The crew of "Lion Camel Ridge" has temporarily confirmed the cast of important roles, including Tang Monk (played by Ding Haifeng), Sun Wukong (Wu Jing), Zhu Bajie (Lin Zhicong), Sha Monk (Zang Jinsheng), Golden Wing Dapeng (Zhao Wenzhuo), Green Lion Spirit (Chen Zhihui), White Elephant Spirit (Hong Jinbao), Tathagata Buddha (Zhu Longguang), and Erlang Shen (Jiao Xinjun).

The other roles don't have that many scenes, so Jiang Heng decided to find them while filming.

The reason, of course, is that he can't wait.

It's already May in the blink of an eye. If we start filming now, it's reasonable to release it in the summer of next year. If it's later, we'll have to wait until the Lunar New Year next year!

A simple ceremony was held, and the film "Lion Camel Ridge" was considered to have started filming.

After all the actors put on makeup and changed their clothes to appear, the staff on the scene were all dumbfounded.

There are four people in Tang Monk's group. Except for Sun Wukong played by Wu Jing who is thin, the other three are all strong men.

Lin Zhicong is just fat, but Ding Haifeng and Zang Jinsheng are both over 180cm tall and played Wu Song and Lu Zhishen in the 1998 version of "Water Margin".

Now playing Tang Monk and Sha Monk in this play, it feels a bit strange.

Hong Jinbao asked when no one was around, "Your Tang Monk, can't be better at fighting than Sun Wukong?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "No, the Tang Monk in the play is just tall and resolute, there is no action scene like him!"

Despite this, some people still said in a roundabout way that Ding Haifeng was not suitable and suggested Jiang Heng to change an actor.

After hearing so many rumors, Ding Haifeng became more and more nervous, so that several scenes were not well acted.

Jiang Heng had no choice but to talk to Ding Haifeng and asked him to relax and act steadily, and the latter was considered to be back in shape.

After this incident, everyone saw Jiang Heng's determination, but they didn't quite understand why he had to create such a burly and domineering Tang Monk.

Jiang Heng naturally had his own understanding of this, but it was inconvenient to explain it to others.

In his opinion, the characterization in the movie serves the plot. If you stick to the original work and are bound by your hands and feet, there is no need to change the script.

For example, Tang Monk played by Luo Jiaying is a classic in "A Chinese Odyssey", and no one cares about his appearance. But if it is put into the plot of "The Kingdom of Women", it will be very inconsistent.

Imagine that he is with the Queen of the Kingdom of Women, one calls "My brother" delicately, and the other sings "only you" softly. The picture is too hot to look at!

And the Tang Monk played by Ding Haifeng is in line with the original work's "magnificent and majestic appearance". It just doesn't reach the "white teeth like silver bricks, red lips and square mouth" mentioned in the book.

However, the crew spent most of the time shooting in the digital studio of China Film Group, and almost never went to shoot outdoor scenes.

At the same time, the global box office results of "100 Million Years BC" have also been released, with a total of 289 million US dollars.

Among them, the North American box office was 113 million US dollars, finally entering the 100 million yuan club, and it can be ranked about 17th or 18th in the annual box office rankings in North America.

The box office results of 207 million RMB in the mainland and 40.84 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong can both be ranked as the annual champion.

What surprised Jiang Heng even more was that "100 Million Years BC" had good reputation and box office in Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and Europe, and it did not collapse anywhere, which made him finally put down his heart.

After the news was released, it caused a sensation again.

At the age of about 20, Jiang Heng won a global box office of 700 million US dollars with two special effects blockbusters, which can be called the first person in domestic commercial films.

Many media called him the "Spielberg" of China, which made Jiang Heng very angry.

On this day, the crew was taking a lunch break, and Jiang Heng, who had just finished his lunch, was lying on a rocking chair reading a newspaper.

A leader from the Beijing Film Studio called and asked Jiang Heng if he had any candidate for the role of Guanyin in the film.

Jiang Heng said no, he had tried many female stars recently, but he always felt that their looks were a little worse.

The leader said, "Director Jiang, how about I recommend one to you?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "You said, if this works, it will be a big help to me!"

The man said, "The actress I'm talking about is called Tao Huimin. She was originally an actress from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Yue Opera Troupe. In 1995, she starred in a TV series called "The Legend of Guanyin" and performed well in the play. Later, the Beijing Film Studio filmed a version of "Dream of Red Mansions", in which she played Lin Daiyu...!"

Jiang Heng knew who he was talking about halfway through.

I thought, "Isn't this Liang Lu from In the Name of People? When I watched her on TV, I thought she was a school beauty, but looking at her makeup when she was young, Director Qi is really out of her league!"

He hurriedly said, "Oh, where is she now!"

The man said, "She just arrived in Beijing and is staying in our factory's guesthouse now!"

Jiang Heng said, "Then let her come over and try it out!"

"Okay, thank you Director Jiang, I'll tell her the news right away!"

After hanging up the phone, in the afternoon, an assistant came over and said that someone named Liang Huimin came over and said she wanted to audition.

Jiang Heng ordered his assistant to bring her over. He saw that she was a woman in her early thirties, dressed in simple and elegant clothes, with a beautiful face, giving people a feeling of beauty and intelligence.

"How many dramas have you filmed?"

Tao Huimin softly said the names of several dramas. Seeing Jiang Heng looking at her, she timidly said, "Not many people asked me to film, so I stayed in the group!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Then why did you think of coming here this time?"

Tao Huimin said: "I didn't dare to think about it. This time I came to Beijing by chance. A friend said that I played well in "The Legend of Guanyin" that year. Unfortunately, the investment in that film was too small, the filming was rough, and there was no response. If I can play in your play again, maybe it will be different."

Jiang Heng nodded slightly and said, "Let's go to make up first!"

Tao Huimin was so nervous when she heard it, and followed the makeup artist to the backstage.

Hong Jinbao came over, "Are you here for another audition?"

Jiang Heng nodded, and Hong Jinbao said: "If you ask me, there are so many beauties in Hong Kong...!"

Seeing Jiang Heng's eyes looking over, Hong Jinbao choked back his words.

He thought to himself: "It's not that I don't help you get resources, but Jiang Heng is really ruthless this time!"

After the break, Jiang Heng continued to film, forgetting Tao Huimin's matter.

After finally passing one take, Tao Huimin was seen standing aside in the appearance of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Jiang Heng looked at her carefully and found her to be dignified and beautiful.

"Not bad, not bad, let's go down and sign the contract later!"

Tao Huimin was overjoyed. Although she knew that Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't have many scenes in this play, being able to star in a movie with an investment of 50 million US dollars would still be of great benefit to her future career development.

She bowed and said, "Thank you, Director Jiang, thank you, Director Jiang!"

Jiang Heng quickly moved away, "Don't thank me, acting well is the greatest thank you to me!"

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