China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 47 North American Performance

There are so many online Xianxia novels, but not many of them can be adapted into movies and TV series.

There are even fewer novels like "Zhu Xian" that have movies, TV series, and games.

Of course, the movie is not very good.

Just for this, Jiang Heng also wants to get the copyright.

Wait for three to five years, when the mainland film market is better and the female artists he admires are older, he can start this project.

For example, Liu Yifei, the "Fairy Sister" who is popular all over the country, can be asked to play the female lead!

As for now, you can write the novel first to increase the popularity of the IP.

Of course, there is no need to say these words to Xu Ke and others.

Even if you say it, people will only think you are telling a joke.

When the meal was almost over, Xiang Huaqi couldn't help but mention it and asked Jiang Heng if he was interested in co-producing "The Legend of Shushan" together.

Jiang Heng waved his hand and said, "I am really interested in this subject, but I really don't have time. I just got a script for "Journey to the West" and am preparing it!"

Xiang Tai's eyes lit up, "Oh, Director Jiang is short of funds? We can provide it!"

Jiang Heng smiled, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

Not to mention that he doesn't spend money on special effects, even if he calculates it based on the "book income and expenditure" of spending money, the income from the two films is also a huge fortune.

He doesn't need financial help to make a movie.

Cooperating with Beijing Film Academy is nothing more than valuing the other party's resources in the mainland market.

The Hong Kong film market is already declining, so how could he take the money from the Xiang family.

Jiang Heng arched his hands and said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, Xiang Tai, but I still have enough money in my hand, so I dare not trouble you!"

Xiang Tai's expression was embarrassed, and there was a hint of sourness in her words, "Yes, Director Jiang's two films have earned more than we have earned in more than ten years. He doesn't look down on our little money!"

Jiang Heng smiled helplessly and didn't respond.

Xiang Huaqi's face darkened, "Alan, don't say that!"

He raised his glass again and said, "Director Jiang, I like to make friends with capable people the most. I hope we will always be good friends in the future!"

Jiang Heng also raised his glass and said with a smile, "Of course, I also want to be friends with Mr. Xiang!"

The few people drank a few more glasses of wine, chatted for a while, and then dispersed.

Jiang Heng strolled around the nearby shopping mall and drove home at night.

He turned on the computer, created a new document, and typed out the words "Zhu Xian".

Then he wrote: The time is unknown, it should be very early, very long ago.

Location: Shenzhou.

Heaven and earth are not kind, and all things are straw dogs...

Jiang Heng typed very quickly, and by midnight, he had already typed out tens of thousands of words.

In fact, the content of the entire novel is in his "super microcomputer" and can be directly transmitted.

I just think that if I do the whole play and type it out once, I may have a deeper understanding of the original work!

After a period of time, Jiang Heng closed the door and refused to accept banquets.

If someone called, he said he was writing at home.

In fact, he was revising the script of "Lion Camel Ridge" while typing the content of "Zhu Xian".

But there was a rumor in the Hong Kong entertainment circle that Jiang Heng was writing a fairy tale novel at home.

For a while, a group of publishers in Hong Kong tried to contact Jiang Heng and try to get the publishing rights of the novel.

Jiang Heng was annoyed by the interruption, so he flew directly to Sanya and stayed in the best hotel. Every day he just typed on his laptop, looked at the sea view, and ate seafood. His life was quite comfortable.

During this period, he flew to the United States to attend the Hollywood awards ceremony, but the result was a mess. The 71st Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film was won by the Italian film "Life is Beautiful".

In the original history, "The Matrix" won four awards for Best Sound, Best Film Editing, Best Sound Editing, and Best Visual Effects.

But in this life, "The Matrix" is a Chinese-language film, and Jiang Heng did not go to the United States to canvass for votes, so naturally they would not give you the award.

You must know that if you want to win an Oscar, you can't do it without spending money.

It is said that to win an Oscar statuette, you have to spend a lot of public relations fees, some of which are even higher than the cost of filming the film.

Jiang Heng doesn't care about these, but domestic media and fans are very disappointed, as if not winning the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film is a major setback.

Columbia also feels sorry. If Jiang Heng can win an Oscar statuette, wouldn't the box office performance of "100 Million Years BC" be improved a lot?

As for the film "100 Million Years BC", Columbia finally scheduled it for March 26.

It can't be said to be a good schedule, but it can only be said that the opponent is not strong, and there is still a chance to get a high box office.

Because on May 19, "Star Wars Episode 1", which won the box office champion of this year and had a box office of 430 million US dollars in the United States, will be released.

The Star Wars series is so famous that companies will basically avoid it when scheduling.

In June, there are also films that are favored by the market, such as Austin Powers 2, Tarzan, and The Fake Father.

After the summer vacation, it feels that the time interval is too long.

Columbia Pictures also chose this day after careful consideration.

The biggest advantage is that there is no opponent on the opening day. The performance of "Electric Trip" released a week before, March 19, was not very good. The original box office in the United States was more than 52 million US dollars, ranking 44th on the annual list.

Although the box office expectations for this film are not too high, Columbia Pictures still carried out the necessary publicity according to the contract and opened in more than 2,000 theaters at the same time.

The next day, the results of "100 Million Years BC" were released, with a box office of 9.32 million US dollars. Although it is lower than "The Matrix", it is still good in the off-season of March.

However, the media is quite polarized about the film.

Those who belittled the film said that it was useless, and did not mention the visual effects that beat the two "Jurassic Parks". They only said that the logic was not logical and the plot was too bad.

Those who praised it naturally praised the visual effects, saying that the dinosaurs in the film were more real and more shocking than those in "Jurassic Park".

Especially when everyone traveled to the Jurassic era, the "wilderness survival" plot was really too emotional.

European and American audiences like the theme of "wilderness survival" in the first place. Seeing the media say this, they instantly attracted a wave of audiences.

In addition, many movie fans pay more attention to visual effects and don't care much about the plot. As long as dinosaurs eat people, chase people, and chase a group of people around, it's fine.

As for how these people came, the audience didn't really care.

As a result, although the box office performance of "100 Million Years BC" was average on the first day of its release, the decline was slow. Looking at this momentum, it is very likely to make over 100 million yuan.

Columbia felt a little regretful, while Jiang Heng was lucky.

The most depressed was Universal Pictures. They thought that after watching dinosaurs running wild in the vast Jurassic World, would North American audiences still like dinosaurs in the park?

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