In the night sky in the distance, a guy about three meters tall, who looked like Thanos' "Black Dwarf" in "Avengers", stared at the position of Tang Seng and others with cold eyes.

But there were more than a thousand "helmets and armors" and translucent "ghost generals" holding spears and swords rushing towards the inn like a dark cloud.

"Sun Wukong, I thought you were so powerful. The king gave you a magic weapon and deceived you with your fiery eyes! There are a hundred thousand innocent souls in this lion and camel city. Let's see how I, little Zhuanfeng, can capture you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the roof of the inn exploded, Sun Wukong flew majestically into the air, and with a wave of his golden cudgel, hundreds of "ghost generals" were wiped out.

With another wave, hundreds more were wiped out.

Xiao Zuanfeng stepped back slightly, and waved a palm-sized "soul-calling flag" in his hand. It turned into the wind and became more than two feet high. The innocent souls scattered in the city were absorbed by the spirit-calling flag, forming an evil ghost more than three feet tall, with three heads and six arms!

But seeing this evil ghost coming, easily trampling on the buildings in the city, he came to Sun Wukong and slapped him.

Sun Wukong sneered, "I am the ancestor of evil ghosts, Lord Yama...!"

Before he finished speaking, Sun Wukong was slapped away. His whole body was trapped in the city wall, and he couldn't even buckle it out.

This scene stunned everyone on and off the screen.

A mere evil ghost could actually beat Sun Wukong away. What a joke.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhuanfeng explained in time, "The wronged souls in this city have been influenced by Buddhism, and they are different from those in the underworld!"

In the inn without a roof, Tang Monk clasped his hands together and murmured: "How can this be done? How can this be done?"

Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng protected the master and kept killing the evil spirits who wanted to sneak attacks.

On the other side, Sun Wukong swayed and exploded the city wall.

Flying over the evil ghost, he sneered, "Influenced by the Dharma? Even if you become the Dharma Protector Vajra, I will be able to destroy you without fail!"

After saying that, he waved the golden hoop and fought with the evil ghost with three heads and six arms.

After about seven or eight rounds, he killed the evil ghost's head with one blow, and then crippled half of his body with another blow.

Xiao Zhuanfeng was finally frightened when he saw this. His body of more than three meters tall turned into the size of a palm, and a jet of black air as thick as a chopstick flew away into the distance with a whooshing sound.

How could Sun Wukong let him escape? He killed the evil ghost with another stick and flew out very fast.

But seeing that black energy running through the Shituoling Mountain at an extremely fast speed under the bright moonlight, seeing Sun Wukong chasing after him, he suddenly turned around and flew into a cave.

Sun Wukong sneered: "Escape back to your old nest? I will completely destroy it today!"

His body suddenly accelerated and he flew in, but he heard a bang behind him, as if something was blocking the entrance of the cave.

"a ha ha ha!"

"a ha ha ha!"

"Sun Wukong, Bima Wen, you have been fooled!"

"They say monkeys are smart, but I think they are very stupid! I used a little trick to catch him!"

But seeing two big mountains next to the cave, one turned into a white elephant spirit about three feet tall, with a stout body, the head of an elephant and the body of an elephant; the other turned into a green lion spirit over three feet tall, with a majestic build and the head of a lion and the body of a lion.

The mountain peak in the middle turned into a bottle more than two meters high.

In "The Cave", Wu Jing plays Sun Wukong, with a trace of panic on his face.

He reached out and touched the "wall", it was as smooth as jade. I hit it hard with the golden cudgel, but it didn't even leave a mark.

Going to the entrance of the hole, I found that it was made of the same material, with no gaps at all.

"Who are you, monsters, who dare to trick your grandpa?" As soon as he finished speaking, a fire broke out in the cave.

White Elephant Jing laughed, "Bima Wen, don't bother, enter this "yin and yang two gas bottles", you will be reduced to ashes in less than an hour or three!"

Sun Wukong was in unbearable pain from being burned by the fire, and shouted: "You demons are so cruel that you even burned your subordinates to death!"

The green lion and the white elephant laughed again, and the latter said: "Ignorant monkey, that little Zhuanfeng was originally transformed by the yin energy in the yin and yang cylinders. It burned you to ashes, and he still needs nutrients. a ha ha ha!"

The green lion and the white elephant became more and more proud. The former said: "Second brother, watch over Bi Mawen here. I will go to the city and capture Tang Monk and his disciples!"

Bai Xiang said: "Okay, finish it early and go back early to eat Tang Monk's meat!"

After saying this, the green lion jumped onto the auspicious clouds and quickly flew to the lion and camel city.

At this moment, the city was completely silent. Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng were going downstairs to get their horses, preparing to leave the city first.

But he saw a demon over three feet tall with a body and a lion's head falling to the ground. This guy didn't talk nonsense.

He suddenly opened his huge mouth and swallowed Tang Monk and others into his stomach, even taking their luggage and horses with them.

The audience in the movie theater were shocked. Some felt that the plot was too tight and was actually a series of plots. Did these monsters not read Buddhist scriptures to read the art of war?

Some were shocked by the realistic images of the little diamond wind, the translucent "ghost general", the three-headed and six-armed "evil ghost", the white elephant spirit, and the blue lion spirit. They appeared one after another and were upgraded layer by layer. The special effects scenes were extremely shocking. Talking about domestic comics, even Hollywood, I am afraid that no work can reach the level of special effects of "Lion and Camel Ridge".

Some people think that the green lion spirit is too considerate, so that when Tang Monk and his disciples escape, they have to go back to find their luggage and horses.

Jiang Wen, who came to support him, was even more shocked. He didn't expect that the special effects could be so good.

"This is better than Hollywood!"

On the big screen, Sun Wukong in the yin and yang cylinder was dizzy from being burned, and the scene of Guanyin Bodhisattva played by Tao Huimin suddenly appeared in his mind, giving him three life-saving hairs.

Sun Wukong hurriedly pulled it off, turned it into a diamond drill, drilled a hole in the bottom of the bottle, and escaped.

It also turned into a wisp of black air and flew towards the direction of Lion Camel City.

But the white elephant spirit felt that the time was almost up, and called out "Bima Wen", but Sun Wukong did not respond!

He called out "Bima Wen" again, but there was still no response!

"Haha, the monkey is burned to ashes!"

He reached out to pinch the bottle stopper, as if he had taken a ball of cotton, and his tall body fell to the ground with a bang. The originally heavy "Yin Yang Two Qi Bottle" actually fell on him so lightly.

The white elephant spirit hurriedly took off the bottle stopper and pointed the bottle at the moon, and indeed saw a tiny hole.

"The damned Bi Ma Wen actually destroyed this treasure. How can I explain to my third brother!"

But when Sun Wukong returned, the figure of his master and others was gone.

Sun Wukong was furious. He took out the Ruyi Jingu Bang from his ear, enlarged it, and slammed it on the ground. "Land God, Land God, come to see me!"

But a dwarf appeared on the side, wearing tattered clothes. It turned out to be the actor who played Wu Dalang in the 1998 version of "Water Margin".

"There really is a land god?"

Sun Wukong was amazed and asked immediately: "Why are you so miserable? Where did the demon who took my master away come from?"

The old land god said with a bitter face: "Report to the Great Sage, the one who took your master away was not someone else, but the king of the Lion Country, the Blue Lion King!"

Sun Wukong was stunned, "King, can a demon be a king?"

The old land god smiled bitterly, "He has a backer!"

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