In the original history, CCTV Channel's "Art Life" was born at the end of 2000.

But in this time and space, it appeared more than half a year earlier because of Jiang Heng.

When the column team first proposed to invite Jiang Heng as a guest, there were some different opinions in the station. They felt that Jiang Heng was young and had only made three movies. The contrast between his painting style and that of the "old artists" previously invited was too great, so things would be complicated. Shelved.

By the time "The Mountain" was released, it had successively broken box office records on the first day of its release in the Mainland. It also broke the single-day box office records in the Mainland, breaking box office records of 100 million, 200 million, and 300 million at the fastest time, and surpassed "Titanic" to win the box office in the Mainland. Champion, when it triggers a movie-watching frenzy, you can no longer sit still.

The program team also values ​​ratings. In today's Chinese entertainment industry, there is no more popular and controversial figure than Jiang Heng.

If he is invited to participate in the show, the ratings will definitely not be bad.

After Taili agreed, the column team quickly sent an invitation, and Jiang Heng naturally would not refuse.

Although "Shituoling" has been released for some time, its reputation and popularity have remained high, and the box office decline has slowed down. After the one-month release period, the key will definitely be extended.

In terms of publicity, the more the better.

On this day, Jiang Heng came to the recording hall of CCTV's "Art of Life". The layout was similar to what everyone saw later. The audience was full of people. There were two sofas on the stage, and the host Zhu Jun and the guests each sat on one. .

After Jiang Heng came on stage, they exchanged pleasantries as usual, and then talked about why he spent huge sums of money to make movies, how he wrote the film "The Matrix", and his grievances with Hua Na Company.

Zhu Jun was able to ask such a pointed question, so he naturally communicated with Jiang Heng in advance to determine which aspects he could ask and which ones he didn't want to talk about.

After all, it is a CCTV column, which pays great attention to program effects and impact.

In contrast, Jiang Heng would definitely not go to those interviews where he asked random questions.

"At that time, I was young and energetic, and my family left me a lot of money. I thought the film market in Hong Kong was so bad and no one wanted me to play the leading role, so I might as well make one myself!"

"Wow, these words are so enviable!" Zhu Jun sighed.

Jiang Heng waved his hand, "Really don't follow me, the risk is too great. Before the film was released, I often suffered from insomnia. I always thought about what to do if I lose all my money. Maybe I can only pay off my debts by being an actor for the rest of my life." !”

"Do you owe a lot?"

"It's a lot. Fortunately, all the hard work has come to an end!"

"It's not easy. Why don't you direct and act yourself? Your appearance is not inferior to Wu Xianzu's?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "You think so too?"

Zhu Jun looked at the audience naturally, "Everyone thinks so, right?"

The audience laughed and said: "Yes!"

Jiang Hengdao: "I originally thought about directing and acting myself, but then I felt that if I did this I might not be able to view my performance objectively, which would affect the final effect of the film. Plus, I happened to meet a suitable actor like Yan Zu. Just think about letting him give it a try!”

Zhu Jundao: "I have to say, you have really good taste!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Do you think so too?"

Zhu Jun nodded, and Jiang Heng said: "I also think you are a very good host!"

Zhu Jun laughed, said thank you, and asked about the script.

Jiang Heng originally wanted to start with the lyrics "Fifty-six ethnic groups, fifty-six flowers", but suddenly felt that it would not be a good idea to talk about this on the stage of CCTV.

Let's start with the wave-particle duality of light. After all, it is the content of the textbook. It is fair to say that I was inspired by it.

He also talked about how after his father passed away, he sent his father's ashes to his hometown in Northeast China for burial. Then I wandered around the country aimlessly, and when I got to Chengdu, I registered the script I had written.

Due to the length of the program, the two did not talk about "One Hundred Million Years Before History".

Within CCTV, many people felt that it was just a popcorn movie with a good box office and no artistry at all.

It would be a bit out of style to talk about non-artistic things in the "Artistic Life" column.

"Shituoling" is different. In addition to the unprecedented good visual effects, the storyline of the film is smooth and the artistic content is also extremely high!

It is even said that it is too high to be over-interpreted. For example, the golden-winged roc is the uncle of Tathagata Buddha, and the green lion and white elephant are the "drivers" of the Bodhisattva. The irony is too strong.

There is also the matter of the 100,000 "wronged souls" in Shituo City. This 86 version did not dare to film it at all. Instead, it made the three unparalleled monsters in Shituo Ridge into three fools.

In Jiang Heng's original vision, he wanted to film all the terrifying scenes and follow the path of a mythical horror film.

The worst case scenario is that it will be cut off in various ways domestically or fail to pass the review, as long as it can be sold overseas to recover some costs.

Han Sanping also read this version of the script and didn't dare to participate in it.

Later, Jiang Heng continued to change the script and wrote that Tang Monk and his apprentice passed through the lion and camel kingdom, which was full of people. Sun Wukong felt something was wrong, and took a look with his fiery eyes. On the surface, it was a prosperous paradise, but in fact it was a purgatory on earth.

The red sun was setting, the evil spirit was permeating the air, and on the plains between the mountains, countless bones were exposed in the wilderness... The great sage was so frightened that the soles of his feet became weak.

But when he closed his eyes, what he saw was the noisy and prosperous lion and camel country.

On the eve of filming, Jiang Heng felt that the scenes in this setting were still too bloody and terrifying, and would definitely be cut even if they were filmed.

Out of compromise for the box office results, the final plot was changed to the version that everyone saw after the film was released, adding a plot that was not in the original work, in which more than a thousand "ghost generals" and a hundred thousand innocent souls turned into evil spirits with three heads and six arms.

When talking about this script modification process, Zhu Jun looked slightly embarrassed, because Jiang Heng's creative process obviously went against his original intention.

They originally wanted to make a mythological horror film, but there was no rating system in the domestic film market, so they changed it to the version that is now being released.

"But then again, movies are people's art and serve the general public. I believe you are seeing so many students, white-collar workers, the elderly, parents and children gathering in theaters to enjoy the best and most advanced The special effects results have brought us unparalleled audio-visual enjoyment, and we are very proud of it!" Zhu Jun began to make a concluding speech.

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "That's natural. Being able to bring joy to so many people is the greatest affirmation for me...!"

At the end of the interview, many staff on site took photos with Jiang Heng and asked for autographs, and Zhu Jun was no exception.

Jiang Heng said in surprise: "You, this?"

Zhu Jundao: "I asked for it for a friend's child. I was fascinated by "The Lion and the Camel" after watching it. I wanted to watch it a second or third time! But after I went to see it, I found that this movie is really good. The domestic film market If only there were a few more films like this, it would be a real revival!”

Jiang Heng signed with a smile, but Zhu Jun handed over another notebook and said, "A colleague's child!"

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