From the moment the four masters and apprentices enter the Lion and Camel City, the film mainly focuses on fighting scenes, and it progresses layer by layer and links each other.

If he hadn't been chasing Xiao Zhuanfeng, Sun Wukong would not have accidentally entered the yin and yang two gas bottles, causing the master and others to be arrested.

If there was no report from the old man from the land, saying that there were three demons, Sun Wukong would not have mistakenly thought they were a blue lion, a white elephant, and a golden leopard. After defeating the three demons, Sun Wukong relaxed his vigilance and was attacked by the golden-winged roc eagle.

In this series of fighting scenes, although there are literary dramas interspersed, the overall rhythm is still too tense and exciting.

It is another special effects blockbuster with superb visual effects. Many viewers were both happy and tired after watching it.

Fortunately, after Sun Wukong was caught, a large number of dramas began to transition the plot, which slightly relieved the tense nerves of the audience.

Some filmmakers, film critics, and reporters at the venue couldn't help but whisper, "The plot and special effects are so exciting!"

"Why do I feel like I can't get it for $50 million!"

"These monsters don't look at the Dharma of Buddhism but the art of war. They are so calculating!"

"The monsters are too strong. The Great Sage has pig teammates, so I really can't lead him!"

While the audience was talking, the plot had reached the point where Monkey King transformed and escaped, flying around the city, and found that it was indeed well-defended and impregnable.

It is absolutely impossible to take Master and others away without alarming a few demons.

Sun Wukong had no choice but to turn into a fly, fly into the blue lion spirit's belly when he yawned, and do all kinds of things in his belly.

The painful green lion spirit showed its prototype, but it was a green-haired lion over ten meters long, more domineering than the dinosaurs in the Jurassic.

While rolling and howling in the lion camel city, it was unknown how many buildings were damaged and how many little demons were crushed to death.

Several demons had no choice but to agree to let Tang Seng and his disciples go out of the city.

As soon as he came out of the Big Lion and Camel City, Tang Monk ran wildly on his horse. Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng were all guarding him, shouting "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up".

The four masters and apprentices ran for most of the day, and found that the trees in front of them were becoming sparse and the weather was getting hotter.

Zhu Bajie was sweating like rain, and snored: "Brother Monkey, could it be that you lost your head for a moment, ran in the wrong direction, and returned to the Flame Mountain?"

Sun Wukong said: "Idiot, no matter how dizzy I am, I won't lose sight of the direction. I am heading to the west!"

Suddenly I heard loud laughter, and a voice said in the air: "Sun Wukong, you have fallen into the trap again!"

Sun Wukong raised his head and saw the golden-winged roc eagle spreading its wings and rushing behind it. Under its claws, it held a two-foot-high mountain-shaped boulder.

The golden-winged roc eagle waved its claws, and the boulder hit the direction where Tang Monk was.

It grew bigger in the wind and became a small mountain.

Tang Seng, who was riding on the horse, couldn't help showing a horrified expression.

Sun Wukong had no choice but to fly forward and catch Xiao Shan. Just when he was about to throw it out, he suddenly felt the force on the mountain sink, but the golden-winged roc eagle landed on it and turned into a human body.

"Sun Wukong, don't you always say how powerful you are in making trouble in the Heavenly Palace? In my opinion, you are just a mindless wild monkey. I will use some tricks to trample you under my feet. Monkeys are just monkeys. How many days in heaven do you really think you are a god?"

Sun Wukong, who fell to the ground and held up the hill with all his strength, gritted his teeth and said: "You are a monster who hides his head and tail. You don't even dare to fight head-on. You have the nerve to pretend to be a true god in front of me. Bah!"

The incarnation of the Golden-winged Dapeng, played by Zhao Wenzhuo, was not angry at all and said with a smile: "I am a goblin at the moment, but when I eat Tang Monk's meat, I will become immortal, which can be regarded as a real achievement!"

Sun Wukong's eyes were about to burst, and he shouted: "Don't even think about it, as long as I still have one breath...!"

Halfway through the words, the hill seemed to be suddenly aggravated, and it slammed Sun Wukong to the ground, leaving only his head and hands exposed.

Sun Wukong tried his best to hold it up with both hands, but found that the mountain was motionless, and he couldn't help but look horrified.

Tang Monk on the side had a horrified expression on his face, pointed at the golden-winged roc and said, "You, how come you have the Buddha's dharma seal?"

It turns out that a Dharma post has been posted on the hill, which reads: Om, ma, ni, ba, mi, hum!

It is almost identical to the one from Wuxing Mountain.

"Ahaha, ahaha!"

Another burst of laughter came, but three monsters, the green lion spirit, the white elephant spirit, and the golden leopard, along with the wolf leader and dozens of other big monsters, fell from the sky.

"He is Buddha's uncle. Why do you think there is Buddha's Dharma sticker?" Bai Xiang smiled mischievously.

Because they both turned into human beings and only retained some signs of monster attributes, the white elephant played by Hong Jinbao is somewhat similar to the two elders of Huashan in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword".

Tang Monk on the side was so frightened that he froze and murmured: "Buddha's, uncle? How can this be done, how can this be done!"

The green lion spirit played by Chen Zhihui sneered, "Let you clearly understand that I am a disciple of Manjushri Bodhisattva, he is a disciple of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and the leopard is a disciple of the ancient Buddha Randen. The surrounding environment looks familiar, right? In order to eat This piece of meat, you borrowed the charcoal from the Flame Mountain specifically from the Bull Demon King!"

Then he opened his big mouth and blew around, like blowing a piece of fire, instantly causing the surrounding area to burst into flames!

Tang Seng was so frightened that he fell off his horse. Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng looked at each other and yelled: Fight with them!

But seeing Zhu Bajie's figure soaring, becoming more than three feet tall, with a pig's head and a human body, he swung the rake to build on the heads of several demons.

Monk Sha was even bigger, more than five feet tall, with a black face and a very fierce look. He waved his staff and headed straight for the golden-winged roc.

Upon seeing this, Tang Monk hurriedly crawled towards Sun Wukong, tears streaming from his eyes.

"Wukong, in this life as my master, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach the Western Heaven!"

Sun Wukong said: "Master, please don't say this. When Wu Jing unveils the Dharma seal and the apprentice comes out, he will definitely be able to fight off the demons and protect you to the west. You have practiced ten lives to get here, how can you say you give up!" "

Tang Monk was still crying, "Buddha's uncle wants to eat me, why should I go to the West?"

"Master, didn't you say you were going to ask the Buddha?"

Tang Seng nodded, "I can't go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Monk Sha fell heavily to the ground, with both arms broken.

Tang Monk hurriedly said: "Please remember to ask me a question!"

When he said this, Zhu Bajie was like a broken rubber ball, being kicked around by green lions, white elephants, leopards, etc.

"Bajie, Junior Brother Sha!"

When Sun Wukong saw this, his eyes were about to burst. He pushed hard with both hands, but a foot fell from the sky and trampled his head into the soil.

"I've already told you that I want you to die here, how dare you resist! I told you to resist, I told you to resist, you stinky monkey from the countryside, you deserve to be called the Monkey King..."

The golden-winged roc seemed to be jealous of Sun Wukong's fame, and trampled on him like crazy. Even the green lion, white elephant, and golden leopard on the side looked at each other in shock.

"He's not a smelly monkey, he's the Monkey King!" Tang Monk not far away suddenly said.

The golden-winged roc smiled, "Are you not afraid of death?"

Tang Seng, played by Ding Haifeng, has an extremely resolute expression, "Don't be afraid. The poor monk has cultivated in ten lifetimes. It's not a joke to say he is afraid of death!"

The golden-winged roc smiled ferociously, "I'm looking down on you. Tell me your last words, but you can't keep the whole body!"

The green lion, white elephant, etc. followed suit and laughed ferociously, their eyes full of greed.

Tang Monk sighed and said to the demons, "Can I chant the Rebirth Mantra for the four of us, master and disciple?"

"a ha ha ha!"

"a ha ha ha!"

All the monsters laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt, "Okay, okay, just read it, for the sake of being a Buddhist monk, I will give you this dignity!"

Tang Monk crossed his legs, clasped his hands together, and muttered something. Suddenly, the golden light on his body became brighter, and the surrounding flames burned more intensely.

"No, what he recited was not the Rebirth Mantra. He, he wants to pass away!"

Several demons panicked and wanted to step forward to stop him, but were blocked by the Buddha's light and could not step forward at all.

Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha, who were seriously injured, crawled towards Tang Monk's position, shouting "Master, Master".

Sun Wukong was wailing in pain, with tears streaming down his face.

What kind of Monkey King is he? He was actually sealed twice by the Buddha's seals and trampled under the feet of a birdman.

The master who was so close could not protect him, and watched helplessly as he was forced to commit suicide by a group of monsters.

A sad soundtrack suddenly sounded, and Tang Monk also passed away in the light of Buddha. His whole body turned into a golden relic, which flew to Sun Wukong's forehead and was submerged in it.


Sun Wukong cried out in pain again and exploded from the hill. The Buddha seal that sealed him was shattered in the explosion.

Sun Wukong waved his hand, and the surrounding flames and scattered gravel gathered in front of him. The lava stone was used as armor, and the fire was used as a cloak. He took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from his ear, and struck out with one move. The green lion essence turned into powder, and the light Wherever they passed, rocks collapsed, splitting the earth into deep valleys that stretched for hundreds of miles.

There is really no time, so I can only write so much first

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