In the theater, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Whether it was a big shot like Han Sanping, a well-known director like Jiang Wen, or the cast and crew of "Lion and Camel Ridge", the reporters and audiences who participated in the event were all extremely excited and couldn't stop taking photos.

Han Sanping had watched the movie in advance, but when we watched the movie together in a large screening room with a wider screen and more audiences, we realized that having fun alone is not as good as enjoying the movie together. The movie-watching experience here is really better than that in a small screening room. too much.

At the same time, I am also happy that such a super commercial blockbuster can appear in Chinese-language movies.

In 2000, the Chinese-language film market continued to slump, and countless practitioners changed careers.

In Hong Kong, people often find that a familiar actor has become a taxi driver when taking a taxi.

As for the mainland, theaters are sparse and it is normal for movie actors to go out and film TV series.

Especially after watching imported Hollywood blockbusters, I have the illusion that Chinese-language movies are finished.

When Feng Xiaogang guest-starred as the leader of the Crocodile Gang in "Kung Fu", he said, "I don't know how to make movies in any business. There is no one in the movie theater on Sundays." It was out of self-deprecation of the situation at that time.

The release of "Shituoling" at this moment is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for the sluggish Chinese-language film market.

As for how much movie-watching craze it can trigger, it depends on subsequent word-of-mouth and publicity.

Han Sanping couldn't help but think, it couldn't be more than "Titanic"!

For a Hollywood film to dominate the box office of the mainland film market, it is a shame for him, the head of a Chinese-language film, and he really hopes that "Lingguo Ling" can break the record.

As for not participating in the investment at the beginning, I can only say that there is no regret medicine in the world!

On the platform in front of the big screen, Jiang Heng had already led the main creators up.

The host came on stage and asked: "Does it look good?"

"It looks great!" The audience in the theater shouted in unison, as if they were about to lift the ceiling.

"To be honest, I also think this movie is so good. I'm so excited that my makeup is all gone! Here, I want to ask the director first, is it really made with 50 million US dollars? The effect is really amazing!"

Jiang Heng, who took the microphone, had no choice but to say in a deep voice, "It's a little over the top!"

"Wow, it turns out it really cost more money to build it! Can you tell me how much it cost?"

Jiang Heng didn't tell the truth, and looked like he was thinking a little, "It's almost spent all the money I have, so I ask for your support!"

As for how much money he shared in the two films "The Matrix" and "100 Million Years Before History", there are different opinions in the media and endless discussions on the Maopu forum.

Some people think that Jiang Heng has at least 200 million US dollars at this moment, while others think that Jiang Heng does not have much money in his hands.

Therefore, Jiang Heng's answer is very controversial, and controversy leads to popularity.

Even many years later, there are still some movie fans who are trying to figure out how much money Jiang Heng spent to make such a masterpiece.

After the host expressed some emotion, he left the questions to the audience.

A boy who looked like a college student asked: "Director Jiang Heng, is there a sequel to this film? I really want to see the scene where Tang Monk challenges the rhinoceros!"

The whole audience burst into laughter. They were looking forward to the sequel after watching the first part, and they were too anxious.

Jiang Hengdao: "The reason why I want to add this Easter egg is to create a different Tang Monk. The content of the Easter egg is to more fully reflect his character. As for the sequel, I really don't think that far ahead for the time being, but if the box office results are good, it will still be I will make a movie about Journey to the West!”

The audience in the venue listened and kept saying "Oh".

Another female audience member asked, "Hello Director Jiang, I am a loyal fan of yours. I have read all your works and found a special phenomenon. Among these three films, "The Matrix" has very few love scenes, and "Prehistoric" has very few love scenes. "Ten Thousand Years" and "Shituoling" can be said to be completely non-existent. Do you have any prejudice against love or women? "

The question was a bit sharp, and the venue instantly became quiet.

Jiang Heng thought for a moment and said into the phone: "Actually, it's not that complicated, and the reason is very simple. I don't understand love at all!"


There was a roar of excitement at the scene, and everyone looked at Jiang Heng on the court with smiles.

"Does Jiang Heng have a girlfriend? Have you ever been in love?"



The girls in the theater were so happy that they were about to explode, and they all cheered loudly together.

Jiang Heng's appearance is not inferior to popular stars like Wu Xianzu and Zheng Yijian, but he has a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars, and he is so talented. He has never had a girlfriend and is only twenty years old. He is simply seen by countless girls. The male protagonist from a romance novel!

"Director Jiang Heng, do you think I can do it?" the girl who asked the question asked crazily.

Jiang Heng said hurriedly: "You are very good, but my family won't let me fall in love early!"

After she finished speaking, the girl wanted to continue, but a staff member went to get the microphone and let others ask questions.

If we continue talking, it could become an accident.

The host selected a few older audience members to ask questions, and the topic finally returned to the plot of "Shituoling".

An audience member asked: "Is the introduction to the Buddha made up? When I was watching "Journey to the West", I didn't notice that there was such a character!"

Jiang Hengdao: "No, both the 1986 edition of "Journey to the West" and the original novel contain the character of Buddha. He appeared on Lingyun Ferry at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, carrying Tang Monk across the river in a bottomless boat. Tang Monk took off his clothes. Only when you are born in a mortal body can you go to Lingshan to achieve enlightenment!"

After listening to this, many of the audience suddenly realized that the Golden Winged Dapeng’s call for help and the appearance of the Buddha were not without reason.

The rest of the audience asked a lot of questions, including the media reporters present, who all returned with a lot of knowledge.

At the end of the event, Jiang Heng ordered people to give the reporters "travel expenses". He also set up a banquet at a nearby star-rated hotel to entertain the guests and cast and crew who participated in the event.

During the meal, many people asked Jiang Heng how much he thought the box office of this film would be?

"It's hard to say, but it's definitely a record-breaking one!"

Hong Jinbao said domineeringly: "If you ask me, I'll break all of them. In the mainland, isn't it the 360 ​​million of Titanic? Hong Kong also has the highest box office for big ships. What about Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe and Hollywood? We have "Lion Camel Ridge", right? Just take the wolf commander and the half-orc cavalry and cut another film, you can make a lot of money!"

Yuen Wah said with a smile: "That's right, just the role of the Green Lion Spirit can be cut into a monster blockbuster!"

Someone else said: "Take out the clip of the white elephant spirit alone, you can make it 10,000 years before history, and say that he is the ancestor of the mammoth!"


The more they talked, the more lively they were, and the more they talked, the more ridiculous they were.

Some people mentioned the translucent "ghost generals" in helmets and armor at the beginning of the movie, the soul-calling banners that only exist in novels, and the three-headed and six-armed evil ghosts formed by the wronged souls. If these clips were cut out separately, they could completely make a horror blockbuster!

All in all, Jiang Heng's "Lion Camel Ridge" is like putting more than a dozen hit songs into an album, it's too powerful!

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