In the cinema, watching the super-burning pictures on the big screen, countless people were in tears and excited.

With the addition of the relics of Tang Monk's ten lifetimes, the strongest Monkey King in history was born. With the melodious and sad soundtrack, he easily killed the Green Lion Demon, the White Elephant Demon, the Golden Leopard, the Wolf Commander and a group of big monsters.

In the center of the 800-li Lion Camel Ridge, the majestic and solid Great Lion Camel City was torn into pieces and collapsed just by the afterglow of the golden hoop.

After the incident, the legend of the Great Sage will be spread here. One person destroyed the Lion Camel Ridge, and one stick once made the nine states fall.

The earth turned upside down, and the demons were doomed.

The extremely arrogant and cunning Golden Winged Dapeng seemed to be frightened by the scene in front of him, and said in horror: "You, you actually killed them?"

The Great Sage turned his head and looked, his eyes red.

The Golden Winged Dapeng was so scared that he jumped up and showed his original form. With a flap of his wings, he had already reached the foot of Lingshan Mountain.

"Please guide the Buddha to save me!" The Golden Winged Peng screamed miserably, no longer arrogant as before.

However, Sun Wukong's movements were faster. He arrived above the Golden Winged Peng and smashed it with all his strength, directly destroying the Golden Winged Peng with its wings spread out for a hundred meters.

In the last scene, time seemed to freeze. The body of the Golden Winged Peng turned into golden powder bit by bit and dissipated in the air of Lingshan Mountain.

"Fuck, the Buddha's uncle was killed at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, the Great Sage, awesome!"

"Too exciting!"

"How did it end!"

The audience in the theater sighed. On the big screen, Sun Wukong looked at the auspicious and colorful Lingjiu Peak with a complicated expression, and then said sadly: "Master, Master, you have cultivated for ten lifetimes and still haven't come here. Even if I give up my life, I will go up to ask you a question!"

Sun Wukong's eyes were firm. Just as he was about to step forward, he suddenly heard a "Wukong" and turned his head in surprise.

The big screen suddenly went black, and the words "Director Jiang Heng's Work" appeared in large letters, and then the subtitles began to appear.

"Is that the end?"

"Haven't seen enough!"

"We should go to Lingshan Mountain and make trouble again!"

"The Heavenly Palace has already made trouble, and this time is not enough!"

"At most, I will be suppressed for another 500 or 1,000 years!"

"The Great Sage has been in prison since he was born!"

The audience in the theater was happy, but they still felt that they had not seen enough. Fortunately, the figure of Tang Monk appeared on the big screen again.

"Thank you for guiding me, Buddha!"

On the screen, Tang Monk, played by Ding Haifeng, bowed and thanked a bald old man in plain clothes with a majestic appearance.

The Buddha said with a smile: "I should have been here to help you get rid of your mortal body. I didn't expect that Lingshan didn't discipline you strictly, and those evil beasts ran out, which led to this disaster. But it's a good thing for you. After ten lifetimes of cultivation, you can get rid of your mortal body and become a Buddha on the spot when you step on Lingshan one day!"

Sun Wukong said: "So, I have to thank you!"

The Buddha smiled, "That's not necessary!"

Then he waved his hand, and the figure of the golden-winged Peng eagle condensed in the air. At first it was a little translucent, and later it was like a substance, but the size was much smaller.

The eagle remembered the hatred and attacked Wukong. The Buddha pointed at the top of his head, and the forehead turned into fresh meat. The golden-winged Peng stretched out its claws to grab it. The Buddha pointed again, and the Peng's feet were tied with ropes, and it could no longer fly out.

It could only turn into a foot in size, hovering on the top of the Buddha, saying: "Jie Yin, how can I explain to Tathagata if you refuse to save me and let me take revenge?"

Jie Yin Buddha laughed: "The Great Sage came too fast, and the old monk walked slowly. What can I do! It is Tathagata's order to take you back. How can I let you cause trouble!"

Seeing this, Tang Monk thanked Jie Yin again.

But Wukong said: "Buddha, the tens of thousands of wronged souls in the Lion Camel City are like ordinary people during the day, and even the old Sun's fire eyes and golden pupils have been deceived. Could it be your handiwork?"

Jie Yin Buddha laughed: "You are a bad monkey, you are used to framing good people. This evil beast stole Tathagata's calligraphy, so it can't steal my treasure?"

Seeing this, the audience in the theater suddenly realized that in fact, when they first watched it, they felt that the first entry into the Lion Camel Kingdom seemed to have some flaws, but the plot was compact and there was no boring point, so they ignored it.

I didn't expect that even this was made up in the easter egg.

The big screen went black again, the interlude changed, the subtitles continued to roll, and the audience in the theater discussed more and more heatedly.

Some said that in fact, the later Easter egg could be completely connected to the plot.

However, a director like Jiang Wen could guess Jiang Heng's intention.

The plot of the Easter egg was consistent with the previous one, but the style was completely different.

It was still the scene in the 1986 version of "Journey to the West" where the goblins with backgrounds were rescued at the end.

But this conflicted with the dark and sad tone of the whole film.

It was more suitable to put it in the Easter egg instead of the main content.

On the big screen, the subtitles were still rolling. Just when the audience was wondering when the lights would be turned on so that they could applaud, Tang Seng's voice came again.

"Bajie, retreat behind your master!"

In the open space in the mountain forest full of tropical atmosphere, Tang Seng stood tall with his head held high. The camera turned and saw three half-orcs more than two feet tall with rhinoceros horns on their heads, carrying huge weapons and striding towards them. Every time it hit, the ground trembled.

Before the audience could sigh, a string of thanks appeared on the big screen, and then it turned gray and white, and it was completely over.

The lights in the theater were on, but the audience had not yet walked out of the plot.

The shock brought to them by this movie just now was probably stronger than the first time Chinese people watched the IMAX 3D version of "Avatar" 10 years ago.

There are too many shocking scenes and wonderful plots in the film. You can just take out a paragraph and add some water and love scenes to make it longer, and you can use it to cheat people.

But Jiang Heng didn't do that. He made a super exciting special effects commercial blockbuster with no boring moments!

Even the order of appearance of Sun Wukong's opponents was carefully arranged.

Thousands of translucent "ghost generals" with helmets and armor look scary, but their strength is as weak as paper.

The evil ghosts formed by tens of thousands of wronged souls can slap Sun Wukong away with a slap, which is almost the level of "Giant Spirit God".

The golden leopard that fought later was excellent in archery and spearmanship, but it could not last more than a few dozen rounds under the hands of the Monkey King.

The white elephant and the blue lion were stronger, but they were not opponents.

The strongest player, the golden-winged roc, appeared last and used tactics and sneak attacks, plus a golden claw that fell from the sky, to capture the Monkey King.

In the final battle, all the members went out, and with the help of the Buddha's magic, the Monkey King was restrained and the team was forced into a desperate situation.

Only in this situation can the Jedi counterattack be so satisfying.

After thinking about this, Jiang Wen couldn't help but swear, "How can others shoot "Journey to the West" in the future!"

The people around him were puzzled, but they didn't know that Jiang Wen was thinking that there would be no more powerful monster gangs than the Lion Camel Ridge on the journey to the West.

Although the Green Bull Demon is strong, he is also a brother and relies on a treasure.

Although he can take away the golden hoop, he can't do anything to the Monkey King!

"The theme of Journey to the West is amazing!" Jiang Wen said secretly.

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