Yu Dong lost the courage to start his own business.

After all, if you want to distribute, you need to have a source of films.

Mainland films are distributed by each studio, and Hong Kong films with a stable source of films are basically monopolized by Jiang Heng.

If he wants to quit and go out on his own, he has no idea how many Hong Kong film producers and directors will be willing to cooperate with him!

Thinking that he at least has 18% of the shares of Bona Films, he is a boss, so he gradually gave up the idea of ​​going out on his own.

Since he is temporarily with Jiang Heng, he must use his abilities. At this moment, the preparation of "Lion Camel Ridge" is the most important task. Yu Dong has done a lot of running around, such as negotiating the film contract with Mr. Zhu Longguang.

As for the female stars, Jiang Heng felt that they were not very suitable and did not want to show up, so Yu Dong helped to deal with them.

After all, there is too little room for the female characters in this film to play, so there is no need to spend a lot of money to hire people.

If there are willing to make a free cameo appearance, it can be considered.

Of course, Jiang Heng would not consider some people even if they wanted to make a free guest appearance.

In the office, Yu Dong handed over the list of auditions for today. Jiang Heng glanced and saw a familiar name, Ding Haifeng.

I really didn't expect that this play would even attract the "tiger-fighting hero".

Jiang Heng instantly became interested and said with a smile: "Let's call Ding Haifeng in first!"

Yu Dong was stunned. This name was a little behind in the list he handed over.

Jiang Heng was anxious to let him audition first. It seems that there is a role that he thinks is suitable!

I don't know whether he will let him play Sha Seng, Qing Shi, or Bai Xiang.

After all, he is 182 tall, majestic, and handsome. It's not good to let him play the fat Zhu Bajie and the cowardly and pedantic Tang Monk!

Yu Dong ordered the employees outside the door to call Ding Haifeng in for an audition.

Not long after, a tall and majestic young man came in.

Ding Haifeng was born in 1969, so he is only in his early thirties now. Judging from Jiang Heng's psychological age, he is a young man.

After Ding Haifeng became famous with the 1998 version of "Water Margin", he also starred in several film and television dramas, but the response was relatively average.

For example, Qin Wuyang in "The Emperor and the Assassin" was just a minor supporting role, and he had almost no impact on the development of the plot.

So when he saw the famous Jiang Heng, a well-known "screen tough guy", he was also very nervous.

"Hello, Director Jiang, I am Ding Haifeng, and I played the role of Wu Song in "Water Margin"...!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand and smiled and said, "I know, I have seen the CCTV version of Water Margin, and your Wu Song is really good!"

"Thank you Director Jiang for the compliment!"

"Have you thought about which role to try when you come to the audition?"

Ding Haifeng hesitated for a few seconds, smiled shyly and shook his head.

He is tall and not suitable for playing Sun Wukong, and he dare not think about playing the leading role at all.

As for other roles, Monk Sha is tall, and the Blue Lion and the White Elephant are similar.

But he has not figured out which one he wants to play more.

Monk Sha has too few lines, and he will say: Big Brother, the master has been captured by the monster! Big Brother, the master and the second brother have been captured by the monster! Big Brother, we are here!

What can be done with this!

Of course, it will definitely not be shot like this in the movie, but it is really hard to say which of these roles has a heavier role.

Ding Haifeng said: "Well, I think any one of them is fine. I will play whichever one Director Jiang asks me to play!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, and suddenly said: "Then what do you think about playing Tang Monk?"


Ding Haifeng's eyes widened, and he was confused and a little bit of pressure. He could not have dreamed that Jiang Heng could say this!

He plays Tang Monk, isn't this an international joke?

Tang Monk is a coward!

And he is white and fat!

Jiang Heng said, "Think about it. Tang Seng has practiced for ten lifetimes, and the first nine lifetimes were for Buddhist scriptures. He is determined to go to the West. If he is not a coward, how should he play the role?"


Ding Haifeng was a little confused. How should he play a non-cowardly Tang Seng? He had never thought about it in his dreams!

Jiang Heng saw that he was sweating, and smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. Let me say a few words. They are not from the script, but I just thought about it. Don't be too psychologically stressed. Say it a few times and I will see the effect!"

Ding Haifeng was so nervous that he couldn't speak clearly. After all, it was a special effects blockbuster with an investment of 50 million US dollars. How could he not be nervous?

He nodded to Jiang Heng, indicating that it was okay.

"If the donor doesn't understand Buddhism, I also know a little bit of boxing!"

Jiang Heng said slowly, looking at Ding Haifeng who was confused.

The latter hesitated for a few seconds and repeated the line.

Perhaps he felt that he didn't perform well, so he said it twice, and then looked up at Jiang Heng.

Yu Dong, who was standing by, was stunned. What was going on with Tang Seng, who could fight? Wouldn't they really arrange a fight scene for Tang Seng?

Even if we have money, we can't do this!

More than 400 million yuan, Yu Dong felt distressed when he thought about it.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Heng showed a surprised expression, and immediately said, "Pick up the scriptures!"

Ding Haifeng did not hesitate, and immediately said: "Pick up the scriptures!"

But both the tone and expression were more calm and domineering than what Jiang Heng said.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but applaud, and wanted to say "Put your hair up!"

But think about it, there are still a group of actors waiting outside for the audition, so let's not play the joke!

He immediately said: "Okay, not bad, I formally invite you to participate in "Lion Camel Ridge" and play the role of Tang Seng?"

Ding Haifeng was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Thank you, director, thank you, director!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Okay, then you go back first. Someone will contact you within three days to sign the contract. Then you can come over again!"

Ding Haifeng said hurriedly, "No trouble, no trouble!"

He said a few more words of thanks before leaving the room.

Yu Dong was almost dumbfounded, as if he had just understood, "Well, do you really let him play Tang Monk?"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, "Yes!"

"Are there fighting scenes?"

Jiang Heng shook his head, "I just want to shoot a Tang Monk with a strong character and even a bit of ruthlessness. I think his temperament is very suitable!"

Yu Dong thought, "He plays Wu Song, but he is a famous ruthless man. How can he not be ruthless!"

"Then this movie is quite subversive!"

For confidentiality reasons, only Han Sanping has seen the script of "Lion Camel Ridge", and it is not the final version.

Although it has been filed, it is also a brief plot outline. Even Yu Dong does not know what Sun Wukong and Tang Monk in this play look like.

Jiang Heng laughed, "It's really subversive, completely different from the TV version!"

"If you say so, I'm looking forward to it!"

The two chatted for a while and continued to call people for auditions, but the actors who came later were not as satisfactory to him as Ding Haifeng.

The female stars who came to audition dazzled Jiang Heng, and he didn't know who to choose for a while!

Jiang Heng could only temporarily select some actors to join the group. There were still new people coming to audition every day, which made them feel nervous, fearing that they would be replaced.

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