Xiang Huaqi was fooled by Xu Ke and really thought that the "Shushan Legend" they shot was comparable to "Lion Camel Ridge"!

Jiang Heng could not tell that he was being modest. He nodded slightly and said, "It is not easy to make Hong Kong films now. We must unite and not fight a civil war!"

Jiang Heng didn't know how to respond to this. He smiled and didn't say anything.

Xiang Huaqi suddenly said, "By the way, how is the post-production going?"

Jiang Heng said, "It is basically almost finished. We will re-edit and compose music after the new year, and then we can prepare for the release!"

Jiang Heng is going to play a big game this time.

The first gimmick is the simultaneous release around the world!

In fact, it is very difficult to achieve this, but publicity is all gimmicks.

Jiang Heng plans to release the film simultaneously in the mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, and then pick one or two countries in Europe.

For North America, which is still the world's largest film market, it depends on the situation of the blockbusters released at the same time, and then set the release date.

It is impossible to compete with the top ten blockbusters of the year for the gimmick of a global release... No, if we really choose the same period, the number of theaters opening the film cannot be guaranteed, and we can't compete at all.

The second change is to promote the advance screening!

The media, industry friends, film critics and ordinary movie fans will be invited to watch the film in several cities across the country to ferment word of mouth.

I believe that with these two gimmicks, plus the film's super special effects, it can impact the domestic box office record of "Titanic".

Of course, the box office performance of "Titanic" of 360 million yuan is an insurmountable mountain for countless domestic films.

The super special effects and love stories are already very lethal.

What's more terrible is that this year is when everyone thinks that "the moon abroad is rounder than the moon in China", and it is too difficult to surpass "Titanic"!

Xiang Huaqi didn't know Jiang Heng's goal, and always regarded "Lion Camel Ridge" as an opponent. This time he came to test Jiang Heng to see if it was really scheduled for May Day.

"Time flies, I'll be busy after the New Year!"

Jiang Heng laughed: "That's right!"

Xiang Huaqi said: "By the way, my wife has just adopted a goddaughter, I'll bring her over for you to meet next time! You are all young people, you can get to know her more!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, "Forget it, let's talk about it after the movie is released. With an investment of 50 million US dollars, I'm also under a lot of pressure!"

Xiang Huaqi felt very uncomfortable after hearing this.

He has always regarded "Lion Camel Ridge" as a rival of "The Legend of Zu", but in terms of investment, "Lion Camel Ridge" is more than 50 million US dollars, while "The Legend of Zu" is only more than 10 million, which is not at the same level at all!

Recalling the conversation just now, there was also a little embarrassment.

"We all have pressure, we all have pressure!"

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when "The True Colors of Men" was released. The box office on the first day in the mainland was more than 5 million, which was a good start.

In the New Year's Day period with good reputation and no competition from other blockbusters, the box office was at least 40 to 50 million.

In Hong Kong, it is more than 2 million, and it is difficult to think of 20 million.

For Hong Kong citizens, there are too many similar films.

The biggest novelty is that two handsome men, Wu Yuzu and Xie Tingfeng, starred at the same time, plus Wu Jing, the stunning villain.

And the male lead, Hong Tianming, who was originally scheduled to play the first role, was ignored by the audience and the media.

Hong Jinbao was extremely disappointed, but he could do nothing about it.

There is really no selling point in his son.

Unlike when he debuted, the phrase "the most flexible fat man in Hong Kong" alone made the audience curious!

In the blink of an eye, it was after the Chinese New Year, and "True Man" finally earned more than 54 million in the mainland box office and more than 17 million in Hong Kong box office. With the income from copyright sales in other places, Jiang Heng can also make a small profit.

The most important thing is that in addition to providing funds, scripts, and storyboards, the rest was done by others.

No wonder rich people like to invest and lend money instead of doing it themselves!

In late February, Jiang Heng went abroad again. When he came back, he announced that the post-production was completed, which aroused the curiosity of countless people in the industry.

Han Sanping couldn't help it and was eager to know what the film made with 50 million US dollars looked like.

He called and asked if he could see it!

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Of course, I will add your name to the list of cast and crew later, and write it as the editing director!"

Han Sanping didn't care. He smiled and went to iQiyi and Tencent Pictures to watch "Lion Camel Ridge" in the company's small screening room.

After the screening, Han Sanping was still in a state of shock. He seemed to be able to see shocking pictures in front of him, and he seemed to be able to hear the lines that went straight to his heart.

"Your film is too bold. Have you ever thought about the consequences of not being able to pass the review in the mainland and failing at the North American box office? 50 million US dollars?" Han Sanping looked heartbroken.

Jiang Heng smiled, "You are still here, please help me, Mr. Han San!"

Han Sanping looked embarrassed and sighed continuously. Although the finished film was very different from the script he saw at first, the theme of the film was consistent.

At the beginning, it was because of this problem, coupled with the imminent restructuring of Beijing Film Academy, that he refused to cooperate.

But now, how can he bear to see such a good film being cut into a mess!

After thinking for a while, he said, "You, you, why bother! Oh, forget it, I'll put down my old face and plead for you! Whether it succeeds or not, I dare not guarantee you!"

Jiang Heng hurriedly bowed, "I am very grateful for this!"

Han Sanping asked: "Have all the film distributors contacted?"

Jiang Heng said: "They have been contacting me before, but the time for the screening has not been confirmed yet!"

Han Sanping said: "It's okay for those who split the revenue, but the ones who bought out can't be sold at a low price!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Of course, the visual effects are comprehensively improved, and they must not be sold at a low price!"

Han Sanping was like a loyal elder, and he explained a lot before leaving.

A few days later, he called Jiang Heng to take the film for review.

The final feedback still needs to be edited, but it's just a few unimportant shots. After a little modification, it passed the review and successfully obtained the dragon mark.

At the same time, a group of film distributors came to the door and prepared to buy the distribution rights of "Lion Camel Ridge".

Jiang Heng organized a small screening, and these film distributors were really dumbfounded.

There are even European film distributors who wondered, 50 million US dollars can produce such awesome special effects, could it be that Hollywood's blockbusters all take kickbacks?

Because of the outstanding film effects, the buyout price of "Lion Camel Ridge" in Taiwan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia has refreshed the previous price record. In Japan, it is the first time to adopt the split-account distribution model.

In the mainland, the film's promotion activities have also been launched, and the news of advanced screenings will be released in the media.

Wow, thousands of viewers flocked to the first preview theater in Beijing in an instant, and there was a long line at the door, all of whom wanted to get preview tickets.

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