May Day in 2000 was not a popular time at all.

In late April, when "Shituoling" was about to be screened, most theaters were empty and not even a ghost could be seen.

But the Huaxing Cinema in the capital was crowded with luxury cars and overcrowded.

There are the creative team, the celebrities who came to support, the boss, film critics, reporters who interviewed, and the lucky audience who bought the screening tickets.

The scene was noisy and jubilant.

In the largest auditorium of the cinema, Jiang Heng led Ding Haifeng, Wu Jing, Lin Zhicong, Zang Jinsheng, Zhao Wenzhuo, Hong Jinbao, Zhu Longguang, Tao Huimin, Jiao Youjun and other leading actors to appear on the stage in order of their roles. They gave a brief promotion first and then entered. Screening session.

After the lights in the theater dimmed, the dragon logo appeared on the big screen first, and the opening animation of Aiyouteng Films immediately entered the main film.

In the great vista, on the endless wasteland, an ascetic monk walks forward with a stick in the afterglow of the setting sun. In the distance is a group of cavalry dressed as foreigners, roaring towards him.

Most of the people in the cinema watching this scene were stunned. Isn't this a scene from "Lion and Camel Ridge"?

What's going on with the plot in front of me? Did the staff put the wrong film?

Just when everyone is confused, the close shot of the monk is played by Ding Haifeng. He frowns slightly and stands on the roadside with his head lowered.

When the cavalry passed by, one of the barbarians swung his knife violently, and saw the heads flying up, and blood shot into the sky.

The final scene changed to a distant view, and it was dusk again. The level of bloodshed was greatly reduced, but it still shocked many people.

Damn it, what kind of plot is this?

Whatever the situation is, if you don’t explain it, we will curse you!

Fortunately, the scene changed. In the ruins of the barren mountains, Ding Haifeng sat up suddenly, and beads of sweat broke out on his shiny forehead.

Lin Zhicong, who plays Zhu Bajie, said: "Master, are you having nightmares again?"

Wukong, played by Wu Jing, gloated at his misfortune, "Master has completed his cultivation in ten lifetimes. He died in misfortunes in the first nine lifetimes. However, he awakened Su Hui and can always recall the way he died in each lifetime. What a feeling!"

"Senior Brother, Master is so scared, and you still make sarcastic remarks!" Sha Monk, played by Zang Jinsheng, complained, and immediately said: "Every day I think about it, and every night I dream about it. Master should let go of the cause and effect of previous lives!" "

Tang Monk sighed: "The first poor monk was born in the Taikang period of the Jin Dynasty. After growing up, he experienced the Eight Kings' Rebellion. The barbarians ravaged the Central Plains and the Han people were in a miserable situation. I heard that there is Buddhism in the West that can resolve the grudges of the world. To save the dead, I want to go west to get it, and I don’t want to die under the sword of a barbarian.”

Zhu Bajie snorted and said, "That's because I didn't meet Lao Zhu. If I had protected Master at that time, no matter how many thieves there were, we would have been wiped out!"

Tang Monk continued: "After re-cultivation, I didn't want to be in troubled times every time, and the people were miserable, as if they were in a ghost world. So I wanted to go to the West more and more, and asked the Buddha. He said that all living beings are equal, why are there distinctions between high and low in the world?" If we want to save the world, why are people living in such hardship and pain?”

Sun Wukong sneered: "The Tang Dynasty is rich and stable, why don't you be your eminent monk and ask for an explanation for what happened in your past life? You will make us suffer, huh!"

Tang Monk was silent, while Zhu Bajie tried to smooth things over, "Hey, aren't we also guilty bodies? When we meet the Buddha, our sins will be erased and we will regain our righteousness!"

Sun Wukong turned to look at the sky, and Zhu Bajie went over and said with a smile, "Brother Monkey was so majestic when he was the Monkey King. But in the five hundred years in Five Elements Mountain, not a single person came to see you. If you can't go west, you will be the same for all your lifetimes. What a despised monster!"

Sun Wukong clenched his fists with a sinister expression, "There's nothing wrong with being a monster!"

Sha Monk said: "Elder brother, please don't talk in anger. Who would be willing to become a demon if you can achieve positive results? It's better to cheer up and think about how to hurry. The closer we get to Lingshan, the more powerful the demons we encounter will become." !”

Tang Monk suddenly said: "Wukong, among us, you are the most capable. If you really encounter difficulties that you cannot overcome, help me go to the West and ask!"

Sun Wukong still looked at the sky and hummed, "Ask yourself, I will not pass on my last words!"

Then the camera turned and slowly moved to the sky, and three big characters appeared on the screen - Shituoling.

A melodious and sad soundtrack sounded, using "Tomorrow" from "The Return of the Great Sage". It was so appropriate to match the scene of Tang Seng and his disciples traveling through mountains and rivers and going through hardships.

Everyone in the cinema felt that the soundtrack was amazing, and they didn't know who composed the music.

Most film critics, however, were thinking about the lines of the master and the apprentice. After such a change, the concept was completely different, and they were looking forward to the subsequent plot even more.

The four masters and disciples came to a city, but they saw a lot of people at the city gate and it was very lively.

Sun Wukong took a sniff and suddenly said: "There's something wrong with the smell!"

Zhu Bajie said: "Oh, maybe people in this city never take a bath, you are the only one who is suspicious!"

Tang Monk riding on the horse suddenly said: "Wukong!"

With an expression of understanding, Sun Wukong stepped forward, his eyes suddenly emitted two rays of light yellow, and he swept towards the crowd at the city gate and found that they were all normal ordinary people!

"It's okay, Master!"

Tang Monk nodded slightly, and the master and disciples lined up to enter the city. The words "Lion and Camel Country" were written above the city gate!

"Weren't all the people of the Lion and Camel Kingdom eaten by three monsters?"


"How come there are still common people!"

"So many adaptations!" The audience in the theater couldn't stop discussing.

On the screen, I saw Buddha statues everywhere in the city, and people clasped their hands to each other when they met.

The Tang monk riding on the horse couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that this is a country where Buddhism is prosperous!"

Zhu Bajie smiled happily, "Great, the people all believe in Buddhism, they will definitely give us vegetarian food!"

When the sun was about to set, the four masters and apprentices entered an inn in the city.

After entering the room and asking for vegetarian food, the waiter brought the food soon.

Zhu Bajie couldn't wait and picked up the bowl to eat.

Just at this moment, the sun had completely set, and the waiter at the stairs became ethereal.

Wukong in the room was surprised, sniffed, and frowned more and more.

Looking at the table, the food on the plate had turned into rotten meat of snakes and insects, and the stench was overwhelming.

"Oh no, it's a ghost town!"

Zhu Bajie, who was standing aside, had already thrown down the bowl and leaned against the wall to vomit.

Tang Seng, played by Ding Haifeng, had a resolute expression, but his body was still trembling slightly, "How could this happen?"

Sun Wukong frowned, his expression fierce, "He was a Buddhist master who slaughtered all the people in the city. The Buddhist aura on him was too strong, and there were many Buddha statues in the city. He could suppress resentment during the day, and even my eyes of fire and gold were fooled!"

Tang Seng looked horrified, "How could the people of the city be like this?"

Sha Seng shouted, "Master, Big Brother, don't talk about that, those ghosts are coming up!"

Immediately opened the window, but saw countless half-virtualized evil ghosts, wearing helmets and armor, holding machetes and flying over, just like Tiancan and Dican playing the piano in the distance in "Kung Fu".

In 2000, when "Kung Fu" had not yet been born, mainland audiences had never seen such a famous scene, and they were all stunned.

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