China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 60 The audience was stunned

"What is the origin of that demon?"

The old land man said: "They are three demons who escaped from Lingshan, with boundless magic power and great magical powers. When a letter arrives at Lingshan, five hundred Arhats come out to greet them. When a letter arrives at the Heavenly Palace, the Nine Stars come to receive them. The Four Seas Dragon Kings are good friends with him, the Eight Immortals of the Upper Cave often meet him, and the Ten Kings of Hell call him brothers."

Sun Wukong's face was grim, "Those who are associated with these demons are not good people either!"

He immediately said: "Where is the demon's cave?"

The old land man said: "Four hundred miles to the west, there is a majestic mountain city called "Big Lion Camel City", which is very easy to recognize!"

Before the old land man finished speaking, Sun Wukong had already somersaulted into the air, flew straight to the 800-mile Lion Camel Mountain, and then stopped in mid-air.

Under the bright moonlight, a huge city that is extremely majestic, rugged, and simple stood in the mountains.

On the screen, Sun Wukong showed a look of horror.

The audience outside the screen also exclaimed in admiration.

How should I put it? The famous "Lord of the Rings" series is currently being filmed. Its prequel "The Hobbit" series will not be born until 12 years later.

And the city on the screen is more majestic than the one in those two movies.

The visual impact on the audience in 2000 was simply a nuclear bomb.

Of course, in order to reduce the "book cost", this scene was set at night, and many places did not need to be made so fine, but it still caused a great shock to the audience in the venue.

"This Great Lion Camel City, is it all made with special effects?" Some audience members murmured.

"It's so spectacular, how did you shoot it!"

"It would be great if it was daytime!"

"It would be great if those monster soldiers came out!"

While the audience was shocked and discussing, a wolf-headed human leader guarding the city had already discovered Sun Wukong hovering in the air. There was no other reason, the moonlight was too bright.

"Who dares to spy on my Great Lion City?"

The little leader shouted, and waved his hairy arm with sharp nails, "Shoot!"

On the top of the city, hundreds of little demons patrolling the night drew their bows and arrows to shoot at the "weirdos" in the sky!

"Humph, a mere bow...!"

Before he finished speaking, a sharp arrow flew straight to his face at a very fast speed. Sun Wukong dodged with his face turned sideways, and the sharp arrow flew away with his face.

The whole process was extremely thrilling, and there were slow-motion shots comparable to "bullet time", which made the audience breathe rapidly.

A voice on the top of the city said: "Hey, the person outside is Bi Ma Wen, I am the King of the Golden Leopard of the Lion Country, do you dare to come forward and die?"

Sun Wukong sneered, "A wild monster, you dare to claim to be the king with a few little demons! Okay, I will play with you!"

Seeing Sun Wukong fall to the ground, the golden leopard did not go down the city wall, but pulled the thick bowstring in his hand, and pulled out a huge crystal arrow out of thin air.

Shoot it casually, and see this arrow flying straight to Sun Wukong as if carrying the power of heaven and earth.

More than a decade later, when games such as "League of Legends" and "Honor of Kings" are launched, the audience will definitely say, "Fuck, the shooter came up and opened his big gun on the monkey!"

But at this moment, the audience just felt shocked, too damn shocked, more domineering than Nie Feng's 40-meter sword in "Wind and Cloud"!

Sun Wukong probably also felt that the arrow was dangerous, and hurriedly flew to the side, but heard a loud bang, and a huge deep pit appeared at the place where he was just now.

"Fuck!" The audience in the theater exclaimed.

"Too awesome!"

"This leopard is awesome!"

Sun Wukong said, "Monster, dare you put down your bow and arrows and fight me?"

The leopard laughed, "Why not? You are just a monkey who has been suppressed by the Buddha for five hundred years, and even the Taiyi Jinxian has lost his Taoism. How dare you show off your power here!"

After saying that, he put away his bow and arrows, picked up a long spear, and landed on the open space in front of the city tower with a bang.

At this moment, the blue lion and the white elephant have already climbed up the city tower to watch the enemy for the leopard.

At the same time, the huge city gate opened, and the wolf leader led hundreds of wolf cavalrymen in neat armor to slowly walk out and line up in a neat team.

The audience in the theater was shocked when they saw this scene.

It should be noted that in 2000, when "The Lord of the Rings" had not yet been released, the audience had never seen an army like orcs, let alone cavalry!

Sun Wukong on the screen sneered, "Back then, 100,000 heavenly soldiers surrounded Huaguo Mountain...!"

Before he could finish his words, the Golden Leopard had already stabbed at him with his long spear, saying, "Still bragging!"

Sun Wukong blocked it with his golden hoop stick, and then they fought.

The actor who played the Golden Leopard was none other than Cao Rong, the spokesperson for Shaolin Dragon Claw and Prince Moang.

The battle he had with the little crocodile in "The Sequel to Journey to the West" was extremely exciting.

In this film, with the blessing of more shocking and exquisite special effects, the excitement of the long weapon duel between the two far exceeded the scene of Lu Xiaobu fighting against Hattori Hanzo in "Love Apartment".

The people in the theater were fascinated and shouted "Wow, cool, worth the ticket price".

However, the Golden Leopard's moves were exquisite, but his strength was far inferior.

After dozens of rounds, Sun Wukong smashed half of its body with a stick, and when he wanted to move forward to kill the golden leopard, the green lion demon on the top of the city roared loudly, and the lion roar shook the earth and the sky, and Sun Wukong was paralyzed on the spot as if he had been electrocuted.

The nose of the white elephant demon suddenly became longer, like a giant octopus tentacle, and attacked with the sound waves of the lion roar, trying to catch Sun Wukong.

At the critical moment, Sun Wukong shouted loudly, which also shocked the demons and made them stagnate, and then they jumped back a hundred meters.

The White Elephant's nose missed, and the front end landed on the edge of the deep pit that was previously blown up by the huge arrow. Then the length shortened, but it pulled the White Elephant from the distant city wall.

Looking at the extremely realistic special effects on the screen and the extremely fast-paced fighting, the audience was shocked and didn't know how to describe it.

Then the White Elephant fought against Sun Wukong and was defeated.

Then it was the Green Lion, and it was still defeated.

Sun Wukong wanted to kill the three demons, and the wolf leader led hundreds of wolf cavalry to charge to save the master.

At this critical moment, the camera turned, and a golden-winged roc with wings spread out for a hundred meters was hovering tens of thousands of meters high.

After a flash of light in the eyes, the wings suddenly retracted and the body dived down.

Because the speed was too fast, the golden body ignited sparks, like a fire falling from the sky, but it was more powerful than the Tathagata Palm that fell from the sky in "Kung Fu".

Many audiences in the theater were so excited that they almost held their breath.

A girl couldn't help but say, "Great Sage, hide quickly! Why don't you hide!"

A boy next to her said, "I was fooled again. I thought the three demons were the blue lion, the white elephant, and the golden leopard..."

Before he finished speaking, the golden-winged roc had already swooped down to the ground, grabbed Sun Wukong in its huge golden claws, and flew into the sky.

"The three kings are mighty, the three kings are mighty!"

The leader of the wolf cavalry shouted loudly. At the same time, the shouts of the little demons came from the top of the city and the mountains and forests.

The audience in the theater was dumbfounded. How many ambushes were hidden here?

This is the battle of 100,000 heavenly soldiers to encircle and suppress Huaguo Mountain!

So many demons and monsters still need to use strategies to calculate Sun Wukong. Great Sage, awesome!

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