"Shituoling" cost a lot of money to produce, and it is also an extremely exciting episode in "Journey to the West". Audiences in both the mainland and Hong Kong are looking forward to it.

Special effects like those in the 1986 version of "Journey to the West" are fascinating, let alone a mythical blockbuster created with huge investment.

In contrast, conventional Hong Kong films like "A Better Day" seem to be less anticipated.

The headlines in the entertainment sector that have gone around the world are basically saying that "Shituoling" will be released on May Day, and then they talk about various predictions for the film.

Reports on "A Better Man" were basically relegated to the back of the list.

Fortunately, there were no competitors at the same time, and the major entertainment media also praised this film. They even called out the words "Hong Kong film to save the world."

The strange thing is that although Jiang Heng is the director of Hong Kong, very few media count Jiang Heng's works as Hong Kong films.

First of all, the films Jiang Heng shoots are of a type that has never been seen in Hong Kong films, and the Hong Kong elements in the films are not strong.

Secondly, it is distributed globally, which is obviously higher than other Hong Kong films by more than one rank.

Furthermore, when it comes to the two films "One Hundred Million Years Before History" and "Lion and Camel Ridge", the entire film was shot in the mainland, and a large number of mainland artists participated, making them even less like Hong Kong films.

As a result, the media's title for Jiang Heng became "Chinese blockbuster director" instead of "Hong Kong director".

At the airport, the crew of "A Better Man" was preparing to leave for Hong Kong.

Out of consideration for the impact of pirated discs, Hong Jinbao thought over and over again and still felt that it would be better to release it in the Mainland and Hong Kong together.

After all, it is not a special effects blockbuster. Once pirated discs become widespread, it will inevitably seriously affect the box office in Hong Kong.

After all, it is also the first film starring his son, so Hong Jinbao naturally hopes to achieve good results.

After some persuasion from him, Jiang Heng also felt that it made sense and decided to let "A Better Man" be released simultaneously in the Mainland and Hong Kong, and immediately start promoting Hong Kong.

At the airport, everyone was resting in the VIP lounge of the airport when they saw Wu Jing leading a young and beautiful woman over.

"Director Jiang, this is my friend Fan Yimin!"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, then stood up and said, "Hello!"

Fan Yimin was very enthusiastic and said some words of admiration.

Seeing Jiang Heng's forced smile, he saw what was going on and left.

Then he asked Hong Jinbao on the side, "What's going on?"

Hong Jinbao snorted, "Whatever happens, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer!"

Hong Tianming said: "They broke up before, but they got in touch again recently for some reason!"

This guy is young, fun-loving, and has a good relationship with everyone since he joined the group. During filming, he often drinks with other young people, makes a lot of jokes, and understands many people's emotional lives.

The only thing I don't understand is that Jiang Heng, who is young, handsome, and super rich, has never had a girlfriend.

If he had Jiang Heng's conditions, he would definitely change his girlfriend every day!

I didn't dare to ask questions before, but now I took advantage of Wu Jing and Fan Yimin and suddenly said: "By the way, Director Jiang, what are you looking for? I'll introduce it to you!"


Hong Tianming seemed to be looked down upon, and he patted his chest and said: "Let me tell you, I know a lot of famous ladies in Xiangjiang, and many of them asked me to inquire about you. I can help you date any wealthy daughter or popular little girl. That one The leader of Jade Girl who is very popular recently, I admire you very much!”

"It's very popular recently, Jade Girl!" Jiang Heng murmured, and he probably knew who it was!

He hurriedly waved his hands and said: "Forget it, I don't like girls who are too showy!"

Hong Tianming, like an old madam, stepped forward and said with a smile: "There are ladies too...!"

Jiang Heng still waved his hand, and Hong Jinbao hurriedly scolded: "Look at your appearance and what you are saying, go away!"

"Hey!" Hong Tianming bowed and left.

Hong Jinbaocai said: "You really have never thought about Xiangjiang!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "I'm only twenty, so I'm really not in a hurry!"

Hong Jinbao nodded and said in an experienced tone: "At twenty, there is really no rush to get married, but if you have a suitable partner, you still have to find one. With your current wealth and fame, you can be a rich man from Xiangjiang, a wealthy man from the Mainland, Daughters of officials can be considered!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Little princess, we can't take care of you!"

Hong Jinbao wondered, "What a little princess, no matter how good her family background is, she still has to obey you when she gets married. The man is the head of the family!"

Jiang Hengxin said, "Twenty years from now, you will have to be scolded by others!"

Then he said: "This kind of thing must be left to chance. If I don't think about it now, I might meet the right one one day!"

After chatting for a while, we finally boarded the plane.

After several hours of long-distance flight, the group arrived in Xiangjiang.

At the airport, entertainment reporters who had already received the news surrounded the crew members, mainly Jiang Heng and Wu Yanzu, asking various questions.

"Director Jiang, I heard that the film "Shituoling" will be released on May Day next year. Is it true?"

"Director Jiang, I heard that the crew of "Shituoling" has seriously overrun its budget and is under great pressure to repay the money. Is this true?"

"Director Jiang, I heard that you are in a relationship with an actress from the Mainland. Can you tell me the details?"

The "paparazzi" in Xiangjiang are far more sharp in asking questions than their counterparts in the mainland. They dare to ask all kinds of nonsense questions.

Jiang Heng could only answer reasonable questions and had no comment on the rest.

When he returned to his house in Causeway Bay, Jiang Heng felt a little sad. In his past and present lives, he had many girlfriends to talk to, but none of them could get married.

Now that I am so mentally aged, I am less and less looking forward to getting married.

The next day, it was naturally the promotional event for "True Man". As expected, Sammo Hung called a large group of people, and Xiang Huaqiong was present.

"Mr. Xiang, I am really grateful that you can come!" Jiang Heng smiled and stretched out his hand in the corner.

Xiang Huaqiong shook his hand and said with a smile: "I also want to thank you. When I heard that "Lion Camel Ridge" was scheduled for the summer vacation, I was really embarrassed! Now that you have changed the film to May Day, our two companies finally don't have to compete with each other!"

Influenced by Jiang Heng, the project establishment and shooting time of "The Legend of Zu" were far earlier than history.

Regarding the release, Xiang Huaqiong originally planned to release it in the summer of 2000. Later, he heard that "Lion Camel Ridge" was also scheduled for the summer vacation, which really worried him.

In addition, the serious overspending of production costs once made Xiang Huaqiong unable to sleep at night.

After all, Jiang Heng already has two box office hits, but Xu Ke often fails in filming.

"The Legend of Zu" has such a huge investment, if it fails at the box office, I really want to die!

Jiang Heng heard it and didn't know what to say for a while.


You think too highly of "The Legend of Zu" shot by Xu Ke. The box office is more than 11 million, which is not as good as many low-cost and quick-made Hong Kong films. Where do you get the confidence to challenge!

Of course, you can't say that.

Jiang Heng said modestly: "I'm just afraid that the two blockbusters will be released in the summer and affect each other's box office!"

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