianxia just now?

It seems not!

Xiang Hua said: "Mr. Jiang, are you interested in fairy-tale movies?"

"Yes, I quite like reading fairy tale novels!"

Xu Ke said in surprise: "You have also watched "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman"!"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment before he realized that the fairy novels they were talking about were not the same thing!

"Well, I read some!" Jiang Heng said with some reluctance.

Xu Ke asked: "What do you think of this book?"

Seeing these three people looking at him, Jiang Heng took a sip of beer and said with a smile: "How can I put it, it's too grand. There are too many characters in it. When I saw the back, I forgot about the characters in front! "

Xu Ke said: "The book written by Huanzhu Louzhu is majestic and encompasses everything from heaven to earth. It can be called the most wonderful book in the world!"

Jiang Heng chuckled and refused to comment.

Seeing that he seemed to disagree, Xu Ke asked, "Does Director Jiang feel that my evaluation is inaccurate?"

Jiang Heng waved his hands hurriedly and said with a smile: "No, I just think the book is too grand and it would be too difficult to adapt it into a movie!"

It was rare for Xiang Tai to speak, "Doesn't even Director Jiang think the script is difficult to write?"

Jiang Heng nodded, "If there are too many main characters, it will distract the audience's attention and affect their sense of involvement. Without a sense of involvement, destroying the world and saving the common people will be nothing to the audience!" "

After hearing this, Xu Ke's face instantly turned ugly.

He has almost finished revising the script of "The Legend of Shushan" at this moment. Just as Jiang Heng said, there are too many main characters.

Just talking about this drama, you can say that Xuan Tianzong played by Zheng Yijian is the protagonist, but his role is not that many.

Bai Mei, Gu Yue, Li Yingqi, Dan Chenzi and others all have a lot of roles.

Even the honest punishment played by Wu Jing in the original work seems to be very important.

This is terrible. The audience just brought their emotions into the character of Xuan Tian Zong, but the various characters came on stage one after another, and Xuan Tian Zong was not very outstanding, which made the audience feel nothing after watching it.

Of course, Jiang Heng would not say this clearly.

Xu Ke was a little unhappy and said coldly: "What should the fairy-xia movie in Director Jiang's mind look like?"

Jiang Heng was stunned and murmured: "Xianxia, ​​if you want to tell me what the fairy-xia movie in my mind looks like, I have no idea at this moment. But I do have some ideas about fairy-xia novels!"

Xiang Tai wondered, "Director Jiang, are you going to write a novel?"

Jiang Heng hesitated a little, and then nodded, "Well, it's a bit boring to always make movies. It's not bad to write a fairy-xia novel!"

Xu Ke said: "Oh, then I can look forward to Director Jiang's masterpiece!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Don't worry, it will definitely be published within a year!"

Everyone did not doubt this. With Jiang Heng's current fame, if he said he wanted to write a novel, there would be publishers willing to cooperate immediately.

You don't even have to write it yourself, you just need to provide a story outline, and the publisher can help you find a ghostwriter.

Novels written by popular directors will definitely sell well for newbies!

As for the content of the novel, Jiang Heng has already thought of it, which is "Zhu Xian", which was called "the three great online books" together with "The Journey of the West" and "The Legend of the Little Soldier" in the early years, and is also known as the "post-Jin Yong era martial arts bible"!

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